Attention Deficit (AD)

Highly creative and loves arts, Sabrina came for a session to find out why her mind wonders all over the places.  She feels like there are too many things to do.  Life overwhelms her.  She finds it difficult finding what is more important task, since they are all important!  Also easily distracted, forgets the stuff, sitting at a desk and performing a job is not a thing to do.  That is way too boring for her, she says.

As I was talking with her during the time of getting to know her, definitely I had to take a rein to bring her back on track whenever she steered away.

Sabrina’s case is one of the many reasons why person has AD and as we are aware, everyone has its own reason and solution. 

Her Higher Self (HS) showed her three (3) different past lives.

The first life shown to her was a young, healthy, male slug living alone. It took me a while to get what the being was, for the description she was giving definitely not beings that I have been familiar with.  The life was short, simple, not eventful.  In that life, he had no need to make any choices and was absolutely boring.

The second life was shown a life of a middle age male, looking for a solution for his people who sent him to find.  He left his home and family.  He felt despair being lost in a place only dry sand and nothing else.  The journey had been a long, hard, lonely with no companion, and he did not have anything more to drink and eat.  Died on dry sandy place.  He should have found a solution but he gave up prematurely.

The third life was a young and healthy male.  His job was fixing a windmill looking below an old village.  He had pretty wife and a family.  One day he supposed to fix windmill again but this time he did not fix it, so he got in trouble with authority, and was sent to a prison.  Now his prison life gave him a routine where he did not have to think what to do next.  He liked it! He felt free!  No responsibility.

In this current life Sabrina needs to experience as many possible activities as she can.  Having more alone times in all past three (3) lives, she needs to be busy in this life to make up all those lost time of activities.

Her HS recommended her to focus one thing at a time and help people who wants to be alone.

You can see why she is busy all the times in this current life, and she will make great counsellor for whom has tendency to isolate themselves from any human.  Helping others not to repeat the same mistake that she had made.

Internet Outage

On July 8th, 2022 there was an internet outage for almost a day throughout Canada.  Whoever uses one the major communication companies in Canada, all experienced the inconvenience of not having it.

To some this outage were matter of life and death situation.  For example, police and emergencies were in extreme difficulty for not having the connection, where time was of the essence truly.

Most ordinary people like me had inconvenience of not being able to surf the net, watch movies, connect with friends, or some were not totally affected by it.

What was the cause?  The real root cause.  Was it an issue of technology, or power display of the controllers, or financial gains were on the stake?

Always go to the source of information is to ask to Higher Self (HS, Them) of clients.  In deep trance, the information flows out to benefit us to understand what is really going on.

According to Them, the Universe gifted us humans the internet to come together in three (3) dimensional concept of collective consciousness.  Like everything else, there are some who use to serve themselves, and others who use for benefit for all to raise vibration and/or help people to connect to the Source, the Divine.

Just an incident of the outage, if person was in lower vibration, they embraced fear.  If person was in higher vibration, they took the outage as a wakeup call to seek the Divine.

This outage will happen again according to Them. It does not mean the particular company again, it could be any of the communication company.  Next time when it occurs, it will be more than a day, but of 2-3 days.  All food supply will be affected, your grocery stores might not have these essentials in time.  They ask us to prepare food and water supply for a few days. 

Bad things to occur before good things to happen, They said.  Entire councils, ETs, light beings for us humans to evolve, exact time of future outages is kept confidential so to keep the damage minimum from the dark side.

You can sense intense, hard work is being progressed from light beings, and higher councils.

Meantime, They advised us continually connect and align with the Source, do the OM chants, meditate, and share your love with others.

What If

Eileen was wondering why her brother took her right of owning her condominium.  Her foster parents gave the down payment of the condo that was being built for Eileen and they put her brother’s name on the title instead of Eileen.  Favoritism in full display!

By the time the unit was ready to occupy, the brother sold the unit, took all the profit from selling the unit, not a penny given to Eileen from the profit of the unit.  So, she decided to sue her brother and still was in the legal tangle when she came to see me to have a QHHT session.

Among many questions, that was one of them, but it did not take the priority in her mind, because something else was more pressing than that.  Abandonment was.

