Need to be Needed

A very young man is only 21, he feels he needs to be needed.  That’s very interesting issue here.  Young people usually wonder what kind of occupation should pursue, or where is the mate.  Very intriguing what his Higher Self (HS) is going to show him.

My speculation is definitely this issue is coming from the past life, but who is to say I am right.  Only the HS can answer that.  Nevertheless I enjoy speculating.

He landed on a bridge from the cloud trip seeing a castle in front of him, water running under a bridge, stone walls on either side of the castle and a door keeper in metal helmet, brown tunic with black pants, leather booths opened the wooden door for him to enter.  Obviously the door keeper knows him.

Looking down, he notices he wears brown leather booths going up to the sheen, he is tall, a big purple cloak flowing on his body and on head purple pointy wizard hat, holding wooden walking stick just to help him move, which top curls up with engraved in a language not known to him now.  He is coming back from a trip collecting herbs from a forest. 

His office is on top of the tower in a small room of the castle, a table and some chairs, works alone and lives alone.  Lower floor below his office is his resident with a small bed, white pillow, a table and bookshelves with old leather covered books on magic, alchemy, or biology.  A very simple life.

As a physician, he also works for his King and King’s people mainly looking after their physical issues by offering medicines, energy work such as expel dark energy from people.  He learned the knowledge from his teacher when he was young for many years including making herbal ointment for people.

His daily routine is studying, researching biology, see clients, prepares and delivers herbal medicines for people.  For relaxation, looking out the window, and enjoys the scenes of the town feeling peaceful and content.

He has been so consumed for work, never needed a mate, though when he was young, he liked the princess of the King. 

His King is kind, looks after his people fairly.  He has a daughter who is a dashing beauty, a princess, she has a long dark hair, and wears blue dress, his heart flutters whenever he sees her.  She’s happy to see him, she knows he is working as a physician.  He loves her, so was she.  Their feeling is mutual but no possibility of marrying her due to the social status.  She has her own destiny to marry off to a neighboring country prince for political alliance.  He always gets excited to see her but he can not do anything about it.  He accepts the fact, also did not try to find anyone to replace her, so ended up being alone, just buried himself in work, got busy. 

One day he was helping King and his wounds coming from a cut possibly a war and he cleaned the wounds and put the herbal ointment on it.  The King was grateful for his help.  Servants were helping and supporting the King.  The King was feared and respected by people. Usually, the King was happy but stressed from the burden being a King. 

He always thought of the princess, prayed happiness for her, he was fine with that carrying a hole in his heart.

Time passed, his work continued and now much older, it was his time to leave this world, laying on his bed, elderly woman beside him holding his hand.  The princess came and comforted him.  Now her husband also passed, hearing physician’s news of not being well, she felt free expressing her feeling to him.

His HS said that his feeling of being needed was originated from the life shown lived as a physician back in 1300’s in England.  People depended on him, “needing” him.  He found his purpose in that life helping.  The life where people needed his help including the King, and he was needed to deliver their medicines. 

His HS cleared his feeling of “being needed” and this life purpose is to spread love through music that will heal people.

His soul mate is on her way, also waiting to meet him.  They will meet shortly in a music event.  This lady is not from the past life Princess but from another past life connection from WWII lived as married couple, the immediate past life.  They helped people together as energy workers in that life, and finally his hole in his heart will be filled with love.