
Lupus is known as an autoimmune disorder.  Many doctors were describing all the symptoms of the disorder and they all say the cause is unknown.

This is the session story of a woman in 40s who has had lupus since 2021.

More conversation revealed that she was diagnosed by her doctor since she took COVID vaccination.  Not only she trusted in the vaccination, she also allowed her children took that as well.

During the month following after vaccination, she noticed she was losing energy which was unusual, for she used to feel like energy bunny.

Then she started having pain in all joints and they became swollen.  Especially her fingers became like an arthritic and crooked. 

The worst thing she said was not feeling any energy no matter how well she ate or slept.  Oh, and she said her hair started falling, the volume has come back a little bit nowadays but never nearly as before.

Also started noticing her memory failing, not remembering things just happened recently and her eye sights also gets dimming.

This sounds like a story of an old lady whose body is failing everywhere.

Her Higher Self (HS) showed just beautiful purple colors and black void in the space where stars were twinkling.  She felt peaceful and comfortable.  She stayed in that space for a while and her HS never showed any past life.

Later I asked her HS why they never showed any past life.  To that they said she has a fear of seeing any past life, so they never showed any, but helped her relax in a beautiful space where she can relate.

When it comes for the subject of lupus, her HS said she is stubborn to see the world as she wants.  Vaccination effect is to teach her to pursue spiritual way.

In fact, while she was struggling with the lupus, she learned meditation, diligently gave some time to do it daily and has asked answers for her health issues.

According to her HS, she learned the lesson of suffering from the lupus, and her HS healed her which took some time to rid of all those toxins from her body.  And they said all will be good in two (2) weeks.

I asked the HS what about the memory loss and the vision deterioration.  Her HS said that these two issues are side effect from taking the medication.  She needs to stop the medication immediately.  There will be no side effect of stopping the medication, but will feel only better.

Also, her HS said her children’s menstrual cramps are the effect from the vaccination.  Her HS went right into heal their bodies as well.  Shortly after, the HS claimed that they are all well.

I asked what are the side effects of the healing just being given.  To that the HS said they will only feel better and more energy to do the work and study.

Travel Light

The past life of a lady was absolutely “love” itself.  Her Higher Self (HS) described it as a paradise of the Earth.

The Northern Europe about 16th century, as a wife of a sheep farmer with many children, she was busy working, cooking, making cheese, raising children and tending flocks of sheep.  People there all help each other, cooperate, no fences, all think for the group benefits.  That’s why it was called the paradise of the Earth.

Life was great until her husband never returned from a trip to buy a cow to replace the one died.  He slipped, fell into a gorge, gone from her.

From onward, her life was full of grief of losing her husband whom she loved so very much, carrying responsibility of raising children, and did the chores with the help of her neighbor ladies.

When she was sharing of her life story, she was very articulate and chronological way loaded with lots of the usual human dramas.

She had common female physical discomforts as well as emotional issues such as panic attack, scarcity mindset, anger, loneliness including not belonging in this world, neither in her family. 

Her HS was absolute delight to talk, and has full of wisdom.

Her HS’s frequent words being used were “travel light” and “galactic fire pit”.

Each issue, her HS was explaining the cause, which we found most of them from many past lives, have been stuck in her body.

When it comes for loneliness, her HS was explaining we are never alone, we are surrounded by many souls working for one common purpose for God, who wants to experience Oneself.

Becoming a human, nicely we were arranged to forget, anger arose out of not remembering, we indulge in anger which created high blood pressure in her case, in others, cancer.

Her HS was saying she was angry at movies, lots of traumas of movies.  No need to carry so throw that baggage into the galactic fire pit.  Her HS saying “we are doing a clean sweep; we don’t leave anything behind”.  Also, when anger comes, smell the rose, anger will go away.

Her HS was doing a big sweeping work on her every part of the body, nothing unturned.

“We travel light”, and continued sweeping all the luggage in every part of the body.

