I Want My Third Eye Open

Quiet often, one of the people’s requests to their Higher Self (HS) is to open their third eyes.

During the talk, I find many have various psychic abilities such as feeling, sensing, hearing or knowing.  But they want to open their third eyes specifically.  The reason is because they want to know everything, they say.  They say “I want to see the future, past and everything!”.

Usually that kind of question makes me wonder, so I ask them:  Are you willing to take the responsibility of seeing everything?  To that, they wince a little and they usually fidget with no answer.  That question made them think: truly do they want to know everything about everyone?

For example, what if I see someone who I know is going to die by car accident, then what do I do about that information?  Do I have an obligation to let them know, or do I keep it to myself?  Which way is best serving to that person?  Just a situation to consider from a person who “sees” everything.

I believe people realize that maybe it is not that good idea to “see” everything.  So, I asked to the Higher Self (HS) of a client on “seeing” things through their third eyes.

HS:  You are not seeing things because you are being taught that there is other way to see.

Soo:  What do you mean?

HS:  You can see with your stomach.  You can see with your heart.  You can see with your consciousness.  You as humans are trained inherently for too long to only see through your eyes.  Only seeing through visions.

HS:  What we are trying to help you understand is that we have a hard time trying to give you words.  We want you to feel things, not see things.  We want you to feel a new Earth.  We want you to feel with your body, your DNA and every molecule that you have.  We want you to feel love.  We don’t want you to see love.  We need you to feel everything in your body of that love.

HS:  Some of the visions, some people get clearer than others, because their purpose is different.  Some other’s is to feel these things.  We need your bodies to raise to the frequencies which is all feeling, it is not vision.

Soo:  Now what is the best way to feel?  We think we feel it, but I am not so sure about that?

HS:  Humans, you are very good at feeling things with temperature.  You get a great feeling when you are in a warm bath, or when you are in a nice bed, or when you are lying on the grass, or you are floating in the ocean.  This is a good way of understanding feeling.  How you feel.

HS:  Think of yourself when taking a hot bath on a cold winter’s day.  You love the feeling of the water.  When you are in water, you bring feelings out that you do not have standing on two feet.  Temperature is good.  Many humans like warmth.  They like to be in a warm place.  You love these saunas.  These are great places to experience feelings that are not emotional.

HS:  Another thing humans have that many people come back to this planet for is taste!  When you eat things that you really like, and you are excited about it, it brings on feeling.  This is something that you do not need to have vision of.

HS:  Smell! Smell is very important.  Again, we know people loves the smell of the grass, the flowers, of the nature.  There are so many smells that people enjoy.  You meditate to these flowers for example.  It brings on different senses.

HS:  What we are trying to convey to you is as humans you are missing many of your skills and powers and being too reliant on your eyes.  We ask that you explore your other senses because these are really the stronger senses.  Try to and it is very simple to accompany and experience things that make your body feel good.

As we learned, there are many ways to “see” things, through many other bodily senses as described by the Higher Self.  Everyone has their own way of “seeing” things.

The following examples are a few we express, a way of “seeing” things via other than seeing with your physical “eyes” or “third eye”.

Some say they “feel in the gut”.

Some say they “sense the vibes”.

Some say their “hair stands up” when they know something tells the truth.

Some say they “smell imminent danger”.

Some say they “hear voices” from their head or other chakras.

Some say their “heart feels something is going to happen”.

Some say they simply “know” that they know.

Some say their “ears are buzzing” to validate the information received are correct.

And many more.

Our “seeing” abilities have been with us for long time through various ways in our bodies. 

We are all psychic!

Bigger Perspective

In a dark space, Aggie is looking at million stars sparkling in the sky.  Seeing a planet of orange color looking peaceful, and floating beautifully comes to her attention.  This planet is one with the universe, a part of the universe.  Feels, she herself is one with the universe.  Feels like she wants to laugh out of joy, and feeling immensely good.  There is a feeling of quietness, calm, and timelessness.  Though seeing nothing, feels there are so much more.

