Fresh from the White Light

When I saw her first, strong impression of her having severe anorexic problem.  Lanky, twiggy body, not an ounce of flesh appears to be attached, just bones.

When she talked her life of a young married woman in early 30s, she has very caring families including her own parents and in-laws.  The more she lost her weight, the more criticisms and advices given to her without her asking.  Her brain has been in a big noise by all their words, not a quiet moment.

She has been plump all through her childhood years.  She loved foods and specially sweets.   She had never thought being plump was her problem at all, until she reached to the age of about 18 or 19 and her mom said she better lose weight or else, she may not be desirable for boys.  So, first taste of diet started by reducing quantity and, or take less calorie high foods.  And her body responded well by losing weight and she reached to a desirable weight according to her mom. 

Since her marriage, she steadily has been losing weight, now to a point where all are concerned of her life being in danger.  With her sister’s urging she thought she better seek the help of a QHHT session.

She only drinks water with some Himalayan/sea salt as her doctor told her that it is vital to have some sodium in the body.  I offered some candy which she appreciated a lot, and started to enjoy them.  Most people avoid sugar, however her case that is even food and excellent nourishment.

Her Higher Self (HS) guided her to go into peaceful state of resting instead of showing any past life.  She enjoyed, and feeling peaceful.  After a while, her HS chose to show the current life.  So, we experienced them all in detail then her SC chose for her a place where white light was there.  Many people were there including her mom and sister, reciting prayers, all wearing white robes, all are feeling peace and love.

Then she saw and felt orange light came out of the white light entered her, giving her strength, she heard God said to her “Go down, and do something”.  God did not tell her what to do.  So here she is and she is doing something.  Higher Self (HS) never showed any past life since this life is the first, fresh from the White Light.

The first experience of having a body on the Earth, she chose to have overly caring families.  For the beginner, what a welcome thing to have caring family, wouldn’t it?

In the beginning, their advices sounded good, her body responded, then another member advised something different, she followed that, then another, and another.  Now at the moment, she stopped eating because she is afraid of eating any food which resulted her stomach bloating and acid reflux.

People judge her, all judge and it hurts her heart.  Instead of going against their judgements, she stopped eating.  For she does not want people to judge, people dragged her down.  The end result is this undernourished, anorexic body.

Her HS advised her that she trust herself, stand on her own personal power.  As she let her power out the window, let others control her, so what is the result?

Stress she has received from everyone, her blood pressure shoots up and stayed high, so she takes medication for that.  Her HS advised slowly wean that off, eventually off totally and at the same time slowly consume wholesome foods.

As soon as she holds her power, she will reclaim her own health, regain her beautiful desirable weight so she can enjoy marital bliss with her husband and eventually having children.  At the moment, her husband has no interest in embracing bones, so there has not been loving moments for a long time, makes her feeling incredibly lonely and isolated.

All will be back to normal.  Her lesson from fresh from the White Light is to trust herself, keep her personal power intact.  Never let that power give away to anyone.


This is a frequent subject I visit with clients.  Many are suffering from abandonment issue.

I find there are many ways of feeling been abandoned.  I would say abandonment issue has been created by intentionally or non-intentionally.

Let’s discuss intentional abandonment first.  I think this kind of abandonment being created when a child physically abandoned on a street, sent to an orphanage, given away to someone related or not related, or to babysitters.

Since the second world war, women had to go to work and now it is deemed women are expected to work and bring income.  Question arises when mother goes to work, the child is in the hands of other than their mom, say nanny’s or babysitters most of the case.  The child experiences being abandoned.  So there have been more abandonment issue that we have created since the Wars due to life circumstances.

Never mind what guilt and not good enough issue that mothers go through for their entire lives; this is for another subject to discuss later.

The other non-intentional abandonment is when a person feels not recognized, or isolated, or not loved in a family setting.  Physically child is in a family setting but the child feels he/she is invisible existence to them.

Regardless of the situations, the abandonment issue has affected millions of us.  People feel lack of self confident, resentment toward parents, fear of being loved or accepted, lonely, feeling not worthy, fear of going to the public, and list goes on.

