My Boyfriend was a Goat

A beautiful young lady with an ability: fully gets in touch with her emotion presented a question about her boy friend to pursue or not.

In order to better help her, I need to know of her life most importantly the emotional aspect of the life, since we are emotional beings.

Preferably starting from the early childhood, but whatever she wants to talk first, I am listening and following her feelings, stories and watching her physical expressions while she is pouring out her heart and tears.

About a year she has been involved emotionally with the current boy friend whom she cares much.  She finds his feeling toward her is absent, sometimes very endearing.  His behavior has been totally confused her.  Her emotional investment in him has been vast.  All hours of not sleeping she has been only thinking of, and about him.   Yet something deep in her heart tells her “Not sure”.

Her Higher Self (HS) showed a past life a few hundred years ago in Europe, a beautiful farmland where grass was green, barn where many animals there were including chicken, cows and goats.  Her parents worked hard on the farm and one day her mom left her dad for another partner, it was a sad day for her and her dad.

Many more years, she was helping her dad and the farm.  Her days were busy and nights she studied plants, stars and medicines.  Her best friend was a chicken and her goat.  When there was a leisure time, she used to lie down on hay, talked with one special chicken whose light shines so bright, she hugged it in her chest and shared her love with the chicken.  With the goat, she caressed his back and gave many loving kisses to his horns.  She usually went out for a walk with the chicken and the goat on the grassy land.  The chicken followed closely with her but the goat wandered off to the distant place to feed the grass.  Life was good and calm.  She was so happy with the animals, never even thought of marriage.

Time passed, now Dad or farm animals were no more.  She decided to venture out to a bigger city to know what was it like living in a city.  For a few months, she tried city life, but she did not like it, so she packed all her stuff up and returned to her farmland.

This time she grew more vegetables and grains in earnest, and enjoyed walk in the forest, read the books on her favorite subjects as usual.  Quiet and calm, content and felt happy.  Her face was beaming from ear to ear, I could see her feeling clearly written on it.

Her HS said the life shown to show her how she was happy alone, not needing any other humans.  So, I asked her HS who were the chicken and goat in the past life where she felt love and special feeling toward them are in her current life.   HS said the special chicken is her current dog she has and the goat is her current boy friend.

What!  Her boy friend was the goat?!

I just burst out giggling, could not help it!  I profusely apologized to her HS about giggling because it was so humorous.  My imagination went wild looking the image of him in goat’s face with horns!

A healer from Zion

The first scene her Higher Self (HS) showed was in an earthy smell of a cave, not very big, just a comfortable size cave.  Looking at glittering gems and crystals on the walls of cave: green, purple, yellow, red, fluorescent, bright, shining colors are mesmerizing.  Touching them with hand feels cold.

These gems and crystals are in the rear side of the walls, in front of the cave, a huge tree and this is only a tree with purple and green vegetations around.

A very huge tree in front of is awe inspiring.  Huge trunk, as big as a city, HUGE!.  Entities are living in.  The city is created in the tree, all beings are living in there.

Looking down feet, she notices she has furry feet with three (3) big toes, barefoot.  Body is all purple.  Wearing nothing but a loincloth in the front made from some plant’s material, hairs are blue and are in dreadlocks. Cat like face and wearing a crown headpiece of gems of crystals.  Fingers are four (4) digits and has a body of young healthy male. 

He lives in a cave, and beings are living in the huge tree. They are his people:  Blue entities.  They change colors from purple to blue or vice versa, something to do with a Sun.  He chose to live in a cave.  He has to protect the crystals and it is his duty.  When he is not there or at night time, he closes off the cave the front with a big round flat sliding stone, and heal people with crystals.  Only his people know it: the cave, the crystals and him.  He knows how to work with crystals, their properties, and their frequencies.  The knowledge came from the Spirit, knows them intuitively.  He heals his people with appropriate crystals with their frequencies, place them on the body, it seals the wounds.

