Never Again

The following session story is a very familiar case what I have noticed happening frequently throughout the human history and in my practice as well.  Why this case to my care often with QHHT recently?  I gave some time to have my quietness to gain better understanding.  Obvious answer was to address again for the benefit of others.  People need to read again to remind them what not to repeat.  Repetition is the key to solidify the understanding.  So here goes the case story.

A fine young lady came seeking for an insight.  She needed a clarity of her confusion about a man whom she loves.  Let’s give her a name: Terry.  She has been thinking that she has loved this man for several years, whose interest went to male partners.  She has been aware for some time, that his interest left from her totally.  Surely, her logical mind told her to end the relationship would be the answer, but her emotion still strongly ties to this man blurred her discrimination power.

They have not had any intimate relationship a long while now.  Her tears freely flowed while she spoke of him, and her story to me.  She kept saying why he is like that.  That was the perfect loop that caught her in forever to bring no solution.  Deep down she knew why, but her attachment was in the way.  To me her dilemma was crystal clear who listens her story.

After looking after all of her other questions, Terry relaxed herself to go under a deep relaxation to receive healing and answers.  She went easily into the deep trance.

Her Higher Self (HS) showed a past life as the following:

In a past life, she was a fisherman.  While he worked under the water to catch fish with his harpoon, he was beaming with joy.  What kept him in this beautiful feeling was that he loved a girl who loved him back.  Life was beautiful.  Blue ocean, plenty of fish, beautiful breeze, and a lovely young woman he loved.  What more could he ask for, he was saying to himself.  He dreamt a life with her, living a wonderful life and his imagination spread wings:  feeling the joy of living in a simple but beautiful home, smell wife’s cooking, hear his children’s laughing and playing happily.

When he asked for her hands for marriage, her father gave him an ultimatum that he could not marry her, for he was an only poor fisherman, not a rich noble.  His world collapsed!  Eventually he married someone else, whom he could not even care for.  The marriage was utterly unhappy for him.  Since then, he shut himself down from any joy, happiness and satisfaction.

Now old and his time came to pass, finding himself in the spirit side, looking back his life, he could not help but feeling sorry for himself, wondering what that life was all about, save sadness and unhappiness.  Mind you Terry shed bucketful of tears from sadness during the life review from the day he received the refusal to marry that lady.

But he realized something else while looking back to that life, which never dawned on him prior.  He not only was unhappy, but also, he made another person miserable because of how he treated the person:  his wife in that life.  Consider, what it was like being unloved, knowing her husband’s heart  was with someone else.  They had a boy in that life.  What about the emotional damage to that boy growing up in arid atmosphere of no love.  The boy would need to work out his own emotional issues as well.  The cycle continued.  

He learned and resolved “Never Again” to marry anyone whom he does not love!  He promised himself never to repeat.

Okay, here in this current life, Terry was about to make the same mistake.  Not only making herself miserable first, but also her partner, and her children if they create some.  Her HS showed what she should do and reminded her resolution she made in the past life.

Terry realized after the session, the man she attached her emotion to now has to be released from her heart, and free herself from it.  No reason to repeat the same unhappiness, she was talking to me.   

Terry needs time to make a decision and the sooner she decides to leave the current dysfunctional relationship, the better her life will be moving forward to a happier state.

Time and time again, I am amazed how brilliant people’s Higher Self!  They  know exactly what people need to reexperience.  They even bring any lives that they have lived from several million years ago somewhere in the universe, if that is applicable to their current life issue.  You cannot argue with their logic.  They are so wise.

A Star Seed

Handling so many tumultuous human relationships, Sam feels totally worn out of living.  Throughout his life, he has been a loving husband, good father to his children and an excellent contributor for his employer where he dedicated his talents, time and care to.  What went wrong, he asked to himself, for everything went to all other directions that he never even planned, nor expected to arrive to.

His entire family member has some sort of mental health issue.  If not bipolar, they have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).  He has been the glue to all his family, have tried to cater healthy and happy life to them.  Not only worn out, he totally feels he does not belong to this world.  He has been feeling that since little that he is in the wrong place.  His inner feeling told him that he was from some other star.  Though he has tried to work in, do the right thing the society wants or expects him to do, but feeling like he never can fit a circle in a square box.

Sam slipped into the trance easily and deeply.  His Higher Self (HS) showed a life in Atlantis, where he was a young female priestess and a healer.  She wore a special headband with a large circled crystal falls onto her third eye area to protect it, the sign of distinguished achievement of knowledge, which was bestowed by her masters.  Purifying her heart and in deep meditation to connect with the Source, her heart was ready to help others.  Only helping others was her desire and she did.