This abandonment issue has been with our human history for too long, it is not just recent event.

I am discussing one recent session to illustrate this point.

A highly intelligent, beautiful, young lady in 30s presented her questions for answers, one of them was an abandonment issue.

She is from very well-to-do family, deeply loved by parents and siblings in this current life.  And yet, she feels she has been abandoned and feels her parents did not want her.

Her Higher Self (HS) showed her a past life as a male in Asia several hundred years ago.

He lived in a big beautiful house with parents, an older sister, and grandma.  One day, mom and dad with older sister left the house, and he was left with grandma.  He was only 4 or 5 looking at parents walking away, them carrying big luggage at the house gate.  He was just looking on barefoot at the gate them moving away from him.  He stood there until they disappeared from his view.  His only friend was a stuffed monkey that he held in his hand and grandma.

He received much love from his grandma, who looked after him in everyway for him.  Now he has grown, studied hard, became a medical doctor helping people.  Also found a lady he loved and married.  Now he has his own family:  wife and two boys.

During the course of life, his grandma passed away with heart disease and he felt extremely sad that he could not help her, had many tears of losing her.  Even with him being a doctor, he could not even save her, he said.

Another scene her HS showed where he and his wife were dancing at a gathering for a happy occasion, while dancing, his wife whispered in his ear that she was leaving him for another man.  The whole world suddenly became empty.  All his strength left him, collapsed on a chair, only feeling numbness.

Later, once his mind settled on work and his two children raising all by himself, he had a proposal from another woman wanting to marry him, but he declined.  He determined to do it all by himself.  So, life continued and lonely life it was.

Once he left the body and looked back his life, he realized he missed a good opportunity to live a happy life with another lady.  I asked him why he did not try.  He said he was afraid she also would leave him so he did not even try, protected him from getting hurt again. 

Her HS said they showed the life as it is the origin of her abandonment issue.

She has carried the abandonment issue since then in her kidneys.  People carry on different location of this emotion, to her it was her kidneys and it sits as a dark cloud.  her HS said it is about time to release and released from her kidneys.

Also, her HS dealt with all her emotions coming from being abandoned, now she is free from all and ready to start really living this life to the fullest.

Duty Bound for 2,000 years

Duty bound is what so many of us are learning life after life.  Due to the duty, we do things against our desires, wishes and purpose.

I am sharing a session story of a young lady who represents most of us still struggling to master.

A beautiful, young woman in 30’s has done and worked for a career her parents wished to do.  She went to schools and completed her education, got a job that she supposed to be doing.

Her real desire has been singing ever since she remembers.  But her parents discouraged her saying that is not what she should.  So, she obeyed her parents, thinking they know what is right for her.

She has worked for a company, for good so many years, however her growing dissatisfaction in that job grew and grew, finally she had to do something she always has wanted to do:  singing.

She pursued singing lessons for good many years, her mentor finally told her that she needs to work on her self.  She practiced, practiced, but something holds her inside not opening up.

Out of desperation, she pursued QHHT session to find some answers and solutions.

Her parents have been good people, they supported her in many ways but they also have their value systems imposed on to their daughter, which is common phenomena through the globe I find.

Her Higher Self (HS) showed a past life a native woman back 2,000 years ago in North America.  

She was the only daughter of the chief.  She loved a young man who grew up together in the same village.  But her father did not approve the young man for he was in a lower status.  So, her dad arranged a marriage with a young man who was destined to be a chief in another village.  He was good looking, strong, and a good provider. 

Without a squeak, she obeyed because it was her duty to follow father’s command she said.  Now she has gone to another village to live a new life with the man.  She found him kind, dutiful, good hunter, good leader and caring for his people. 

During the marital years, she produced two (2) boys which her husband was proud of.  She did diligently perform her duty as a chief’s wife and a mother.  It was far and between when she received any gift from him.  He sometimes gave her some small gifts as a matter fact.  He also did not know how to show his feelings well either.

