David was disoriented for a while because he could not identify himself readily. He smelled something musty, dirt, and felt wet in a dark place. Then I noticed he stretched two arms out like a person rowing oars pushing backward. I was concerned for him, wondering what was happening. Then he said he did not feel like a human, but felt like a weird crocodile. Finally, he realized himself as an old male crocodile.
S What are you doing in that musty wet place?
D I am just lying in the cool place, just resting.
S What are you seeing and feeling around?
D Watching. Just watching what is going on around. There is nothing to do, but just rest and watch.
S What are you watching now?
D Watching the water. .. There are two (2) kids on the shore playing. Just watching them play.
S How is the water?
D It is clear, very shimmery water.
S What do you do other than watching?
D Just swim around and find something to eat.
S What do you eat?
D Eat fish. What I can find. Turtle.
S How does the turtle taste like?
As soon as I asked that question, he had a turtle in his mouth. I saw his mouth wide open, caught it in his jaw, chewed twice, gulped.
S You only chewed twice!
D Well…
As if well that was enough to gulp it down.
S How is the taste?
D It tastes raw, meat, wet, crunchy some.
S Do you often get turtle?
D Not often, it depends when I get a good meal.
S Where is your wife?
D I don’t know. I used to have many. When I was younger, in different places.
S What happened to them?
D Not too many of us are here. They choose places to go.
S Any friends?
D No, I am ooooold. I like being alone. I don’t want to be bothered with any. I just want to rest.
S What do you learn by observing?
D Learning to slow down, need to slow down. It gives you time to think; think to understand, just this life, just the experiences.
S What kind of experiences have you had?
D To fight what I want. If I want female, I have to fight. If I want food, I have to fight. You have to be strong to get what you want.
S Have you been a leader of your pack?
D Yes, I was a leader sometime. Sometimes you walk away. It is better for you.
S When did you walk away?
D You know you won’t win, you move away. You have to learn. Have to know when to fight, when to leave.
S Where are your babies? Do you see them sometimes?
D I don’t know. I don’t care.
S Have you been crocodile before?
D No, Just this one time, I wanted to experience how I feel.
S So has this experience worthwhile to repeat?
D No. It is boring. I don’t want to repeat this again.

He said, “Humans think crocodiles are just dumb animal. They are very, very, old beings. They are from different places of different galaxies”. I wanted to know the names of galaxies where they were from. I sensed he was debating to tell it or not, and mumbled for a while, then he curtly replied, “Not important”.