One day, she comfortably sat on top of the mountain in deep meditation, soaking up the warm sunlight and completely absorbed in love, joy and happiness.  All of a sudden, the golden sun was replaced by the dark clouds, multiple beautiful colors of nature turned into black and she left the world.

The end of the Atlantis came upon, where humans were at the peak of indulging the pleasure of ego.  They gave in the unquenchable desire of power.  For that, a beautiful Atlantis was no more.

The life of Atlantis was shown to him the true nature of him: love.  More revealing information was brought out through his HS.

Before the life of Atlantis, he came from Arcturus, a planet in another galaxy, where only pure love resides.  His HS told him that he only lived on the Earth twice, this current life being the second, and the first was at Atlantis.

He wanted to help others on the planet Earth.  In order to do that,  first he needed to experience all the difficulties:  betrayal, doubt, fear, mistrust, bodily sickness, mental health issue, and you name whatever difficulties we all human go through.

He was also gently reminded a few times during this current life, that his home planet beings, Arcturus, has always been present with him.  One night when they visited him, inserted implants into him to help him to raise his vibration up and to protect him.  He screamed murder to them, scared of them, for he forgot them.  Since he agreed to  become a human, he had to observe the rule to “forget” everything from being Arcturus, the knowledge and the Source.  The veil came down, amnesia set in to him.  He became one of us, no memory of who he is.

With the session of QHHT, his memory has been resurfaced so that he remembers who he was, why he is here, and what he has to do in this life.

Along with his memory being refreshed, some of his physical issues were addressed, healed, and even got a promise from his HS that those discomforts would never return!

He was quite delighted that his body received healing and actually he felt altogether.  When I went over what has been said and done during the trance, he was examining his  body and said, “yeah, it feels good, no pain”.  I saw the satisfying grin on his face.

He was fully rejuvenated and I was as happy as he was that all things are going to work out for him.

Just Do

Standing on deep brown sand and Uman is looking up pinkish green sky, he is seeing many little floating balls in the sky circling around him.  A whole lot of them.  Wondering what are they and feeling excited somewhat. 

By my asking him looking down his feet, and describe them to me what he has on, his face creases a bit and saying:

U         I have claws!

S          What do they look like to you?

U         They are peach color, and dirty claws.

S          Tell me how your body looks to you?

U         It is skinny and I am not wearing anything on it.  I have two (2) long arms and fingers are like claws as same as my feet.

S          Tell me more about your body.

U         I have four (4) eyes, no mouth, no ears and I think I have a hole for nose. And I have a square face.

S          How do you hear?

U         I hear feeling.

S          How do you breathe?

U         I breathe energy.  Simply get more energy.

S          Do you feel you are a male or female?

U         No gender. 

So, more questions and answers continued.

He is a robot, somewhat worn out he feels at the moment.  He is carrying metals or elements on its back and upload them to the spaceship when they come and get the materials.  There are a whole bunch of them doing the same job.  They all look similar, they are “robotics people” according to Uman.  His people need metals for building more spaceships or structures.

The spaceships are cargo ships carrying metals from the work place where Uman and other robotic people work and carry them once the day job finishes to the resting place.

Inside the cargo ship, three (3) different races work side by side.  One kind has such a huge head and a small body, wondering how it carries its own head!  The other one is tiny, wearing nothing on the body.  Another has red, and bronze shinny body.  All work together harmoniously for the same goal.  There are quarters and they can hang out.  None of them eat nor sleep, just resting which is the equivalent of sleep for human. 

When night comes, they all go to their quarters, resting on standing.  Then the day breaks; they; the robotic people go out to the same place; do the same job.

One day, Uman finds white flashes swooshing by in his eyes.  Knowing tells him that he is malfunctioning, feels weird, not able to move his body and limbs.  He cannot see anything, but white flashes.  Nobody cares about him; nobody has any feeling for him.  He knows he is going to end.

Now it is all black.  He is no more.

This was the life of Uman, hundred million years ago as a robot in Andromeda galaxy.  His main job was to collect metals to build more spaceships for his creators.

His Higher Self showed this life to him “just do” like a robot.  In this current life, he is a man of many thoughts.  His brain has been busy analyzing what people say, why they say, what are their intentions and so on.  Bombarded by so many information, he uses  weeds and sweets to relax his nerves.  His Higher Self recommended him to wean them out to rid of it all together for good.  Since they are health hazards to him, his HS said.