During her middle age time, she got to be acquainted with husband’s tribal healer, learned herbs, healing of human body, and she found it very interesting and liked it.  But she sensed her husband was not approve of it, since healing stuff is belonging to the lower caste of the system.  So, she stopped that also.

Not that old, but she felt life was enough and died of natural cause.

Looking back that life, her life purpose was to go through other people’s expectation and learned she should choose her destiny.

Her HS told her why shown that life was because she should follow her passion in this life, and she needs to help people spiritually via sound of singing.

Asking to her HS why she has not been able to sing to the highest note with full power.  Her HS said it is the past life issue.  And further explanation came forth as follows:

In one of her past lives as a Roman soldier, he also did go to war in spite of his disapproving of it and eventually during the battle, he got his neck cut off by enemy’s sword.  This trauma blocks her throat.

Her HS agreed it is about time to heal, healed with lights, and her voice would be able to hit as high as she wishes to go.

Her HS gave her some homework along with it, advised her to commune with her HS daily.

PS:  A few weeks later, one of her friends came for a QHHT session informed me that she attended the client’s music performance, she did extremely well and she sang to such a high note with ease!  Good for her!

Don’t think.  Just talk!

Not long ago a middle-aged lady came in for a QHHT session.  Her questions were from what is her life purpose, people question who are dear to her and career question.

As you might have guessed, no matter what profession, gender, race, age we are in, we all are seeking happiness.

I have shared this session experience with some people whom I met since the session.

She was viewing her immediate past life where she was a young man of 19 years old, feeling life, blowing winds through his body while he was riding a motorcycle.  Life was good!

One second, his focus went away and his motorcycle hit a big boulder, the cycle flipped in the air, fell hard on the ground.  Instantly he was dead, bleeding.

The spirit left the body immediately, hovering in the air above, looking down the dead young man’s body.  She started crying, tears pouring down and said:  Oh, it is too bad that he is dead!  Such a good-looking guy. And more tears. 

For a few minutes I let her tear, then suddenly from her mouth I hear her saying “Why am I crying?” then she said “I hear a loud voice in my head saying “Don’t think!  Just talk!”. 

I told her “Just do what the voice said to you.  That’s your Higher Self (HS)”.  Well, she was a good student, she started saying non-stop, in high speed, as if the water pipe turned on and the huge volume of water just spewing out!

I literally had to pay attention intensely, for she really spoke fast and many stuff with no pause.

Needless to say, she did very well and all healing and answers came forth to her total satisfaction.

So, this is what it is like.  Conscious mind is always there to alert if something is not familiar with, and is aware of what is going on.  When her conscious mind realized the young man died in the scene is not her body, since she is aware her body is lying on a bed, me sitting with her beside.  Interestingly Her HS did not allow her mind keep doubting, instead gave her a big command!

We, QHHT practitioners are the ones to encourage people to keep talking whatever pops in the head.  Once we allow them in a thinking mode, they are drifting away from Theta cycle where we need to keep them in trance.

So, I give this example to people in the interview, they are getting it I find.  Instead of abstractive way of saying it, the real-life example is what really gets to people better in my experience.

Irrevocable Decision

One week, I had several people came in with grieving issues over the loss of loved ones.  If that happens, I need to address this subject, for people apparently needing this information.

This article I am addressing is all about loss from the unnatural ways.  Another word, people took their own lives with conscious intention of ending it.

There are many ways people decide to end: hanging, overdosing drugs, cutting, or jumping into the water, or jumping from the cliff or more creative ways of doing it.

Today, I am going to address people chose to go by hanging themselves because that’s how they all died from the one-week sessions that I facilitated.

I am going to talk about one specific case this time.

A lady contacted me and demanded to have a QHHT session RIGHT NOW and told me she “just lost my husband”.  She was in panic, sorrow, deep sadness no one could console her.

As soon as her Higher Self (HS) presented, the first thing I addressed was, if it would be OK to contact her husband and addressed him by his name.  Through the client’s voice I heard much of muffling sound with sobbing, and tearful emotional voice came out and saying “yes”.