Even her HS said we unpack everything in this room where we are conducting the session also goes to the galactic fire pit.

At this moment I had a question that I have experienced for sometime that after sessions I say goodbye to clients, my memory goes out with them.  To that the HS was saying “We clean all baggage from people, in the room nothing remains, we clean everything to the galactic firepit, nothing stays here.  We make it clean, empty everyday, so you live new, ready for the next one”.  So, I said “anything to do with my memory”, to that the HS said “nothing to do with your memory, the baggage is not yours, no need to carry them with you, we, galactic council, masters, make sure they are gone.  You are not supposed to remember, they are not yours.  No need to get stuck with other people’s luggage.  We make it clean, nothing remains here, you travel light, we do a clean sweep.  We make it empty cup, empty vessel everyday”.

Metal Allergy

Highly intelligent young lady was wondering why she has been allergic to metals.  I found this allergy issue absolutely interesting, for most people have allergies to foods, but metal?

She was telling me when she was 23 years old, her skin started developing rash over her body and her left middle finger’s skin started to feel dry and itchy.  She finally found that any necklace, rings or ornaments made in metal on her body only had reactions but even without metal, her body still rashes on and off, though much less reaction nowadays she said.

Huge credit goes to her keen observation on her body.

Interestingly to her intelligence, still her left finger’s itchiness and dryness did not leave her how little metallic substance ornaments she has had on her body; made no dent in the symptom.  

Her Higher Self (HS) was eager to show her many lives in short snippets to deliver her the origins of all her issues.  She was busy describing images flooding to her, and I was busy asking her questions throughout.  We worked great as a team!

She saw a small town, a lot of people were running around on streets, screaming, obviously chaos was evident.  Some dead people on streets, and burning smells.  A young teenage boy was running toward her, now noticed herself as a young male, wore black booths, green and brown sort of army uniform, right hand was in trouble, painful.

The young teenager helped and carried him by arms to his house, laid him on the floor.  He wrapped the soldier’s right hand with some clothe bandage, left him on a floor, and gone to somewhere.  The soldier was exhausted, closed his eyes, felt pain on right hand waiting for the boy returning to him.

Next thing he noticed was he was dead there on the floor. 

Her HS came without any hesitation, explained why all the different scenes were shown, and the healing work also followed with them.

When it came to the soldier life about right-arm injury, her HS revealed that that’s where her metal allergy started.  “Please tell me more”, I asked.  The HS said a bullet went through the right arm and at the time it exploded into many pieces, a small piece of metal flew and lodged in her left third finger made her feel itchy and dryness on it in this life. 

Then I asked:  Why the allergy started at the age of 23?   To that question, that’s the age she died at that life which was WW II in Europe.

Also, I was curious about the young teenage boy who helped him is whether in her current life, to that her HS said he is not in her current life.

Now, her HS showed the origin of the issue, no more reason for her to suffer any more, willingly healed her from that discomfort.

After she was brought out to full consciousness, her attention went right to the troubled body parts, and noticed that they were free from rashes, itchiness and dryness.  She was so grateful for the happy result.

Her HS healed all her other physical discomforts.  Interesting thing was her discomforts originated from all different life times and yet, healing was all accomplished in one session completely.

Good for her!

The Solar Flares

Solar flares are happening all the times, big or small.  The solar flares that I am going to address today is the big one coming in about 20 years from now.

Science tells us it is when the energy stored in the Sun’s magnetic fields explodes and these explosions are called solar flares.

Higher Self (HS) of a client said the purpose of solar flares being created due to the Source wishes to experience another way than the current situation. 

Then what are the effects of the flares.  Needless to say, our power grid will go down, anything electrical will be out and disrupted:  GPS systems, communication with planes in flight and satellite-based technologies, car, internet, phones, mobile phones, fridge, stove, dryer, washer, TV, A/C, heating and the list goes on.