His HS continued: “You have a task, just do.  Do not overthink on everything.  Stop worrying.  Life can be simple like a robot”.

Feeling? What is That?

A tiny woman with hearty laughs, Cherry could easily sweep people into whatever she believed good was good for them.  A born salesperson!  Young, attractive, vivacious woman on the way to succeed in life: money, love, happiness, all things most people wish to attaining them.

Her Higher Self (HS) showed her a life in Europe about a century ago, where Cherry was a dude (Cherry called himself a dude).

He was tall, strong, had a big chest, good looking and had a healthy body like an ox  So much of a masculine power in him, the dude’s chest heaved high when he took breaths.  I, the practitioner, even felt a surge of energy coming from this embodiment of a dude from Cherry’s tiny current body.  Even this small body of her all of a sudden looked so huge to me!  Was this a magic in display?  With intense curiosity, I observed the  transformation of one energy into another in front of me.  Wow!

He had a small farm and built his house and a small shed.  His overall was all dirty with soil.  He tilled the land, planted the crops, and fed the animals.  His farm kept him busy all day.  He had a horse helped him to plow the land.  Hunger he knew well.  After working at the farm, he came home to eat and to sleep.  He could hardly wait for a dinner, sat around the dining table, impatiently cutting an apple with his tool knife to appease his hunger, and ate while his wife prepared for his dinner.

His wife was much younger than him, had beautiful blonde hair with blue eyes, slender and a good cook.  Life in the farm was not of abundance.  His dinner was composed of some soup made from potato and carrot grown from his own farm, no meat in sight, and some plain rough bread.

After dinner, he went to bed and slept leaving his wife cleaned the place.   His wife had always sought for his love, but never received it from her husband .  Like all the other women in her area, she also wanted to have a few children.  But her husband knew nothing of telling her that he loved her, nor touched her hands to show any affection.  She was a dutiful wife, but yearning for his love feeling so forlorn.  Even when the dude went to the town for a beer, he never took her with him.

The dude had no notion of what to do with showing any interest in any intimate moments of love to his wife.  He did not know what love was, nor sharing moments with her.  Wife, to him, was a person who cooked, cleaned the place and someone all men supposed to have.  Nothing more than that. 

He had no friends either.  Even when he went to a pub, drank some beer alone, came home with something to eat because his wife asked him to buy them.

Then the war broke; he went to the war; fought; tank ran over him, and lost two legs.  In the hospital bed, lying there, just stared at the empty space.  A nurse fed him some porridge and he ate.  When I asked him how he felt losing his legs.  That was a wrong question to ask him, since he was a guy with no feeling.  He asked me: “Feeling?  What is that?  What am I supposed to work with?“.    To a person who had no notion of feeling, how could I explain what feeling was like.  He said “I am lying here and waiting for a discharge from the hospital”.  I saw no emotion on the face. 

That was a real good example of what somnambulistic state was like, when Cherry became that person.  It was unreal to see expressionless face where in this current life of Cherry was always bubbly with many laughs.  In just a few hours, I was seeing bubbly woman turned into an expressionless guy in front of my eyes!  Wow again!

His life was just that.  He lived, and died when the time came.

So of course, I was curious why her HS showed that life.  Her HS said that she needed to see the life what it was like having no feelings on anything.  What it was like the life of just ate, worked, lived and died.  And her HS added it is okay to have feelings.

In this current life, Cherry expressed once in a while she experienced not feeling anything, thinking feeling was just a nuisance to be interfered, and just wanted to do the things that she loved to do: make more money.

After the session, she realized how important to feel, express her feelings to experience being a human and then she laughed out loud.  She came back!

What a beautiful thing to FEEL.

To Move Forward

Bora was on the way of viewing her current life, and not yet fully immersed in the current life, but on the way to it.  She was in full of tears and sobbing, telling me that she was looking down on pain from the space above in the sky.  Her heart was beating so fast, it was scaring her.  So much pain that she was seeing did that to her poor heart! 

When talking about her life in the beginning when she met me, she expressed many sad things happened in her life.  Where many of her close good friends whom she loved and shared emotions deeply with, all committed suicides.  

She developed a mindset that whoever is close with her will die.  So afraid of committing any deep human relationship, or else that person will disappear again!  After repeating the same experience like that, who wouldn’t formulate that type of thinking.