So, I thanked him for being here to answer questions and asked him why he killed himself.  Here was his response:

During the waiting period of nuptial process being legalized in the state law, he was being bombarded by his side of family members belittling his bride, they bad mouthed on his decision saying that would be a huge mistake to marry her.

After hearing from them over and over again, he was convinced his bride was not good for him, nor for his family.  He felt he was useless, better to end the life to end the conflict that he caused to his family.  So, chose to hang himself.

My question to him was during the process of being hung, what kind of thoughts went through his mind.  He said with strong voice “OH NO! I made a mistake!”, and he did not want to die.  He tried to release the clothe that he used, and tried to unhung himself with all his might, but he could not undo.

He could not get out of this decision that he made, he found it was irrevocable!

Too late!!!

So, I asked him: “Now that you are in the spirit world, what do you perceive happening to your bride?”.  To that he saw so much pain in her, that he wanted to do something for her.  So, I asked him: “what can you do for her”, here he really started sniffling heavily coming from so much sadness he no longer had body to touch her and express his love.  Even he wanted to kiss her, where was his body that she could feel him.

His pain was palpable, he was sobbing, so much sadness and frustration not having the body that he needed badly to express his love for her…

Through the client’s HS, I found out the lives they had many in the past lives, each lives cut short either by war, or political conflict, and this life was cut short by his decision influenced by his parents, siblings, relatives and friends.  The HS said, in the future, they are going to meet again, hopefully they complete and enjoy marital bliss to the rest of their lives until natural death comes.

From QHHT practitioner’s point of view, trauma by hanging is manifested in next life/lives as the following ways:

People have issue with thyroid, usually hypothyroid.

People have issue with throat and neck pain.

People have issue with speaking or voice issue such as unable to sing or speak loudly.

People have issue with lack of self-confidence.

People have epilepsy (due to the electrical current being chocked in the neck spread through the brain).

Some people carry birthmark around the neck.

Prayer is powerful, the HS said and people left here living on the Earth to send love to the departed one.

The lady is now calm, consoles herself that he is always with her and will meet him again.  

My Boyfriend was a Goat

A beautiful young lady with an ability: fully gets in touch with her emotion presented a question about her boy friend to pursue or not.

In order to better help her, I need to know of her life most importantly the emotional aspect of the life, since we are emotional beings.

Preferably starting from the early childhood, but whatever she wants to talk first, I am listening and following her feelings, stories and watching her physical expressions while she is pouring out her heart and tears.

About a year she has been involved emotionally with the current boy friend whom she cares much.  She finds his feeling toward her is absent, sometimes very endearing.  His behavior has been totally confused her.  Her emotional investment in him has been vast.  All hours of not sleeping she has been only thinking of, and about him.   Yet something deep in her heart tells her “Not sure”.

Her Higher Self (HS) showed a past life a few hundred years ago in Europe, a beautiful farmland where grass was green, barn where many animals there were including chicken, cows and goats.  Her parents worked hard on the farm and one day her mom left her dad for another partner, it was a sad day for her and her dad.

Many more years, she was helping her dad and the farm.  Her days were busy and nights she studied plants, stars and medicines.  Her best friend was a chicken and her goat.  When there was a leisure time, she used to lie down on hay, talked with one special chicken whose light shines so bright, she hugged it in her chest and shared her love with the chicken.  With the goat, she caressed his back and gave many loving kisses to his horns.  She usually went out for a walk with the chicken and the goat on the grassy land.  The chicken followed closely with her but the goat wandered off to the distant place to feed the grass.  Life was good and calm.  She was so happy with the animals, never even thought of marriage.

Time passed, now Dad or farm animals were no more.  She decided to venture out to a bigger city to know what was it like living in a city.  For a few months, she tried city life, but she did not like it, so she packed all her stuff up and returned to her farmland.

This time she grew more vegetables and grains in earnest, and enjoyed walk in the forest, read the books on her favorite subjects as usual.  Quiet and calm, content and felt happy.  Her face was beaming from ear to ear, I could see her feeling clearly written on it.