People come from ailment such as:  mostly children and infants they fall from the tree, they are being curious, sometimes come down out of the tree, get bitten by or hurt by sabre tooth tiger.

Their sustenance is just a liquid, drinking rain water, that’s all they need.  All nutrients are in the rain drops.  All day long, they are busy by just playing hide and seek, playing music, and there is no disease at all.

His friends are big birds of camel size with long neck, very loud and they like him and he pats them, mutual friendship they share.

The planet Zion is very far away from the Earth, near Jupiter in our solar system, and it is indeed a purple planet.

He walks daily through the vegetation like ferns with purple and green colors. He lives alone and has no family, nor has desire to have a mate.  Just with these animals he feels content.  He enjoys freedom, having no responsibility, and can go anywhere when he wants it.  Loves being in the cave, a safe place he feels, sleeps on muddy floor.  He enjoys the cool feeling of muddy floor.  When it comes for cleaning the body, he simply goes out and clean him by rain fall.  Very simple here indeed.

The Higher Self (HS) said they showed the life because the client has doubt about the power of gems and crystals, showed how she worked with them in the life of Zion a million years ago.

In this current life the client came in as a female and helps people to heal their issues.  Her HS said she has lived many lives as healer, went through many difficult lives as being burnt on the stake as well, thus she has several issues on being a healer.

One of them she struggles with is charging people for her service, she believes it should be given free.  As shown the healer life in Zion, service was given freely.  Her HS explained it is totally fine to charge fee as this life is different, and advised her the amount of the fee she should charge to make her mind at ease.

Another issue she has is her disliking her human toes.  She feels it is ugly and five (5) digits do not look attractive.  Her HS said this life she lives as a human, so she should accept the human toes.

One more issue she has is having the left shoulder pain.  She carries burden of being a healer life after life on the left shoulder.  Her HS released with heat and light, and it will take a few days to be totally released as many lives of healer responsibilities she has been carrying over. 

Her HS promised her from the next life, she won’t be living as healer any more, and this is the last life as a healer.

Need to be Needed

A very young man is only 21, he feels he needs to be needed.  That’s very interesting issue here.  Young people usually wonder what kind of occupation should pursue, or where is the mate.  Very intriguing what his Higher Self (HS) is going to show him.

My speculation is definitely this issue is coming from the past life, but who is to say I am right.  Only the HS can answer that.  Nevertheless I enjoy speculating.

He landed on a bridge from the cloud trip seeing a castle in front of him, water running under a bridge, stone walls on either side of the castle and a door keeper in metal helmet, brown tunic with black pants, leather booths opened the wooden door for him to enter.  Obviously the door keeper knows him.

Looking down, he notices he wears brown leather booths going up to the sheen, he is tall, a big purple cloak flowing on his body and on head purple pointy wizard hat, holding wooden walking stick just to help him move, which top curls up with engraved in a language not known to him now.  He is coming back from a trip collecting herbs from a forest. 

His office is on top of the tower in a small room of the castle, a table and some chairs, works alone and lives alone.  Lower floor below his office is his resident with a small bed, white pillow, a table and bookshelves with old leather covered books on magic, alchemy, or biology.  A very simple life.

As a physician, he also works for his King and King’s people mainly looking after their physical issues by offering medicines, energy work such as expel dark energy from people.  He learned the knowledge from his teacher when he was young for many years including making herbal ointment for people.

His daily routine is studying, researching biology, see clients, prepares and delivers herbal medicines for people.  For relaxation, looking out the window, and enjoys the scenes of the town feeling peaceful and content.

He has been so consumed for work, never needed a mate, though when he was young, he liked the princess of the King. 

His King is kind, looks after his people fairly.  He has a daughter who is a dashing beauty, a princess, she has a long dark hair, and wears blue dress, his heart flutters whenever he sees her.  She’s happy to see him, she knows he is working as a physician.  He loves her, so was she.  Their feeling is mutual but no possibility of marrying her due to the social status.  She has her own destiny to marry off to a neighboring country prince for political alliance.  He always gets excited to see her but he can not do anything about it.  He accepts the fact, also did not try to find anyone to replace her, so ended up being alone, just buried himself in work, got busy. 