Since very young, she learned she was adopted to this foster family.  Her birth mother gave her up to them to raise her.  Mind you, Eileen’s younger days were full of physical abuses coming from her foster mom, Kathy.  Kathy beat Eileen on almost every day, for whatever reason Kathy felt not good.  And, at teen, Kathy kicked Eileen out of the house, she was on street, became homeless.  Many months, Eileen lodged at her friends’ places and finally she got a job, started working to earn money. 

So having her own place is utmost importance for her, someplace to call home.  Therefore, owning the condo was her dream, and her brother took that happiness away.  I don’t blame her at all going for a lawsuit.

Her Higher Self (HS) showed a life where she is a bit older lady, but healthy in current life it seemed.  Having a nice cup of tea, looking over some houses below her condo unit, noticing a beautiful sun setting, pink clouds in the sky, feeling life is peaceful.  She has arranged her place beautifully with many plants, bookshelf is full of her cooking books.  Many collections of crystals on another shelf in the living room. 

Her bedroom is cozy, closetful of her beautiful dresses, dim bedroom light comforts her at night.  But she feels lonely somewhat.  No partner in her life.  Sometimes wondering how come no man in her life.

When the time came to ask question to her Higher Self (HS), I was wondering why the life is shown.  Her HS said it was her parallel life.  The life what if she owns the condo she wanted to have.  The life of owning the condo, living alone, and getting on age.  Peaceful but lonely.

In this current life, because she got kicked out, had no place to stay, one time she moved in a place where a bunch of young people shared a flat in downtown Toronto.  That’s where she met her current life partner.

Her HS said, he is her soul mate.  Also, we found out they had many lives together in the past lives, and they will have fulfilling life henceforth.

Now she saw what was going to happen to her, if she had that condo.  She is happy the way things turned around.

Oh, by the way her HS said her biological mom never abandoned her.  Her birth-mom gave her daughter to a lady whom she knew, the foster mom Kathy.  Because her birth-mom being a single parent struggled with many kids, she thought it would be a better solution for the little girl’s future.  Never abandoned her!

Eileen is content knowing her birth-mom’s intention was out of love, and the condo owning was not really led her better life.  If she owned it, she would have never met her soul mate!

The showing her parallel life was after all, present life she is living has been the best outcome for Eileen.

The wisdom of Higher Self has no bound.    

To be Small

Rene is walking down a cobblestone road.  Heavily dressed with long brown skirt touching the road, some sort of color top with apron on her chest, wearing dirty clothe shoes, some bonnet on her head, carrying a wicket basket.  Roads are narrow, black lanterns on both sides, row houses are there.  They all have very small windows and doors.

She enters a store to buy some dried thorns and roots.  The owner with big belly greets her with gruntle, not very friendly man.  She feels invitation was very repelling, goes to other shop across the street and buys things that she needs.

Her basket is full of dried plants and happily returns to her lovely, cozy, small cottage.  Her home is in the forest, small vegetable garden at the back, humble place with a bed, a table with a few chairs.  She owns very little and that’s the way she likes.  Simple life.  Cabinets in the room are filled with all kinds of roots, leaves, and thorns.  She grinds them in a bowl, place them in a small sachet for medicine.  Steady stream of people come and receive her help.

She lives alone, loves people.  She spends her day cleaning, cooking, helping people.  People brings vegetable, potatoes, eggs, chicken, bread and whatever they have to pay for her service.  Rene is happy, peaceful, loves her life.

One day, authority comes to her house, arrests and puts her in jail.  According to the authority, she is not allowed to give plants to people to heal.  They say it is witch craft.  She does not understand.  Why, the only thing she is doing is helping them and they say it is forbidden!? 

The authority calls her while she is in jail, she has to sign the paper to swear never to sell those things to people, otherwise, they have to burn her on the stake!  She explains to the authority, that she only helps people and she does not do anything wrong.  But they are not interested in hearing her truth.  Frightened and scared, she signs the document and swears that she would never practice those things and she gets freed from the jail.

Times passed, no one came to her place for help, for people were all so scared to get punishment.  Now her supply of food has been dwindled and there was no way to replenish them.

