The first scene her Higher Self (HS) showed was in an earthy smell of a cave, not very big, just a comfortable size cave. Looking at glittering gems and crystals on the walls of cave: green, purple, yellow, red, fluorescent, bright, shining colors are mesmerizing. Touching them with hand feels cold.
These gems and crystals are in the rear side of the walls, in front of the cave, a huge tree and this is only a tree with purple and green vegetations around.
A very huge tree in front of is awe inspiring. Huge trunk, as big as a city, HUGE!. Entities are living in. The city is created in the tree, all beings are living in there.
Looking down feet, she notices she has furry feet with three (3) big toes, barefoot. Body is all purple. Wearing nothing but a loincloth in the front made from some plant’s material, hairs are blue and are in dreadlocks. Cat like face and wearing a crown headpiece of gems of crystals. Fingers are four (4) digits and has a body of young healthy male.
He lives in a cave, and beings are living in the huge tree. They are his people: Blue entities. They change colors from purple to blue or vice versa, something to do with a Sun. He chose to live in a cave. He has to protect the crystals and it is his duty. When he is not there or at night time, he closes off the cave the front with a big round flat sliding stone, and heal people with crystals. Only his people know it: the cave, the crystals and him. He knows how to work with crystals, their properties, and their frequencies. The knowledge came from the Spirit, knows them intuitively. He heals his people with appropriate crystals with their frequencies, place them on the body, it seals the wounds.
People come from ailment such as: mostly children and infants they fall from the tree, they are being curious, sometimes come down out of the tree, get bitten by or hurt by sabre tooth tiger.
Their sustenance is just a liquid, drinking rain water, that’s all they need. All nutrients are in the rain drops. All day long, they are busy by just playing hide and seek, playing music, and there is no disease at all.
His friends are big birds of camel size with long neck, very loud and they like him and he pats them, mutual friendship they share.
The planet Zion is very far away from the Earth, near Jupiter in our solar system, and it is indeed a purple planet.

He walks daily through the vegetation like ferns with purple and green colors. He lives alone and has no family, nor has desire to have a mate. Just with these animals he feels content. He enjoys freedom, having no responsibility, and can go anywhere when he wants it. Loves being in the cave, a safe place he feels, sleeps on muddy floor. He enjoys the cool feeling of muddy floor. When it comes for cleaning the body, he simply goes out and clean him by rain fall. Very simple here indeed.
The Higher Self (HS) said they showed the life because the client has doubt about the power of gems and crystals, showed how she worked with them in the life of Zion a million years ago.
In this current life the client came in as a female and helps people to heal their issues. Her HS said she has lived many lives as healer, went through many difficult lives as being burnt on the stake as well, thus she has several issues on being a healer.
One of them she struggles with is charging people for her service, she believes it should be given free. As shown the healer life in Zion, service was given freely. Her HS explained it is totally fine to charge fee as this life is different, and advised her the amount of the fee she should charge to make her mind at ease.
Another issue she has is her disliking her human toes. She feels it is ugly and five (5) digits do not look attractive. Her HS said this life she lives as a human, so she should accept the human toes.
One more issue she has is having the left shoulder pain. She carries burden of being a healer life after life on the left shoulder. Her HS released with heat and light, and it will take a few days to be totally released as many lives of healer responsibilities she has been carrying over.
Her HS promised her from the next life, she won’t be living as healer any more, and this is the last life as a healer.