One day he was helping King and his wounds coming from a cut possibly a war and he cleaned the wounds and put the herbal ointment on it.  The King was grateful for his help.  Servants were helping and supporting the King.  The King was feared and respected by people. Usually, the King was happy but stressed from the burden being a King. 

He always thought of the princess, prayed happiness for her, he was fine with that carrying a hole in his heart.

Time passed, his work continued and now much older, it was his time to leave this world, laying on his bed, elderly woman beside him holding his hand.  The princess came and comforted him.  Now her husband also passed, hearing physician’s news of not being well, she felt free expressing her feeling to him.

His HS said that his feeling of being needed was originated from the life shown lived as a physician back in 1300’s in England.  People depended on him, “needing” him.  He found his purpose in that life helping.  The life where people needed his help including the King, and he was needed to deliver their medicines. 

His HS cleared his feeling of “being needed” and this life purpose is to spread love through music that will heal people.

His soul mate is on her way, also waiting to meet him.  They will meet shortly in a music event.  This lady is not from the past life Princess but from another past life connection from WWII lived as married couple, the immediate past life.  They helped people together as energy workers in that life, and finally his hole in his heart will be filled with love.

6000-year-old Issue

This issue of pleasing people was brought from many clients who came for answers.

However, I am sharing a session story of this particular client from Betelgeuse of Orion constellation.  Traveling with a space ship to observe and to learn was her purpose.  She wore booths, space suit, helmet on head and a breathing device to breathe anywhere in the space and looked around planets and went back to the shuttle, and always working alone were her daily routine.  A young feline healthy body and blonde hair, she had.  The space was just for her.

While travelling, a very cylindrical light shone from below her craft, caught her attention, aroused her interest and went down to a brown planet where all cat beings were living.  A male cat King sitting on a throne, who apparently a leader of a planet called Lododre in Milky Way galaxy.  Our current map of the Milky Way doesn’t show the planet in our galaxy. 

Many cat people greeted her, she wanted to communicate with the King cat, but not had a chance to talk to him, because in a hurry she was ushered out of the place by other cats.  That was the origin of her issue which was to people pleasing.  A 6000 old issue.

Including her, many clients had the same issue of pleasing others.  For example, a male client who came recently said he always helps others, do for others, always others come first before him and now he found out that was not always a good thing for him and tired of doing that.

The feline client was respecting other’s opinion, pleasing boss by performing too many works, stays all night working through, gets tired, so on.  Common issues.

This issue was over 6000 years old, and that was very intriguing.

She never felt she was worthy of anything, automatic response to please others, a door mat, and she found she was lacking confidence and felt the emotion all in her stomach.  She had a habit of brushed off thinking what good was it even when she had good idea.  And ended up postponing of doing any plan.  Then ended up feeling something was not accomplished and started questioning herself what was wrong with her.  She talked to me: “Am I doing it right, what am I supposed to be doing” or not doing at all.  The never-ending circle of brain chatter.

What would happen if you pursue to the end, the world might applaud you.  But because of so many years of not dealing with, at this session, finally she came for a session to rectify her habit and change her feeling as well. 

The one incident where she did not strongly insist to express her question to the cat King and cat people in the planet, pleasing others tendency deeply been created in her ever since.  Wow!  Who knew!

Higher Self (HS) said now we know the origin of it, way back Betelgeuse, Orion star system and told her wisest thing in the whole world is to love yourself.  Know that you are as important as others.  God created you with love, no one is high, nor low.  We are here to experience, to contribute for each other.

Also, HS said to her start meditating, 30 min in the morning and in the evening.  Go within, start to find yourself, love yourself, appreciate yourself of what you do for the world.