There is a sense of being patient, not in a rush.  The orange planet is dusty, and has many sandstorms.  Not seeing any living people.  It is the size of the Earth.  Not that big.  Now she feels the size of the planet, and sense it holds some knowledge of how to be a planet, and being a planet.  The planet is spinning, and feeling so much fun to be a planet floating in the space.  It is timeless.  Wind blowing around softly, all things move gently and calmly.

“I am that planet!”.  Aggie exclaimed.

She senses that she feels young, energetic, masculine energy of herself being that orange planet.

Never feels alone, and always connected with other planets in the universe.  Feeling and knowing that they are there.  Now she sees more around her.  When zooming out, she sees a bigger planet nearby with clouds, water, and gray ice.  Ice rock planet.  Really big!   She feels the bigger planet is like a family, as if she is being looked after by it.  Feels like her consciousness connection with bigger consciousness.  The bigger planet stands there so long, being there next to each other.  Like human body processes, feels body of the planet shifting like human digestion and can sense shiver like human body.

It is a very different perspective.  The big planet has big consciousness, heavy, secure and happy.  Nothing phases it, totally content as it is.

She realizes being a planet or a human being, she still has the same consciousness.  Scale does not matter.  There are similarities of the both existences.  Either being a planet or human, she is still herself.

Being a human, easy to get caught up of the things.  As a planet, her feeling is deep, steady and large.  As a human, her emotion gets swayed easily like a little ship tossed by  the tidal wave of the sea.

As a planet, every day is all the same.  Noting important, nor excitement happened as a planet.  She learns as a small planet, the conscious connection with bigger planets.  Some planet leaving, some piece of a planet fallen away, some more being created, steady, ever the same.

Aggie’s Higher Self (HS) showed her life being a small planet way before the Earth being created for her to have a bigger perspective.  She is much bigger, her Higher Self says.  On Earthly living, she has been feeling small, trapped  since the Earth is limiting place, dense, and slow.

The Little planet has no name and the bigger planet she has been feeling is her mother.

She and her mom volunteered to come to the Earth to be a beacon of light to help.  I asked her Higher Self how to help people and that her Higher Self said “be the light, bring the light”.  And her HS showed her a very big bright, light energy coming out from her heart.  She has been feeling deep sadness of  how people treat each other, hurting each other.  Many tears shed.  That is very difficult for her to watch.

Her Higher Self suggests to human:  need to learn to soften and open heart.  How to soften and open the heart I asked, and her Higher Self said:  deep, like a planet, broaden your perspective, don’t sweat the small stuff.


This is a session story written by Miro. Much thanks to Miro for sharing his past life experience with us.

By the time I did the hypno-regression with Soonja Kim, I had already completed 4 different ones and had a pretty good idea what to expect.  All my previous visions were of me seeing images of my past lives through my own eye stand, they felt very familiar and all were reasonably pleasant and nothing out of the ordinary.

To my surprise, what I saw with Soonja was something that blew my mind completely.  You see, other than a hypno-regression, I have come to see myself in a past life from a third perspective, as a big, three-legged creature from a different planet, when I was under the guidance of psilocybin aka psychedelic mushrooms.  It was this life that I was most curious of, and wanted to know more about.  It felt like it had a lot of meaning to convey, I just wasn’t sure what precisely.

During the hypnosis, as I was slowly drifting into a deep dream-like state, I was guided by Soonja’s voice to imagine a happy, safe and positive space.  It came as a complete surprise then, when I opened my eyes in that state and saw a big, dark hole in the ground, with water flowing through it, and pebbles and boulders strewn across the bottom of it.  And that’s exactly what it felt like, a comfortable safe and happy place.

Wet and dark. I looked up and saw the skies littered with shiny stars.  Except they all looked the same and were evenly spaced.  Then I realized I was looking at one and the same star many many times over.  As if I had a thousand eyes.  That’s when I thought I was looking through insect like eyes and I was probably an insect too.

I was alone and I was happy, a little surprised that there was no greenery around but I felt satisfied.  I saw myself diving into shallow pools of water to sleep when I was tired and looking through the pebbles when I was bored, reading the layers inside of them and the story, or history, they held within.  And when I was hungry, well, food just presented itself to me.  Other insect and crab-like creatures would come and offer themselves to me as food.

