When I saw her first, strong impression of her having severe anorexic problem. Lanky, twiggy body, not an ounce of flesh appears to be attached, just bones.
When she talked her life of a young married woman in early 30s, she has very caring families including her own parents and in-laws. The more she lost her weight, the more criticisms and advices given to her without her asking. Her brain has been in a big noise by all their words, not a quiet moment.
She has been plump all through her childhood years. She loved foods and specially sweets. She had never thought being plump was her problem at all, until she reached to the age of about 18 or 19 and her mom said she better lose weight or else, she may not be desirable for boys. So, first taste of diet started by reducing quantity and, or take less calorie high foods. And her body responded well by losing weight and she reached to a desirable weight according to her mom.
Since her marriage, she steadily has been losing weight, now to a point where all are concerned of her life being in danger. With her sister’s urging she thought she better seek the help of a QHHT session.
She only drinks water with some Himalayan/sea salt as her doctor told her that it is vital to have some sodium in the body. I offered some candy which she appreciated a lot, and started to enjoy them. Most people avoid sugar, however her case that is even food and excellent nourishment.
Her Higher Self (HS) guided her to go into peaceful state of resting instead of showing any past life. She enjoyed, and feeling peaceful. After a while, her HS chose to show the current life. So, we experienced them all in detail then her SC chose for her a place where white light was there. Many people were there including her mom and sister, reciting prayers, all wearing white robes, all are feeling peace and love.
Then she saw and felt orange light came out of the white light entered her, giving her strength, she heard God said to her “Go down, and do something”. God did not tell her what to do. So here she is and she is doing something. Higher Self (HS) never showed any past life since this life is the first, fresh from the White Light.
The first experience of having a body on the Earth, she chose to have overly caring families. For the beginner, what a welcome thing to have caring family, wouldn’t it?
In the beginning, their advices sounded good, her body responded, then another member advised something different, she followed that, then another, and another. Now at the moment, she stopped eating because she is afraid of eating any food which resulted her stomach bloating and acid reflux.
People judge her, all judge and it hurts her heart. Instead of going against their judgements, she stopped eating. For she does not want people to judge, people dragged her down. The end result is this undernourished, anorexic body.
Her HS advised her that she trust herself, stand on her own personal power. As she let her power out the window, let others control her, so what is the result?
Stress she has received from everyone, her blood pressure shoots up and stayed high, so she takes medication for that. Her HS advised slowly wean that off, eventually off totally and at the same time slowly consume wholesome foods.
As soon as she holds her power, she will reclaim her own health, regain her beautiful desirable weight so she can enjoy marital bliss with her husband and eventually having children. At the moment, her husband has no interest in embracing bones, so there has not been loving moments for a long time, makes her feeling incredibly lonely and isolated.
All will be back to normal. Her lesson from fresh from the White Light is to trust herself, keep her personal power intact. Never let that power give away to anyone.