HS said not loving yourself, she created all kinds of result such as: lack of confidence, feeling of not being worthy, not completing the project, poor digestion, overweight, feel always something is wrong in her heart and not feeling good, skin issue and so on. 

The message has been delivered via all physical symptoms for her.  Now when she starts loving herself, go within, start appreciate herself, all will be back to normal as intended.

When we travel by air plane, the attendants always say to us: wear your oxygen mask first before you help others.  What does that mean, you look after yourself first.  When you are suffering without oxygen mask then you collapse, how can we help others.  That is a very good teaching right there in front of us.  The wisdom is already there, and no need to look further.

This lady stood on her two feet, now that she knows how it all started way back, she was determined to correct her habit.

Her Higher Self said they are always with her, loving her, and encouraging her.  With that message she received, I saw her face beamed with smile.

Blinding Road Rage

Tom has unusual road rage unlike we all have sometimes on the roads.  I was curious to find out the origin of that issue.

He went back 600 years to a life as a Native American in Amazon.  Handsome, tall, and had muscular well built body.  Young male with long black braided hair, dark red skin, adorned with piercings on face, nose, and ears.

He was the second son of the chief.  Madly in love with his older brother’s wife, and did not hesitate to make love with her.  His Higher Self (HS) was showing him the graphic moment of blissful love making.  They were in bliss!  She loved him too!

You can imagine how his elder brother felt!  One day his older brother ambushed, waited a moment, and hit Tom’s neck with a hatch with tremendous force.   Tom felt the thud on his neck, then piercing pain on his back of a knife.  His brother killed him in a blinding rage.

Neck and back pain were one of his physical issues, the origin was shown and his HS released the trauma and pain as well and the release looked as if all of the pains were blown away like pixelated form.

When Tom was dying at that time, he saw his brother was in remorse, deep regret and anger at himself to kill his beloved younger brother.  And Tom took his brother’s blinding rage with him, carried over to this current life.

The road rage that he has been feeling has not been his, it was his brother’s and all the people on the road.  He being feeling for other people, he has been feeling theirs all these time.

Good understanding of why he has it and also pain got all released for good, now he is happy that he is finally free from that discomforts.

Good for him!

Cat Allergy

We are going back to Egypt about 1000 years ago to find the origin of Nick’s cat allergy.

Life was good, enjoyed the luxury of the life offered, working as a healer for royalty.  Also blessed with a loving wife, adorable children, and a few cats.

Good looking male, bald head, amulet on his neck signifying the important status of his ability.  Wore woven gown with golden trim, leather sandals on his feet.

His married life was good, really not much to complain.  One thing he was craving was he was never totally satisfied with his wife for intimacy.  He did not get what he needed or wanted.  He could not express whole heartedly to his wife.

There were rules and regulations he had to abide; he could not repress any longer.  He wanted more.  He found another woman with whom he could be himself, felt the freedom to express his desires, he did not have to be somebody what the society expected of.

He loved his wife, but something more the other woman completed for him.

Unfortunately, his wife found that out, and she fell deeply sunk into sorrow and sadness.  She cried, he felt awful, and guilty of his doings.  He apologized and told her he was sorry.

One of the cats, the Siamese cat growled and hissed at him.  It said to him:

“You hurt her, you bastard!”.  He agreed he made it wrong.  But deep inside of him, he was not really sorry, because he loved the feeling of completion by another.

The cat put a curse on him.  The Siamese cat had very special telepathic ability and he heard it saying: “You love me, but you can not have me, because you hurt me, I don’t trust you.  I am not going to hurt you like you did to her, but you are not going to enjoy me”.

Now he understood why and where the allergy came from, his Higher Self (HS) cleared the allergy without any hesitation.

The Siamese cat is now nodding to him, laughed “hahaha” to him and said “it is about time”.

Why do I have Albinism

What is albinism.  The science says it is a disorder passed down in families where the body makes little or none of a substance called melanin.