This was the most baffling concept and I saw how it happened.  We were all aware of each other, and the surroundings without seeing each other.  In the dark, we were all parts of the same environment and when one was hungry and the other waiting to die, we would just connect.  In that connection, we would selflessly give ourselves to each other and automatically gain each other’s perspective.  As if we lived 2 lives in 2 different bodies.  This way one would end their life with 2 experiences and the other would have the sustenance from the leftover body to continue living and experiencing life.  That was the beginning of the mind-blowing experience.

Next, I looked around, or rather what felt like looking but I was actually scanning, perceiving the environment in the darkness and realized I was aware of not just the surface of things, but of the deep inside, and of all the layers and what they represented.  I realized that in the absence of light what I perceived around me was not just the surface of things, but all the structure and meaning inside.  And it all had a story to tell.

In that life I lived a solitary life but every so often, as I saw, I would run into another one of my species and we would mate.  This happened in a peculiar way where our limbs would open from the body and we would merge and become a six-legged creature which now not only shared its physicality between the two, but also the entire life’s perspective.  All our experiences, memories and knowledge were merged into one, just like our bodies.  We communicated to each other our whole existence in perspective, as well as genetic material, which we then used to create eggs for our progeny.  The sex was complete communication of life’s perspective as well as the genetic material.  I felt in awe of this, as this was my approach to sex in this life, communicating my whole life’s perspective not just the sensation.

I saw contact with others, beings that were not from my planet but which I called ‘light workers’.  Humanoid like beings which would occasionally come to learn from us.  We taught them how to read deep into beings and things so that what they would perceive is not just the illuminated surface, but also the inner substance and perspective of things, which carries much much more information than the surface.

For, in the darkness there is no surface, there are only layers.  Many of them, with a lot of meaning and information.  This is where my mind was blown again because I realized how we judge everything based on the surface value which represents barely 2% of the intrinsic value.  I saw how the dark reminds us of many layers we share in common with everyone and everything around us.  I saw how our old skeletons after our death break apart and form little pebbles that we walk on and all of them have layers and information of the past lives and histories.

A saying came to my mind which I used to say to my friends, and which came to me in meditation; “you should not ask for what you need but what you have to give, and then everything you need will be given to you”.  That’s exactly how I saw myself in this regressed life.  I was given everything I needed and I gave all I had.  I saw then, myself coming to the planet Earth as a visitor planting first life.  I saw how the 3-legged form was not successful because of how hard it is to keep balance with 3 legs with your vision only, but how the mating form, merged 6 legged-body worked out very well and was the branch that created insects.

Having a scientific background and knowledge this all sounded a little far fetched and unlikely but I could not deny the overwhelming feeling of it being the truth.  In any case, for me, these are beautiful images that decorate the inside of my mind, rather like paintings, and gave my life a lot of value and entertainment.

One thing is for sure though, I will never underestimate the value of darkness ever again.

I am Pretty

At a mere word of herself often being called “pretty”, Lisa showed contempt to that vocabulary, and her brows frowned.  She would rather look like an ordinary looking woman, who nobody took a note of.  Lisa complained why don’t they mind their own business.  She felt offended by it and tired of hearing it.  As she was talking about it, I noticed she was wrapping her sweater around her body, sat back a little, defending body sign clearly was shown. 

As a whole, fashion, cosmetics, all the aesthetic arts we put so much effort in it for women to be “pretty”, but not to Lisa.  She would rather be left alone, not being commented on her looks, let her live her life “please”.

She wore no makeup, loose clothing of plain colorless fabric, spent least amount of money on her outfit, plain sneakers and loose hair.  Make it very plain was her philosophy of dressing herself, she said. 

One of her questions was her having ovarian cysts and swollen lymph nodules around the reproductive system.  I asked her Higher Self (HS) why.