She found herself begging food on the streets.  Hungry and thirsty.  She got a little something to eat from begging and it was never enough.  Body got sick, weakened from malnutrition.  No one was helping her, she laid on the bed, not even had enough energy to wake up and went out to beg. 

A kind lady nearby came and comforted her, pulled a blanket on her body, fetched some water for her.  She slipped into sleep and never woken up again.

This past life that Rene saw was in Europe, back in 1600.  She was plant medicine woman and she has had that kind of life as plant medicine woman many times over.

The life that she saw, she acted to be small to save her life, and ended up dying from hunger.  I asked her what could she do differently if the same situation occur.  She said she could have moved to other area, but in that life, the idea of moving to other area never dawned on her.

In this life, she is to continue her plant medicine which was her assignment and to complete it in this current life.  Her Higher Self (HS) recommended to learn more of herbal medicine and sharpen her knowledge to help others.

Because she chose to be small in that life, in this life, she has been struggling with overweight.  She told me during the interview time, no matter what kind of exercise and food she cares to take, her weight has never budged in. Her HS explained that she hides herself behind the fat, tries to be small.  Now no longer she needs to feel that way, her HS said, the weight will come off steadily and maintain her ideal weight henceforth. 

I Want Company

One session, a client was beaming with so much happiness just floating on the ocean.  Who cares about swimming suit, he went all naked, free from all this human made stuff on his body, feeling peaceful and just being in happiness.

All of a sudden, I noticed his expression on face changed!  Suddenly his eyebrows frowned and the face was creased and stated sniffling.

Soo     What’s happening?

Client  I am sad.

Soo     Why?

Client  Because, I don’t have anybody to enjoy together.

This reminds me of something of the Source and Its creation.  That’s exactly what I felt the Source might have been feeling before creation started.  The Source has been enjoying for, perhaps eons maybe: the tranquility, the peace, the sereneness, and contentment.

Then like that client, the Source thought:  Wait a minute! I have been enjoying all these.  I have been all by Myself.  I want company to share!  Then the entire creation has been in the existence that we are aware of and still is in progress of creating new to no end.

Well, you guessed, I asked that question to the Higher Self (HS) of a client.

Soo     Could you tell me how the Source decided to create us, all?

HS       Source is always throwing out ideas, concepts, creations, manifestation, energies.  Pushing out billions, trillions of ideas.  Constantly throwing out!  Those concepts are energy, based on your frequency, you pick that up, the idea of the Source.

Soo     My curiosity is not that!  What was the state of the Source before the Source decided to create its creation?

HS       Source was in blackness.  Nothingness.  Void.  Then there came a desire to create Itself. It created as an individual then all creation manifested.

Soo     Could you ask Source what was it like before creation started?

HS       The Source is transmitting images.  The Source keeps showing us (HS), there is nothingness.  All dark, No sound.  No smell.  No energy.  No lights. No movement.   Imagine complete blackness, total emptiness.  Everything is black.  Dark, dark, darkness.  There is virtually nothing. 

HS       Out of the loneliness of this blackness, darkness.  Then, came a desire to create itself. The Source created out of loneliness, desire to have a company.

HS       Source is bored.  Source is thinking, has thinking moment.  Out of the loneliness and desperation of boredom, the Source created in that space, provided.

Soo     So, now we are trying to understand all the physics, intricacies and mysteries of the creation!

HS       Yes!

You Are Popular in the Universe!

During the questioning period to the Higher Self (HS) of a client about the trauma originated so many long years ago.  Some of traumas that happened to people were 10,000 years or way more. Then I remembered one session of a young man whose trauma originated from 3,500 years ago.  All of a sudden, I was curious about what has happened to all his subsequent lives since the trauma has originated.  I know the client has had many different lives since.  Has the client carrying the trauma in all those lives, yet suffering?  What would have happened to his body of other lives?

HS       This experience is part of journey, he chooses this journey.  No need to carry on to the next life.  This is the poor understanding carrying ancestral lives, or past life trauma carrying journey to journey.

Soo     Why now this issue comes up to the daylight!

HS       These people did not understand, whatever the reason, they were not taught, or understood up until this moment.  You have shown the path to release this pain or blockage.  Yes, the blockage can last 3,500 years! 

Soo     Are you saying many lives since then, the person still carried the trauma, in all those lives!