Her HS said the life shown to show her how she was happy alone, not needing any other humans.  So, I asked her HS who were the chicken and goat in the past life where she felt love and special feeling toward them are in her current life.   HS said the special chicken is her current dog she has and the goat is her current boy friend.

What!  Her boy friend was the goat?!

I just burst out giggling, could not help it!  I profusely apologized to her HS about giggling because it was so humorous.  My imagination went wild looking the image of him in goat’s face with horns!

A healer from Zion

The first scene her Higher Self (HS) showed was in an earthy smell of a cave, not very big, just a comfortable size cave.  Looking at glittering gems and crystals on the walls of cave: green, purple, yellow, red, fluorescent, bright, shining colors are mesmerizing.  Touching them with hand feels cold.

These gems and crystals are in the rear side of the walls, in front of the cave, a huge tree and this is only a tree with purple and green vegetations around.

A very huge tree in front of is awe inspiring.  Huge trunk, as big as a city, HUGE!.  Entities are living in.  The city is created in the tree, all beings are living in there.

Looking down feet, she notices she has furry feet with three (3) big toes, barefoot.  Body is all purple.  Wearing nothing but a loincloth in the front made from some plant’s material, hairs are blue and are in dreadlocks. Cat like face and wearing a crown headpiece of gems of crystals.  Fingers are four (4) digits and has a body of young healthy male. 

He lives in a cave, and beings are living in the huge tree. They are his people:  Blue entities.  They change colors from purple to blue or vice versa, something to do with a Sun.  He chose to live in a cave.  He has to protect the crystals and it is his duty.  When he is not there or at night time, he closes off the cave the front with a big round flat sliding stone, and heal people with crystals.  Only his people know it: the cave, the crystals and him.  He knows how to work with crystals, their properties, and their frequencies.  The knowledge came from the Spirit, knows them intuitively.  He heals his people with appropriate crystals with their frequencies, place them on the body, it seals the wounds.

People come from ailment such as:  mostly children and infants they fall from the tree, they are being curious, sometimes come down out of the tree, get bitten by or hurt by sabre tooth tiger.

Their sustenance is just a liquid, drinking rain water, that’s all they need.  All nutrients are in the rain drops.  All day long, they are busy by just playing hide and seek, playing music, and there is no disease at all.

His friends are big birds of camel size with long neck, very loud and they like him and he pats them, mutual friendship they share.

The planet Zion is very far away from the Earth, near Jupiter in our solar system, and it is indeed a purple planet.

He walks daily through the vegetation like ferns with purple and green colors. He lives alone and has no family, nor has desire to have a mate.  Just with these animals he feels content.  He enjoys freedom, having no responsibility, and can go anywhere when he wants it.  Loves being in the cave, a safe place he feels, sleeps on muddy floor.  He enjoys the cool feeling of muddy floor.  When it comes for cleaning the body, he simply goes out and clean him by rain fall.  Very simple here indeed.

The Higher Self (HS) said they showed the life because the client has doubt about the power of gems and crystals, showed how she worked with them in the life of Zion a million years ago.

In this current life the client came in as a female and helps people to heal their issues.  Her HS said she has lived many lives as healer, went through many difficult lives as being burnt on the stake as well, thus she has several issues on being a healer.

One of them she struggles with is charging people for her service, she believes it should be given free.  As shown the healer life in Zion, service was given freely.  Her HS explained it is totally fine to charge fee as this life is different, and advised her the amount of the fee she should charge to make her mind at ease.

Another issue she has is her disliking her human toes.  She feels it is ugly and five (5) digits do not look attractive.  Her HS said this life she lives as a human, so she should accept the human toes.

One more issue she has is having the left shoulder pain.  She carries burden of being a healer life after life on the left shoulder.  Her HS released with heat and light, and it will take a few days to be totally released as many lives of healer responsibilities she has been carrying over. 

Her HS promised her from the next life, she won’t be living as healer any more, and this is the last life as a healer.