Her Higher Self explained and did the following for her:

Not that long-ago past life in North America, she was also “very pretty”.  Young and pretty, young men in her neighborhood noticed her.  These men gathered and planned to enjoy her.  One day, when she was alone in the house, the group of men entered the place, raped her:  group rape.  She lost consciousness and families of these men did not know what their sons did to a neighborhood girl. 

Because of that trauma, when Lisa came to live in the North America in this current life, the past memory of living on the land awoken to her, and her body started making ovarian cysts as well as her lymph nodes swell: Inflammation, that means the sign of anger.  The solid message from her Higher Self to her was to look after the issue now.

Not only that, she also blocked her feeling of totally letting go when it comes for the intimate relationship with her husband.  Needless to say, it has not been so fulfilling.  Emotional blocking has been the classic result of being violated of feminine right. 

Her HS released all the traumas and took the cysts out as well as the lymph nodes swelling.  She would experience heavy period the first month, and all be good.

Not only her health is back to optimal level, also her ability to embrace herself has been restored.

A Promise to Keep

People come for a QHHT session wanting to eliminate some habit, such as smoking.  While they love smoking and wanting their Higher Self (HS) do the work to delete that from its brain.  Do you think you can fool your Higher Self?  You know deep in its heart, you love and want to continue smoking, and ego says quitting is a good thing.  Any benefit you get from continuing some habit while they want it go, they are not honest to themselves.  The healing does not work that way.  Your congruity within and without is a  MUST to bring healing.

The following session is not about the smoking, but quitting his profession for good in order to get healing.  The story of Jack, a personal support worker (PSW).  He loves his work, looking after each patient’s need is such a joy to him.  He told me he really loves his job.  For years, he has been serving and was feeling all right for the compensation he has received with occasional promotions.

In strange work environment we are in nowadays, his work load has been slowly piled up for the last few years without proper respite, reward or appreciation.  His employer promised to pay more for what he provides.  He has waited, served, waited, and served people.

Some months ago, his right arm started aching.  Went to the doctor, he was told that he has tendonitis.  Immediately he started physio therapy and still did his usual work.  The pain got worsened, still he continued to do his load.  Now his left arm started aching also, and shooting pain radiated to the neck to the back.

By the time he came to me for a QHHT session, he has been on medical leave for a few weeks.  Now he is in dilemma what to do.  He loves what he does, that is his passion.  And his arms are not happy with him for doing what he loves.  He needs money, wondering how to support him and his family.  Wonderful challenge having a body, experiencing human life on the Earth, you all can relate to it.

His HS said they will heal him on one condition that he never goes back to that profession again.  Why, I asked.  His HS said the people who he works with has no respect of his contribution and Jack needs to learn to love himself.  His HS requested him to “letting it all go”.  His conscious mind came up and told to his HS that he loves the work, that‘s all he knows and asking how to support his family. Then his HS said he has to let that go, otherwise no healing.

The phenomena where conscious mind interacts actively with its Higher Self is happening here and there in my practice; definitely a good sign of our human conscious mind is able to work at a close level with its Higher Self.  I am finding it much more fun to work in this state of awareness, thus conscious decision is present in healing process and the person takes full responsibility of the outcome.

Now, I as a facilitator, was in between negotiating the best route for Jack.  A few more details were looked after between his Higher Self and his conscious mind.  Interesting situation!  His conscious mind finally saw more benefit to let that profession go and get the healing and said “yes, I promise” to his HS.

Then his HS started healing his tendonitis with massaging the areas being affected with high energy.  I saw his right hand was moving around vigorously under the blanket.  Later he mentioned he felt his bones around arm were rotating, feeling hot energy coursing through.

His HS healed all, advised him to love himself and provided detailed information for him to create his own business to bring abundance while he can serve fellow humans.

This session was very unique in that, his Higher Self wanted Jack’s promise to let that profession go before healing can be accomplished and there were three (3) way conversation between his Higher Self, client’s conscious mind and me, the facilitator.

As a facilitator, it has been an honor to witness and was a part of decision-making process.

Arthritic Left Big Toe

Steve wants to find out what is his life purpose and hoping to receive the answer through the QHHT session.