Also affecting water and food distribution, sewage disposal and a whole lot of other aspects of the infrastructure we take for granted daily.

The heat from the Sun flares will be melting all glaciers, snows, shifting the tectonic plates will create floods, water everywhere, chaos, earthquakes, and natural disasters.

Then how does solar flares make that effect?  To that question, the HS said solar flares carry energetic imprints or patterns with them tend to create some change which was needed on the Earth.

Energetic patterns or imprints carry certain code in order to maintain the balance in the dimension.  The pattern/imprint contains the message of destructive, empower or harmonious.  When it hits, depends on imprints, the result will be created.  When the code does not match, detoxing occurs.

For example, we, all are effects in the range of meeting point or energetic check-in:  the energetic imprints say, hey, I’m currently here, where are you, are you going to meet me there, if not, then this is the impact, or consequence.  This is an energetic check in.

The Sun and the Source energy directly are connected with each other.  The Source wishes to experience a certain way, the Sun receives that energy, sends that energy off to everything else.

The Source wants to experience Itself in a way where a life is catered to, life to flourish.  If not matching, bring them all back to the Source.  The Source is constantly upgrading and shifting.

The next reset will occur around or before 20 years from now and the Source is making the shift again.  The huge jump pulls us the Earth, to a new different vibration, which the Earth has never experienced before.  It will be a huge jump to repurpose for something else.

To the planet, it will be a bit of shock to the system, and it has never experienced this before.  However, it is meant for highest good for all, the Earth.

So, are we all going to die, I asked.  The HS said: to prepare for the big shift, we are to go inward.  Meeting the Source energy within us.  Focus on that vibe.  Accepting what’s coming, and moving to that direction.

People who are evolved, they will have a choice to stay to help build the life again or return to the Source, and people who are not evolved, they all go back to the Source.

Awakening will take place.  Huge shift will occur. Guidance from other planets, and ETs to more humans, that will create to speed up this vibration.  Lots of benevolent ETs are protecting, helping, assuring, and preparing us.  We will be well prepared.

All right, the big shift happened, then what are the changes are we going to experience in the future.  To that HS said: We won’t need food to sustain.  Humans will consume liquid-like sustenance.  Water, a different form that will energize the system.  Some grains or vegetables exist, however not much food is required to sustain, and will be reduced to minimal. 

Humans find no need to call someone or text to communicate.  Humans will tap into other ways to communicate.  For example, use the psionic abilities we never bothered to improve.

Now we use electricity extensively but, in the future, we will do a lot with water which will act as energy to transform to create the form required.  Water powers everything.

Now I delivered the message to you all.

Blurry Vision

Elsie has worked all her life, and willingly serving others who need her help at a moment’s notice.  Life has not always been easy for her.  Many ups and downs, but no regrets, for she knows she has done her very best.

Now that she is retired from her work force, she has time to look after her health.  Some part of her body has never been happy with her, specifically her vision.

Since from childhood, she has noticed left eye does not see altogether, the other one sees all right, but could have been better she feels.  Many times, she has visited eye doctors to improve her eye sight, but there were no explanations, no cures from them.

Her Higher Self (HS) showed a tumultuous emotion of her parents in early days of this current life.  Her father was violent man, knew no bound of respect to his family.  He adamantly did not want to have a child, at the time, her mother was pregnant with Elsie, their only child.  He wanted her mother to abort the child, but she refused it.  He kicked her mother down the stairs, hoping that could result the miscarriage.

That action damaged the area of her eye sight which were forming at the time in the mother’s womb.  It was not genetic fault.  It was the result of intentional violent physical abuse from her biological father.

Usually when people come for vision issues, I hear from their HS, that it is caused for them not trying to see what is in front of their life, an act of avoidance.  People want to escape from the reality that they have to face.