The type and amount of melanin in your body determines the color of your skin, hair and eyes. Melanin also plays a role in the development and function of the eyes, so people with albinism have vision problems.

The following session story will shine some light on albinism.

A very charming young lady walked in, she has pink hair to my eyes but her hair is blonde!  Further more she has pale skin with African curly hair and lips.

The reason I was so intrigued of her appearance was something about her appearance was surreal to me.  Beyond the usual norm of fair skin people who I have acquainted with prior.

Her life story started from Africa, born with African parents.  Her skin tone was so pale, she was a subject of a ridicule to neighbors and classmates. 

She was telling me her school years were somewhat scary and alone, for people always made a fun of her skin tone.

Some years later, she came to Canada where pale skin people are appreciated and her career has blossomed with no more ridiculing comments of her skin color.

Somehow with pale skin, she has unwanted eye sight issues where her eye sights are not clear even with the glasses.

She slipped into a past life very nicely, describing all the details of the life.  The life of a soldier, young healthy male with family.  Very loyal subject to his king.

One day neighboring village attacked and he had to go for a war.  Safely tucked his family in a hiding place and he left them. 

Now done up with armors on the body, metal helmet, a spear and armor on the hands as well, and the boots.   Riding horse along with his comrades, battle was fierce.  One by one his comrades fell to the ground and died.

All of a sudden, he fell on a ground, found his stomach was stabbed by enemy spear.

Looking back that life he just left, he felt sadness over that his life was not well lived.  He spent all his life, serving the king, always wanted to be appreciated but never ever received that from his king.  He felt sad what was he living for.  Thinking back some tears dropped, could not help but to realize his life was wasted, this feeling was strong on his mind when he left that life.

His mind was now wanting to be seen, appreciated, no more hidden and no more being never appreciated of his service.  

This life was the result of that decision where having albinism gave her distinct recognition where everyone can see that she is very different from all black community!  Now she is seen.  Now she is recognized.

Her Higher Self (HS) calmed the pressure in her eyes, added melanin in the gene of her eyes, connected to her vision and her eyes starts working with new melanin gene.  Entire restoration will take a few weeks, then her eye sights will be functioning normal.

Oh, about being stabbed in the stomach in the soldier life trauma also has been healed by her Higher Self (HS).

I am only 19, Why did I have a Heart Attack?

A young man in early 20’s came for a QHHT session to solve his heart problem.

The doctors went through rigorous tests and found nothing wrong with his heart save a little inflammation in it.  They found no plague, neither any cut in the organ.

He has had about five or six heart attacks since 19.  He noticed the heart attack occurred only in April and in July!

On top of that he had a stroke a few years ago, lost speech ability so he had to go through speech therapy for a while.

While he was talking about his life experiences with me, I noticed he straightened his back and neck quite often, and told me his back has given him spasms.

Apparently, the spasm starts from the back, moves to the neck then his chest where his heart sits around gets hurt.  He takes several medications due to his heart issue.

He went into a past life around 12th century in Southern Europe, where people were living quite poorly.  They used horses, carriages to transport people or stuff on cobblestone roads. 

With a little coin he had in his pocket, he bought a beautiful bouquet of tulips to his lady, asked her hand and turmoil in the place they had to run away to other areas.  Those were the time of crusades where Europe was unstable for many centuries.

On the way, they had to manage with what they knew with people and his skills.  They, he and his wife kept running away, not feeling safe at any one place.  Eventually they arrived to the place now calls Russia. 

One day out on the street, he was observing whole crowds protest for more food, for they did not have anything to feed the families.  Soldiers were equipped with weapons like spears, heavy bats, arrows and bows.  But people kept marching on and there were many causalities laying on the ground.

One woman with a little baby was shot by a soldier, begging him to save her baby.  He did not know how to help the woman and her baby, for his body was not strong enough to carry them both, so he chose the baby and ran to hide into an ally.