Now that he has reached to the top of the ladder in a corporate world and there is no more left to climb, wondering where to go next.  he has been told by others that he is successful, everybody tells him that they envy him, yet he feels total void within.  Also, he notices more gray hair coming; some more wrinkles; he feels urgent need to find that out before it is too late.

He said to me, “What is it that I am seeking?  Why am I feeling so unfulfilled”.  You guessed it good.  My answer to him was, “Let’s ask to your Higher Self (HS)”.  He grinned.

His HS showed an opulent past life.  Being born as a prince, he had lavish lifestyle; wore top of the world fashion; satisfied his palate with out-of-worldly cuisines. He spent days with dancing and singing.  Still, bored to tears; he ordered his people to build monuments to show off his power, and to fill the void he had been feeling, and he did not know any better.

Nobody came to him asking what they wanted from him.  People and his subjects were scared of him.  He was unapproachable, self-centered, and selfish.  In the world where people were scared of authority, such a high prince, now king he became, not a single soul dared to ask.  Steve had no friends.  His subjects did only one thing: obey.  His close confidants were all busy protecting their own status and power, brown-nosing him crazy.

One day when he was out walking in the garden; suddenly he felt a big whack on his back; tripped forward; fell face down to the ground; dead.

His subjects killed him.  They could not tolerate any more to those silly monuments that the king had been ordering to build, and wasting all state treasury while people were hungry, and sick.

Looking back, he wasted his life as a king.  His Higher Self (HS) said he could have asked people what they wanted.  But those things never even occurred to him that he needed to do that as a king.  He thought people were doing all right, what could he do for those people, he surmised.

His behavior was not that unique in the human history that it has been repeated over and over again everywhere.  Power is very sweet, hardly can get out of it once you get caught in its snare, his HS said.  His HS continued and saying that we are given discrimination power within us to discern what is right, and wrong.

One of the Steve’s physical complaints was that he has arthritis on his left big toe, been bothered by it for a long while.  His HS said that toe issue came from the past life when tripped forward by wacked on the back, his left big toe got broken.  Thus, for a reminder for him, he has been carrying that discomfort from the past life.  The reminder is: “Don’t be like that jerk”.

His HS said they started healing for that toe and asked him also to contribute healing by picturing the healing energy to it.  The HS told him really get in there, send the powerful energy to the toe, all will be fine.  This was an exercise for him to discover the joy of healing; understands why he has this discomfort; how to heal; to realize his own power.

In the past life, in spite of having everything, he did not do anything for helping his people as a king.  He was not connecting with people, nor understanding the feeling what people were going through.

In this life, to make up things that he did not do in the past life, he needs to make the personal connection with people, show his kindness.  See what he can offer for them once he finds out what they need.

With open and compassionate heart, pause and listen to people whoever comes across to his life is his current life purpose.

Ancestral Curse

Nayan looked worried sick, his face was sullen and gloomy.  “Tell me why you are under the weather” was the beginning of my questions to him.  He was telling me how his stomach has been bothering him and “definitely think it is the ancestral curse working on me”.

“What do you mean by that”, I asked him.  Many of his family members have had stomach cancer from his grandparents’ generation and may be even before, he said.  A few members of the family died already from the stomach cancer and the entire clan believed that those people were gone because of the curse.

I asked him what kind of diet he has been on.  He talked about how good he has been eating all vegetarian because that was the right thing to do.  He basically consumed grains, beans, flour products, and vegetables.

His stomach issues were bloating, gaseous, cramping and sometimes indigestion.  Who other than his Higher Self (HS) could better enlighten on this subject of ancestral curse.

“Nayan thinks his stomach discomfort comes from ancestral curse. What is ancestral curse?”, that was how my question started to them (HS) for Nayan. 

This was how his HS explained:

“When you say ancestral curse, ancestral DNA link to every person who has a lot of information they brought with them through their DNA.

You as a soul chose this specific body because on a physical level your ancestry has chosen to deal with certain way.  Now your job as an individual is to go against that, the way they did it before and introduce something new, so that your soul bringing new information to re-code what is in your DNA.