Need to be Needed

A very young man is only 21, he feels he needs to be needed.  That’s very interesting issue here.  Young people usually wonder what kind of occupation should pursue, or where is the mate.  Very intriguing what his Higher Self (HS) is going to show him.

My speculation is definitely this issue is coming from the past life, but who is to say I am right.  Only the HS can answer that.  Nevertheless I enjoy speculating.

He landed on a bridge from the cloud trip seeing a castle in front of him, water running under a bridge, stone walls on either side of the castle and a door keeper in metal helmet, brown tunic with black pants, leather booths opened the wooden door for him to enter.  Obviously the door keeper knows him.

Looking down, he notices he wears brown leather booths going up to the sheen, he is tall, a big purple cloak flowing on his body and on head purple pointy wizard hat, holding wooden walking stick just to help him move, which top curls up with engraved in a language not known to him now.  He is coming back from a trip collecting herbs from a forest. 

His office is on top of the tower in a small room of the castle, a table and some chairs, works alone and lives alone.  Lower floor below his office is his resident with a small bed, white pillow, a table and bookshelves with old leather covered books on magic, alchemy, or biology.  A very simple life.

As a physician, he also works for his King and King’s people mainly looking after their physical issues by offering medicines, energy work such as expel dark energy from people.  He learned the knowledge from his teacher when he was young for many years including making herbal ointment for people.

His daily routine is studying, researching biology, see clients, prepares and delivers herbal medicines for people.  For relaxation, looking out the window, and enjoys the scenes of the town feeling peaceful and content.

He has been so consumed for work, never needed a mate, though when he was young, he liked the princess of the King. 

His King is kind, looks after his people fairly.  He has a daughter who is a dashing beauty, a princess, she has a long dark hair, and wears blue dress, his heart flutters whenever he sees her.  She’s happy to see him, she knows he is working as a physician.  He loves her, so was she.  Their feeling is mutual but no possibility of marrying her due to the social status.  She has her own destiny to marry off to a neighboring country prince for political alliance.  He always gets excited to see her but he can not do anything about it.  He accepts the fact, also did not try to find anyone to replace her, so ended up being alone, just buried himself in work, got busy. 

One day he was helping King and his wounds coming from a cut possibly a war and he cleaned the wounds and put the herbal ointment on it.  The King was grateful for his help.  Servants were helping and supporting the King.  The King was feared and respected by people. Usually, the King was happy but stressed from the burden being a King. 

He always thought of the princess, prayed happiness for her, he was fine with that carrying a hole in his heart.

Time passed, his work continued and now much older, it was his time to leave this world, laying on his bed, elderly woman beside him holding his hand.  The princess came and comforted him.  Now her husband also passed, hearing physician’s news of not being well, she felt free expressing her feeling to him.

His HS said that his feeling of being needed was originated from the life shown lived as a physician back in 1300’s in England.  People depended on him, “needing” him.  He found his purpose in that life helping.  The life where people needed his help including the King, and he was needed to deliver their medicines. 

His HS cleared his feeling of “being needed” and this life purpose is to spread love through music that will heal people.

His soul mate is on her way, also waiting to meet him.  They will meet shortly in a music event.  This lady is not from the past life Princess but from another past life connection from WWII lived as married couple, the immediate past life.  They helped people together as energy workers in that life, and finally his hole in his heart will be filled with love.

6000-year-old Issue

This issue of pleasing people was brought from many clients who came for answers.

However, I am sharing a session story of this particular client from Betelgeuse of Orion constellation.  Traveling with a space ship to observe and to learn was her purpose.  She wore booths, space suit, helmet on head and a breathing device to breathe anywhere in the space and looked around planets and went back to the shuttle, and always working alone were her daily routine.  A young feline healthy body and blonde hair, she had.  The space was just for her.

While travelling, a very cylindrical light shone from below her craft, caught her attention, aroused her interest and went down to a brown planet where all cat beings were living.  A male cat King sitting on a throne, who apparently a leader of a planet called Lododre in Milky Way galaxy.  Our current map of the Milky Way doesn’t show the planet in our galaxy. 