A soldier caught him, threw a spear which went through his back, pulled him out the ally, hooked into the carriage where a horse dragged him on a street.  Apparently, the spear had 6 spokes, hooked his back like a meat hung on a butcher shop.

He died looking up the blue sky, that was his last memory.

His Higher self (HS) told me the reason of showing the life was to tell him, that was the cause of his heart attack and back spasm.   Now that incident happened about nine centuries ago and he was still carrying that trauma to this life!

His HS took the memory of trauma out from his brain and body, put new cells in his heart, removed scar tissues, healed and told us the complete healing will be done in two weeks, he can safely throw the pills after that, and also promised the heart attack and the spasm will never happen again.

So, I asked why he had attacks only in April and in July.  To that the HS said the incident happened in July in Russia, and also in April where the weather of the city he is living now is similar to July in Russia, so his heart remembered and acted accordingly.  Of course, that memory also removed from his heart when the HS was working on his heart. 

About the stroke, the HS said they wanted a “reset” for his system, which took five days, while the HS put him in coma.

Now he understood why spasm started from his back, went up to the neck, came to his heart to feel the attack.

As the entire trauma got healed, he is going to feel strong, ready to live, on top of that he can even run!

Sirian Mom and Reptilian Dad

Fatima is in her 50’s but looks only in 30’s.  She has done extremely well when it comes for her look but I found that she has so many health issues once she started talking about her life.

She has Hashimoto thyroid issue, and CPTSD due to complex long-term traumas with many other health problems.

One thing noticeable is her immense interest in DNA since little.  She tells me encyclopedia was her book to go everyday to look at DNA strands for hours.

Now that’s unusual for a little child’s curiosity that much focused on DNA!

Her Higher Self (HS) explains the Hashimoto is caused by an energy blockage by a device installed by alien grey when she was three (3) years old without her soul consent.  They just installed on her to block her from speaking the truth.  The HS dismantled that and disintegrate them. All gone!  Now she can speak freely.

Regarding CPTSD, she has gone through many traumas caused by her own Earth father, who was Hyde and Jekyll.  Endless nights she was shivering from terror from him by just listening his thumping foot steps, yelling, punching walls or screaming mom.

What we have found out from her HS, her dad agreed with Reptilian to climb up his status in their ranking of hierarchy to allow walk-in from Reptilian daily.  So nice good daddy became nasty offensive devil daily, so entire family gone through hell in that small house producing all children to have CPTSD.

Unbeknown to her mom, dad is Reptilian and agreed to have a daughter seeded from Sirian mom with Reptilian dad, who is Fatima.  Her dad gets brownie points by allowing that in Reptilian world!

An experiment with DNA from Sirian mom’s egg and Reptilian dad’s sperm implemented to create Fatima, installed in her Earth mom’s womb to grow her body. 

As her HS reminded me, not all Reptilians are dark.  Sirian and Reptilians are friends and agreed to experiment to produce a child, later they harvested eggs from Fatima during her years from 20 to 40.  With that they produced many hybrid children.

The experiment produced 12 kids in Reptilian of Orion system, and 9 kids in Sirian system.  They are all in various ages and growing.  While Fatima went up to the ship 9 times to get her eggs being harvested, she has no memory to recall.   

When she was 12, mom and dads’ team installed a honing device after they learned that the grey installed a shackle device on her throat.  So, they can monitor what’s happening to her.  The device was installed through her nose to her head.

The honing device is for them to watch Fatima and her life and it is one way device meaning Fatima can not interact with them.   Even the session that we were having has been also watched by them, and her HS said they are very OK and happy with it. 

Going back to CPTSD, her HS healed her traumas on all levels, wiped and cleansed.  Now she is totally clean.  Now she can sleep well and rested, always feel safe and sound.

Side effects of the healing would be that she will feel tire for two (2) days and there will be no more joint pain or soar body.

Her obsession with DNA is naturally inclined character since she is the product of two (2) geneticist parents:  Sirian mom and Reptilian dad.