HS       Yes! All those lives!

Soo     Really!?

HS       Yes!  For some reason, the person, we see them caught up in the karmic loop for 3,500 years.  His understanding of the karma kept him for thousands of years.  That’s why the Source tries to eradicate the concept of karma of human.  It is keeping you in the loops, keeping them in the trauma.  They are coming up at different life, still having the same trauma.  Living different life, having the same trauma.

Soo     Oh my God!

HS       So, thank you Soo! For your work and other practitioners, working what you all do.  Because, you are having the affects that you are having, because for the first time you’re stopping the loop.  You are helping the human understand that there is no requirement to hold this trauma within them.  And so, you are helping and support them to release it.

Soo     It is an honor.  I am just a facilitator.  Their Higher Self (HS) is the healer.

Soo     For example, the Higher Self of this young man said he has been waiting for 3,500 years to meet me to receive healing! It was such an awestruck statement!  He carried the trauma for so long?

HS       Soo, you are not completely aware of yourself and many other practitioners who do the same work, you are popular in the universe!

Soo     Are you kidding!

HS       Yes, you are popular!  You and the fellow practitioners have come to work in a new channel of work and greatly served the human kind.  We are of the collectives.  We saw people have had experiences with you and Dolores.

HS       We hear Dolores all the time.  She is talking!  We hear her!  She has been helping many people other side of the veil, to reach people such as yourself, guide people, appointing them people like yourself to help them. 

HS       Dolores has been a great help releasing these things.  She saw it very clearly, and understood messages clearly coming to her from us and many other places, held her conviction so strongly in the time where she could have been seen as a mental case.  So, she is still working, still do the job, still setting up the appointments.  And, she will still continue to do so.  You are releasing 3,500 years of trauma! 

Soo     Wow!  I was so awestruck to hear this man carry the trauma for 3,500 years through all many different lives?

HS       Yes! Yes!

Soo     So this man’s understanding is ready, he was able to release it now?

HS       Yes!  As your timing, a part of what you want to do, came very much here to do.  It was a part of your contribution in assisting us:  the Source, ETs, and the Federation to assist in the ascension process.  So, you are helping in releasing individual’s trauma and pas life suffering.  We are going to call it, PTSD, help us to further ascend that individual.

HS       We would like to call you, fertilizer! You are fertilizer!  We are so excited to have you in our garden, because you are working inside the garden, in special places where we cannot get in.  You play very integral part of helping the garden’s health and happiness.

My Life as a Tree

The following article is written by Ceci who recently had a QHHT session and she drew the painting what she saw when she was viewing past life as a tree.

My experience started when I noticed that I was standing very still in a place full of rocks.

The environment is purple and red, both colours are very bright.  It almost feels like a desert with soft orange sand.  The sky is dark blue and very wide.  There are stars in the sky but it is very hard to see them. 

When I was a tree, I grew to be very tall, I had a few branches and lots of leaves.  I felt like I had eyes and nose, but not like humans have them.  I was always alone in this place, but I felt like I was guarding something, however, I could not move or turn my body to see behind me.

It was a cold and lonely place and time felt very slow.  I spend a lifetime standing and learning stillness.  In that life as a tree, I had to learn to be in the moment and to be patient.

In my current life in Earth School, I am never still or calm and my Higher Self took me to the life that helped me see how calm, silence and stillness feel like.

In my life as a tree, I did not interact with any other people or trees, but I never felt sad, ignored or left behind.  I was content with being there and feeling the environment.  It was never scary and never dangerous.  A white light was always next to me.  I could see it and feel it.

I spent lots of years, probably decades, as a tree.  On my last day as a tree, I saw myself being on the ground, my life mission has been completed.

The tree life experience I had was in another planet in another galaxy which name is not known to human yet.

The night after the QHHT session, I dreamt of the same place.  I visited the same place, but this time I had a clearer vision of the colours and textures.  The sky was still dark blue and the desert-like environment remained very quiet.  I could hear very calm sounds, like a steady and calming sound with a very pleasant vibration. Also, the air there smelled salty.

Thank you so much Soo for this work that you do!   This is life-changing, truly! I loved spending the day with you and learning from you.