Many cat people greeted her, she wanted to communicate with the King cat, but not had a chance to talk to him, because in a hurry she was ushered out of the place by other cats.  That was the origin of her issue which was to people pleasing.  A 6000 old issue.

Including her, many clients had the same issue of pleasing others.  For example, a male client who came recently said he always helps others, do for others, always others come first before him and now he found out that was not always a good thing for him and tired of doing that.

The feline client was respecting other’s opinion, pleasing boss by performing too many works, stays all night working through, gets tired, so on.  Common issues.

This issue was over 6000 years old, and that was very intriguing.

She never felt she was worthy of anything, automatic response to please others, a door mat, and she found she was lacking confidence and felt the emotion all in her stomach.  She had a habit of brushed off thinking what good was it even when she had good idea.  And ended up postponing of doing any plan.  Then ended up feeling something was not accomplished and started questioning herself what was wrong with her.  She talked to me: “Am I doing it right, what am I supposed to be doing” or not doing at all.  The never-ending circle of brain chatter.

What would happen if you pursue to the end, the world might applaud you.  But because of so many years of not dealing with, at this session, finally she came for a session to rectify her habit and change her feeling as well. 

The one incident where she did not strongly insist to express her question to the cat King and cat people in the planet, pleasing others tendency deeply been created in her ever since.  Wow!  Who knew!

Higher Self (HS) said now we know the origin of it, way back Betelgeuse, Orion star system and told her wisest thing in the whole world is to love yourself.  Know that you are as important as others.  God created you with love, no one is high, nor low.  We are here to experience, to contribute for each other.

Also, HS said to her start meditating, 30 min in the morning and in the evening.  Go within, start to find yourself, love yourself, appreciate yourself of what you do for the world.

HS said not loving yourself, she created all kinds of result such as: lack of confidence, feeling of not being worthy, not completing the project, poor digestion, overweight, feel always something is wrong in her heart and not feeling good, skin issue and so on. 

The message has been delivered via all physical symptoms for her.  Now when she starts loving herself, go within, start appreciate herself, all will be back to normal as intended.

When we travel by air plane, the attendants always say to us: wear your oxygen mask first before you help others.  What does that mean, you look after yourself first.  When you are suffering without oxygen mask then you collapse, how can we help others.  That is a very good teaching right there in front of us.  The wisdom is already there, and no need to look further.

This lady stood on her two feet, now that she knows how it all started way back, she was determined to correct her habit.

Her Higher Self said they are always with her, loving her, and encouraging her.  With that message she received, I saw her face beamed with smile.

Blinding Road Rage

Tom has unusual road rage unlike we all have sometimes on the roads.  I was curious to find out the origin of that issue.

He went back 600 years to a life as a Native American in Amazon.  Handsome, tall, and had muscular well built body.  Young male with long black braided hair, dark red skin, adorned with piercings on face, nose, and ears.

He was the second son of the chief.  Madly in love with his older brother’s wife, and did not hesitate to make love with her.  His Higher Self (HS) was showing him the graphic moment of blissful love making.  They were in bliss!  She loved him too!

You can imagine how his elder brother felt!  One day his older brother ambushed, waited a moment, and hit Tom’s neck with a hatch with tremendous force.   Tom felt the thud on his neck, then piercing pain on his back of a knife.  His brother killed him in a blinding rage.

Neck and back pain were one of his physical issues, the origin was shown and his HS released the trauma and pain as well and the release looked as if all of the pains were blown away like pixelated form.

When Tom was dying at that time, he saw his brother was in remorse, deep regret and anger at himself to kill his beloved younger brother.  And Tom took his brother’s blinding rage with him, carried over to this current life.

The road rage that he has been feeling has not been his, it was his brother’s and all the people on the road.  He being feeling for other people, he has been feeling theirs all these time.

Good understanding of why he has it and also pain got all released for good, now he is happy that he is finally free from that discomforts.

Good for him!