Her father never ceased to abuse this little girl physically and emotionally, tried to make her life a living hell.  Elsie has never experienced what was father’s love.  Her mother was no better.  Having living with that kind of man, her mom has sunk in deep depression throughout her life.

The entire story of her life was dark, too heavy to listen.  I have listened many stories, but this tops of it all.

The toll has taken on Elsie’s body all over.  She has been suffering fibromyalgia since young too. 

After her HS showed the cause of her eye issue and fibromyalgia, the HS healed in an instant of her fibromyalgia with blinding white light, she felt tingling all over her body.  It was all gone!  Elsie felt all loads off her shoulders.

In respect of healing the eyes, she has to visualize green energy healing on her eyes while meditating.  This will take some time, about two to three months.  And her HS will help heal the eyes.  No problem.

Her HS asked Elsie to listen her session recording every night, and during her sleep the healing will continue and she was eager to do just that!

Why God Abandoned Me?

A young lady came for a session fuming why everyone hates her.  Well, let’s find that out, I said.

Very noticeable energy in her eyes she had, which were penetrating and unflinching with full of apathy. 

When she was sharing her memories in this life, her family and in-laws were indeed extremely unkind to her.  Of course, she had no friend in school years, nor any good relationship at her work as well.

Life is and has been hell, according to her and she wants out.  Currently she has been married for a few years and has a young child.  To the child she has love, it appeared to me.

While I was addressing what name should she feel comfortable to get permission to ask her questions, she said Universe was fine instead of Higher Self, for she could not relate to that name.  No problem, then we call it the Universe.

She went on to express her feelings about God and spiritual beings.  She has been feeling abandoned by God, asking me why God abandoned her.

God has never been there for her when she needed help, just left her suffer she felt.  While her parents were beating her, God was never there to help her.  While she was going schools, she wanted good friends, but God never gave her good friends, where was God.  While she needed a good man, God was never there to give her a good man.  Finally, she married a man, he has not been kind to her either, where is God there for her.  While she was receiving harassment from in-laws, God was never there to help her.  These were some of the reasons she felt she has been abandoned by God.

Before I started the beginning part of the induction to help her into deeply relaxed state, she said “it is OK to say Higher Self instead of Universe”.  OK thanks and I carried on, she was relaxing more and saw her going deeper.

As she was going deeper, Lord Krishna came to her and told her “Trust”, so I reinforced that she needed “just trust and say whatever comes to your mind”.

Her HS showed a past life where the vast desert lied everywhere.  No trees, no vegetation, just brown sands and heat.  She was young healthy male with brown strapped sandal on his feet, white long robe on his body with turban on his head, like Saudi Arabs wear she said.

A bunch of males tricked and betrayed him, thrown him off a horse down to a desert leaving him all alone with no food, and no water.

Looking up the Sun as a guide, he walked to the direction where he felt towards.  He was searching water everywhere, none!  He found a shelter under a mountain, found a thorny plant, but too many thorns everywhere, impossible to eat the plant.  No water.  Another day and half kept walking, he knew he was going to die there, and died.

She learned stop trusting people, and the Higher Self said these were her patterns of deceit and betrayals that she has been setting up to learn from this.  She needs to love and forgive these people, her in-laws, and her husband in this current life.  They were the men who betrayed and thrown him to the desert in the past life shown.

Her HS said she chose those people to repeat the pattern in this life again, so that she learns to love and forgive instead of hating. 

Lord Krishina has been her Higher Self in this session all through, I was curious why he had been with her.  He said that she did not hate her, so he was able to come and help her.  He is a few she does not hate, he said.

So, Lord Krishina was willing to help heal her body and answered her questions.  He told her:  it is the matter of perspective of looking at things.  He emphasized that she was not a victim, but she planned it that way to learn. 

Lord Krishina advised her to surrender to God to evolve faster, have devoted meditation, trust more, let go of control and all aspects of her life will be vastly improved.

What a huge change I saw after she was brought out to the full consciousness from the trance.  Her eyes were softer, gentler, and smiling.