More crying, I encouraged her to cry it all out, to release all the sorrows and sadness that she has been keeping silently in her heart.  In more relaxed state, she let it more out loudly for several more minutes and said in between sobbing, “It is hard to be in human body, feel so heavy, I want to be on the cloud.  Such a density!”. 

More cries and more sobbing, then she looked around and said “I feel so lonely.  Where is everybody?”.  So, I suggested her to invite all of her friends.  Then one by one, all of her friends who ended their lives came.

Each one explained to her why they decided to go, and told her it was their time.  Bora explained to me on each one who meant so much in what way to her.  They all told Bora that there “is no need to concern” with them, for they ” are in a good place”.  Bora said she knew it, but so hard to acknowledge it.

Then her Grandmas from both parents came, telling her that they “are proud of you, let go, let go of pain of holding on to us.  It is not helping us;  your grieving is pulling us down to the Earth”.  So, she released them, let them go for their own sake.  Because she loves them.  And more sobbing and saying “it is so hard…”.

Then Archangel Michael came by with his blue wings, and in blinding white light.  The Angel said she needed to trust.  Her fears: the fear of unknown, feeling the bottom dropping out, the sinking feeling of not having anything to catch.  The Angel  assured her that he catches her at every time, at anywhere.  More sobbing…

The Archangel Michael said to her to trust and she agreed to trust. Then more advises came from the Angel for her:  He said to her, that she “doesn’t have to try so hard, flow like a river”. He loves her, has loved her, and will always love her.  The Angel further explained why holding on too tight!  Let go of her ego.  Then more cries, this time from intoxication of the Angel’s love.

So, I asked to Archangel Michael why he came.  He said he is her protector and to ask her “to move forward” in life.

Blushing Red

Sean has fair skin and while he spoke on something I noticed that his face blushed red from neck up!  Very curious, isn’t it?  When I mentioned that to him, he acknowledged that his face turns red when exerting, shy, or embarrassed.  He was intrigued as well, so we decided to ask to his Higher Self (HS).

His HS said the reason as the following:

This is from his ancestral fear:  The fear of being seen.  I asked his HS that while he was afraid of being seen, his face became red, people noticed him more.  I found that was quite humorous and his HS agreed by saying “the irony is rich”.  Indeed.

Back many lives ago, his ancestors were Druids, medicine people, healers, Irish Shaman.  They were feared when catholic church came in and were not suppressed by the church.  The church did not like Druids.   The church wanted everyone embraced the belief, unless they became one, they killed them. 

His ancestors even kept guns to protect themselves, and they were afraid of being killed for their belief.  They used hood to cover them extensively.

He carried that fear in him, prevented him from enjoying life fully.  Now in this current life, do they need to keep guns to protect for their belief, hiding, creating red face?   Certainly not, his HS agreed and willingly removed it from him.   Also promised for him his red face phenomena will never return.  With a big sigh, his body let me know that the healing was completed.

I asked his HS how they removed it:  HS told him while looking at the red face, that it no longer needed it.  And asked him to stand in his power.  So, I asked his HS to let him know how to stand in his power and teach him.  The HS said:  pull your shoulder back, head up, eyes forward, chest out, legs spread apart.   Allow joy of present moment, allowing in all experiences .

The HS further informed Sean, that this healing will open up to a lot of new relationships, opportunities, financial abundance, and deep ancestral healing.

Accomplished so much Already!

Peter came for a session, mainly curious on his career and relationships.  In his early 20’s, he was in perfect health, therefore no questions on the body.  By the way, career and relationship questions are the most popular subjects to people whom I have met.

After initial relaxation, he was viewing on one of those early days in this current life.  Through all investigations, he was not going to any past life/lives, but to the current life only.  Recently I find clients are visiting current life more often than the past, or parallel.

When his Higher Self (HS) was ready to answer questions, I asked:

Soo:    I am curious why you did not show him any past life?

HS:      Because he does not need to see any past life, for he has achieved so much already in this life.

Soo:    What do you mean he has achieved so much already?

HS:      In this life, Peter has made so much progress in his life, there is no need to look back.

Soo:    Has he ever had any past life?

HS:      Yes, he had many past lives.

Soo:    What did he do so much to progress so fast in this life?

HS:      All these little things you consider not important are utterly huge accomplishments.

Soo:    Like what? May I ask?

HS:      To show kindness to a stranger, tried to implement some idea to improve work condition for his fellow workers, to name a few.