So that you bring your children, or you put out new information to the next generation.

There is no such a thing as a curse, because you chose your body.

So, information there is just your challenge in this life.  The thing you need to work through is not a curse, it is what inspires you in this life.

Seeing all the stuff they did it before, you chose to come here to try to fix it.

Once you are aware of that, none of your ancestry information matters, because you have access of your own information, then you are over the curse, if you want to call it a curse”. 

Nayan’s stomach issue was basically from overconsumption of beans which produced lots of gas, something his body was not comfortable to work with.  His HS cleared all the discomforts and advised him to reduce bean consumption. 

The belief system that he has had through family conditioning on his ancestral curse, his HS cleared from his memory bank.

Now Nayan realized why he chose his family and his purpose of this current life is to help the family to understand the conditioning they were put under for generations, and teach them how to overcome it, or “re-code” it as his HS called.

Nayan felt tremendous zest for living after learning what he found out from the session and told me “I feel so invigorated!”.


This is a session story of Aiko.  Her major reason for coming to a QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) session is to heal from Crohn’s disease that she has been suffering since teen and to find out why she has it.

Aiko has lived her life as best as she can.  Many ups and downs, her life has been.  Now in her 40s, she finally finds time to look back and wondering what was that all about.

In her teen years, she developed nausea, diarrhea, and terrible cramps which made her and her mom panicked and rushed to see a doctor.  Her doctor diagnosed her having Crohn’s disease and put her on steroids.  The steroids made her weight ballooned and her body formed many stretch marks all over her body to just name a few side effects. 

The medication controlled her pain to some degree, but never be able to get rid of the disease.  Often, she has had no energy to even get out of the bed, let alone go to work.  But she has braced with all that and continued to make good attendance to her work.

Several men came into her life as partners.  Some good, some poor.  Now she is fine being alone and she is willing to wait for the right partner, and she wants to know if someone is for her in the future.

” I will ask”, I said.

She also showed me red cherry marks all over her body.  So many!  Another important question to find that out from her Higher Self (HS).

During the deep relaxation, her HS showed her a scene of a birthday party.  She was dressed all pretty and her mom invited all her friends, made a beautiful pink flower birthday cake with five candles on it.  But no one was talking, she felt she was all alone in the whole wide world because her dad was not there for her birthday.

Her parents had always argued on everything.  Screaming and loud noise were constant.  Aiko remembered her hearing her dad’s yelling even in her mom’s womb and did not like that at all.

When her dad left them behind, the devastation she felt was indescribable to Aiko.  She loved his hugs and remembered feeling happy when he smiled at her.  Her dad was her world to Aiko.

Her Higher Self (HS) gave her clarity on why she has Crohn’s disease.

She has been punishing herself because she felt she was not good enough to keep her dad stay with her.  It all started at the age of five when her dad left her. She blamed all on her.

Also, she wanted everybody should make her feel happy.  In that way she has been selfish, her HS added.  Her HS asked her to let go of grudges against all people whom she felt did not help her feeling happy, that includes all her family members and males whom she has known and interacted.

She needs to forgive and love them.  Grudges, she is holding it too tightly.  It is not their responsibility to make her feel happy, it is her responsibility to make her own happiness.  Her HS said finally today through this session, she learned the lesson of taking responsibility of her own happiness, not expecting others to make her feel happy, so she no longer needs to suffer from self punishing disease. 

She also learned that it was not her fault that her dad left, who had his own issues to deal with.  So, her HS healed the Crohn’s in her.   

They (HS) took all the damaged scar tissues, scraped them all out from inside of her body and they made a promise to her that Crohn’s disease will never return to.

Chery marks all over her body is resulted from the side effect of the medication that she has been taking, and they will be gone in one month.  She is to take just one more anti-inflammation medication that she has been taking, and no more after that.

She is to exercise love to all and believes in herself who can do anything.  And she is going to meet her soul partner in two years, her HS told her the signs to recognize him as her partner when she sees him.  He will be an excellent companion and a good friend for her.  Her HS said she will feel happy and content with him.