VNS (Vagus Nerve Stimulator)

I received an inquiry from a man who said he has been having seizures frequently since 20, would QHHT can help him.  Of course, my reply was QHHT works on all issues.  A few days later he booked a session.

On the day of his session, I prepared the furniture arrangements so that any sharp edges were away from where he could be sitting and around the bed.

During the interview, I found out he has had seizures since young, but only discovered by his class mates in the college where he was found frozen for a few minutes and no other family history indicated that any genetic issue.

Medical professional prescribed the anti-seizure medications and about a year ago, he agreed to install a Vagus Nerve Stimulator (VNS) on his left chest above the heart and the wire travels to his left neck.

According to the information from a clinic: the Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) uses an implantable device to stimulate the Vagus nerve in your neck. The electric impulse travels to your brain, where it’s dispersed to different areas to change the way brain cells work. VNS is sometimes called a “pacemaker for the brain.” VNS is approved to treat difficult-to-control epilepsy, depression and as a rehab aid for stroke.

His list of questions was all focused on finding the reason and healing of seizures and erectile dysfunction.

His Higher Self (HS) said his seizures are the way he releases his mental pressure.  Momentary release causes him to freeze his body for a minute or two.  It does not require to fall down on a floor but in sitting position wherever he is, he freezes so a person talking to him notices he is away for a brief time.  That concerned his class mates eventually caused him to go through brain scan, MRI, then taking prescribed medications.

The mental pressures are from his mom and maternal grand ma’s value system imposing on him that he should learn a certain subject to succeed in life.  Therefore, being a good son, he took the education that he did not like, but completed to achieve a master degree, so the world recognizes him as a highly educated, intelligent, and a professional in his field.

In the world he succeeded but his mental world has many freezing moments.  In spite of having multiple anti-epileptic medications, he still experiences seizures.  That finally compelled him to install VNS on his chest.

His HS said when he releases the mental pressure build up, he feels his brain is refreshed, start a new kind of feeling, which he feels very clear and fresh.

Instead of releasing his mental pressure here and there by freezing all brain activities, the HS recommended a better way for him to release by working out with his favorite exercises:  biking and swimming.  The exercise will release his mental pressure build up from just living and working.  There will be no further seizures.

His HS recommended to wean off medications, eventually be free from them and leave the VNS on his chest, since it does not create any issue.

His erectile disfunction is a side effect of medications, once he is free from them, his body will return to the normal function.

I addressed epilepsy on a post sometime ago titled “Epilepsy”, you will find different reasons causing seizures on different people.  The mental pressure release is for this male client.  He was very surprised to understand his issue and said “Huh, was that it?”

He gave me a big hug and many long goodbyes.

Fear of Raising Frequency

Many videos, podcasts, social medias are all busy helping people how to raise the frequency or vibration.  Nowadays people are very keen on raising their vibrations, thanks to the media. 

Unlike the most people came for a session asking to raise vibration, or frequency or to be more spiritual, Hongyan has a fear of raising frequency. 

Not only that, she has a whole list of fears:

Fear of being acknowledged.

Fear of being looked up as an important person.

Fear of being shown in the public.

Fear of feeling worthy.

Fear of being followed by as a teacher.

Fear of darkness.

Talk about fears, she has them all it seemed.

And yet, I was looking at a shining light in front of me telling me her fears.  I felt that’s very interesting, not once her light ever got dimmed while she was talking about her fears.  I had a huge smile inside.

Hongyan has a beautiful family, loving husband and incredibly enlightened children and a job she is good at.  She says she is learning from her children A LOT!

Indeed, her children came from a highly evolved and a very special place.  Her Higher Self (HS) told her, her children came to do light work. And she has been busy dimming her light in all her life.