Soo:    You mean that is more highly regarded than donating billion dollars to charities and so on?

HS:      Yes, all good thoughts are important and vital for progress.

And of course, all his career and relationship questions were answered and he was armed with wisdom, and foresight to work them out wisely to his favor.

During the interview, he talked about things what he did in schools, at home, at work, or, at outside of work activities.  I listened that he has been very considerate, caring and thoughtful to others.

His HS acknowledged all these little things that we think in this world are not that important have been noted as huge sums of deposit to his good karma bank account.

All good thoughts DO matter!


The following cases, you will find the reasons are different and yet symptoms are same.

Through the sessions for clients, I find the above finding applies to other physical discomforts time and time again: reasons differ, symptoms, same. 

Today we are discussing two (2) different cases of people who have epilepsy.

The first one is about a young woman in 30’s told me her experience having epileptic seizures throughout her life started from teen age years.

Her Higher Self (HS) explained her case as the following: 

When her physical body was changing in teen age time, the body was not ready to contain the energy in the body, her astral body left often that created a shock to the entire body.  To outsiders, she was having epileptic seizure.   To her body, it moved according to the brain electrical stimulations which were chaotic.  She was too young to understand how her body worked.

She has been empathic ever since she was aware of herself, been absorbing everybody’s energy around her.  She has been in wake state almost all her years and not being able to go to sleep.   When she was young and she simply stopped sleeping, and only concerned of others.  That helping others made her energy totally got drained and her body could not hold it anymore, so the astral body kept leaving .

The seizures were getting worse, she got scared, and tried to ignore.  But it only got worse.  So, she decided to stop seizures by becoming pregnant.  The baby helped with that, helped her grounding in the body, thus no more leaving as an escape. 

The astral body leaves when the body sleeps and is designed to naturally go in and out in sleeping state.  If not sleeping, astral body is not allowed to leave.  The astral body is hard to locked-in the physical body that long.  If the body is not strong, they just leave.

The HS told the client that she has to be conscious of her body by taking care of it.  She should eat more of natural foods and lots of green.  The toxins slow you down.  Detoxing will help her to flush out lots of toxins.  She no longer needs to take prescribed medication, and seizures will not happen again.

Now the second case.

This case was addressed by the daughter of a lady who has been taking epileptic control medication since her youth, now in her 70’s.  The following information came from the daughter’s session.

The client was viewing a past life scene where she was a little girl watching her older sister (her current mom) hung and dead.  She was horrified!  She loved her older sister dearly.  The world without her was inconceivable to this little girl.  The sadness and shock took the little girl into uncontrollable sobbing and her tears were streaming down profusely!  With gentle, calming consolation, her sobbing slowly got subsided and was able to describe the situation.

Her HS informed her mom’s case as the following:  During the duration of being hung, the electrical system in her brain went haywire.  It shot everywhere and anywhere.  The total chaos.  This took a while for her to expire.  This trauma she carried into this current life.

Her mom is very content to take the medication and not interest in stopping it.

Higher Self respect every body’s free will.

Stomach Bloating and Gas

Vibrant young woman came seeking a healing from the troublesome stomach discomforts.  Bloating, as if her stomach balloons to a huge size with full of gas!  Absolutely uncomfortable situation, specifically at her work.  Other than that, her body functions pretty all right according to her. 

Until a few years ago, she has been enjoying regular, ordinary diet consists of meat, vegetables, grains, nuts, and fruits.  Basically everything, she consumed. 

Slowly she has gotten into the “spiritual awakening” according to her, she changed from her ordinary diet to the vegan diet.

She said she has been feeling absolutely good, except the bloating and the gas.

Going on vegan diet is something I hear often when people are on the spiritual path.  People expects you be a vegan, at least vegetarian if you say you are on the spiritual path.  If not, disapproving looks are generally there to you.

Who other than Higher Self (HS) of the client know better on that subject for the client?

Interestingly when I addressed this subject to her HS, the HS asked her to consume some meat of any kind, be it red meat, poultry, or fish.

I asked her HS that is it not spiritual to consume meat, to that the HS said it depends on each individual’s body type.  Some body requires meat to function better, which is her case.  With too much fiber, her body system has been having difficulty to digest.  Thus, bloating and gas have been created.   According to each body requirement of the body, it is wise to exercise moderation of food intake in variety, the HS said.

The HS said eating meat has nothing to do with less spirituality.  It is how you feel and think within, not what you eat.