Her HS showed her a past life in Germany at the time of the WWII.  Simple life, busied herself buying and wearing beautiful dress, done up her hair in wavy style to make herself fashionable, and in love with her husband.  She worked in that life as a secretary of an accounting firm.  No children she had and it was a full life, got old, time to go, so life completed in that way.

I asked her HS why all these fears, while the past life shown did not seem to have any relevance to the current life issues.  Her HS said that her fear of darkness came from seeing and experiencing the Nazi regime and wanted to show her that she is a light and important to appreciate little things in life. 

But most of her other fears stemmed from a life that she had in the US, about 1700s.  She lived and enjoyed a life of helping people with plants.  Many followers and students she had.  Even some medical doctors followed her teaching.

Like all other loving plant medicine person, she only offered and did what she knew and loved to heal people with plants.  A few friends betrayed her in this life also came from that life and they were her students back then.

She got hung, the square was filled with spectators, all looking at her being hung, not one student, neither any people who she helped came to help her, all but watched her being hung.  She felt that was really strange looking at them watching her, then she left the scene in a flash.

The experience being hung left her with so many fears as I mentioned above.

In this life, she did not even wear any necklace nor any neck wears touching her neck.  You can see why she feels that way.  All those people followed her, all betrayed her in the past life.  Who is to blame her feeling that way after that kind of experience.

However, her HS taught her, let go of that life experience, added to her that she planned to experience that life.  Her HS cleared all that trauma in her body, mind and asked her to soak in the Sun every day about 15 minutes, and to connect her to the Sunlight again.

Also eat fresh, raw foods that are in high frequency.  She is a light worker and literally she works with the light!  Her HS reminded her that she works as a Director of Light of Galactic Federation, the Milky Way Galactic Federation consists of million members from million planets.

Now it is her time to accept, shine her light to all in full strength.  The effort of pressing it down the bright light is no longer valid!

The Moon

Today I am going to share about the question on our Moon.  You might ask “What do you mean by?”.

The Moon has been a part of our important farming almanac, daily activities of tides, and also the culture where I am coming from goes by all important yearly events including birthdays, have been based on lunar phases.

Recently a lady client had a curiosity because her feeling has been affected by Moon’s waxing and waning.  Indeed, our feelings have been toyed with the Moon. 

When I was little, I used to look up the Moon much like a silvery round ball marveling the beauty of it and wondering who is living up there.  My friend composed many beautiful poems about the moon, and she got the first prize in school poetry competition too.

The Higher Self (HS) of a client gave me a very interesting information about the Moon.  Where I thought the Moon is just silvery cold place where we humans are trying to make a home there one day.

According to the HS, the Moon has been created by Extraterrestrial beings (ETs) long time ago when the Earth had started populating.

I asked why, and the HS said ETs had a need to create the Moon, nearby to observe the Earth, because the Earth is one of the most beautiful planets, and an absolutely precious gem, a garden of Eden where many lives depend on.  They (ETs) wanted to make sure all life is having their days filled with joy and happiness.

The HS continued.  Inside of the Moon is hollow, many ETs are using the Moon as a meeting place to discuss important things.  Several ETs are residing in it, having their own camps with their own purpose for a very long time, and always has been that way.  They are beings of different dimensions, thus not visible to humans. 

Creating the Moon was not a part of the original plan of the Source.  It was artificially created by ETs of different races, to monitor the Earth, to understand the earthlings and the planet better.  

It is an observation station for the Earth.

Many benevolent ETs have cooperated to establish the observation station.  According to the past QHHT session information, Andromedans are an excellent ship builder.  One of the articles I have posted some time ago titled “A Beauty from Andromeda” explains the shape of the ship and the size with parks, waters, vegetations, trees, like a big city.

The same technology has been implemented in the hollow inner core of the Moon, made themselves a nice place to do their important works.

Here is the link of the session story:

The Moon is, has been and will be with the Earth nearby to influence what we used to get affected by, and will be used to help the Earth to make sure she is on the right path for her evolution.