Like Sunrays

We hugged when Celena walked into the door. I felt her back was all soaked. I was thinking maybe she carried her backpack in this weather made her sweat. May be the weather was too hot for her…

Celena was exuding love and soft, beautiful, caring feminine quality. Her quite demeanor, ever attentive to other people’s needs and soft-spoken voice made me pay more attention to her expression while she talked about her life. Definitely, she could make an excellent partner and mother, if she decides to be.

Some female has this tom boy style character. Yes, they are very gentle inside. But outwardly, they behave with wild, tough kind of demeanor. But Celena, she was a symbol of femininity to me.

She expressed sweating problem as well as feeling cold whether it be winter or summer. She did not know why but she said, she’s had these symptoms as far as she remembered.

In the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session, this is the interview time, where client talks about his/her life for the first time in this life perhaps. Think about it. When have you ever talked about your life in detail to anyone, and you have compassionate and skillful listener in front of you? Rarely. This is the time you do that.

After she viewed some of her past lives, and it was the time to address her physical discomforts to her Higher Self (HS).

image courtesy of

Soo        Celena has been sweating in winter or summer. May I ask why?
HS          She is being sensitive,  she takes other people’s energy in. Sweating represents in to her physical.
Soo         You mean to say, her taking other people’s energy makes her sweating?
HS           Correct.
Soo         What about her feeling cold?
HS          That’s the same thing.
Soo         Meaning?
HS           Either sweating or feeling cold is the same physical symptom of other people’s energy trying to penetrate her energy.
Soo        Why is she taking them in?
HS          Her energy protection is not strong. Her energy needs some protection.
Soo        How?
HS          We need to draw a shield to protect her energy from others’ trying to seep in.
Soo        Could you do that for her?
HS          Yes, we are doing it.
Soo        Could you tell us how you are doing it?
HS          We are drawing a big circle large enough to wrap around her body.
Soo        And then?
HS          We draw rays going outward like bright sunrays radiating out.
Soo       So any specific color is involved?
HS         Yes, we draw everything in yellow, bright, bright yellow.
Soo       Like a sun?
HS         Yes, just like a sun.
Soo       Why radiating out?
HS         So nothing can penetrate in. It will keep her safe, like the Source keeps all safe.

Departed the Red Sea

The following information came from one of my client’s session of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT).

Moses walked the Earth three times: once as master Ling, the other as a disciple Ananda of Buddha, and as Moses. Each time he came to teach about the Source. That, this life on the Earth is all illusion. Our object is to learn about the Source and we go back to the Source.

image courtesy of Stand Still Designs

The movie “Ten Commandments” portrayed Moses with a rod; the long rod appeared very special. With it, all supernatural phenomena occurred. One of them was departing the Red Sea.

Soo         What was the rod? Did he really carry the rod? Any special rod?
HS          Yes, it has special power in it, the special power given by the Source and it has connection with the Source.
Soo         He departed the Red Sea with his rod, was there any specific meaning of departing the sea?
HS          Yes, the special power in the rod was used to unite Oneness. The water thrown up into the air, and everyone walked through to get to the other side. It was all illusion. Everything was illusion, and that was what Moses tried to show.
HS          Bondage was illusion, you are from the Source. If you truly believe in the creation of that Source, then anything can be manipulated. Moses became alchemist at that point, although he was in human vessel, he had to show them his reality, and what they wanted to see. So that the Sea parted to every single one’s eyes. And they walked through.
HS          They have the ability and knowledge to destroy the illusion. They have the sight of the light of the Source. It was the light they saw, it was not actual sea; the physical sea coming apart. Everything here is illusion. At that time illusion was broken.
Soo        Those Israelites as said in the Bible, were they special people?
HS          No, they were not special people. A group of volunteers to be who they were and would spread the word that there was one Source. Those people agreed to be in bondage, and they volunteered to be tortured, sacrificed in order to send the message.
HS          Yes, the cruelty of human was beyond imagination. However, the learning was to embrace the one Source. Although, the message was misconstrued.
HS           Tablets were, again, not symbols for them of what not to do.  For example, thou shall not covet thy neighbour’s wife etc, and there were more than 2 (two) tablets. Those tablets were the codes of how to live in the essence, how to bring close to the Source. Again, that was completely misunderstood.
Soo         I think I read somewhere they said Moses went up to heaven in a chariot of fire.
HS          (Big laughter for a long while). There was no flying chariot of fire! If the soul is fire, yes, that was who he was.
Soo         Sometimes I read some highly advanced yogis, they ascended heaven in chariot of fire. Was it something like that?
HS          The vessel of Moses became consumed by his essence, after while he had to go to the Source, as he thought that he had accomplished what he set out to, when the Source said it was time to go back to, then yes!. All of him was consumed by the Source.

Back in those days, the means of transportation were chariots, soul became one with the Source, the intensity and size of the Essence were so bright and huge, eyes of spectators of that time could have thought it was a chariot of fire.

The Antenna Beings

Antenna being of the Jupiter drawn by the client

The planet Jupiter is huge from where we look at it, and very noticeable with that distinctive Red spot. Violent storms and activity of gases are wild and furious, it is easy to gather living in that environment is impossible and unthinkable.

These speculations are from the perspective of the third dimensional being, having dense body which feels cold, and heat to a minute change. Further speculation goes to that it is impossible even to imagine living in the planet where temperature goes up thousands of degrees in the day and plunges down to minus several hundred degrees in the night.

Each planet has its level of vibration, where there is vibration, there is life, and there is existence. Energy has multi-dimensional existences. Therefore, when the planet has beings in very high vibratory level, living in that environment of the Jupiter can be very comfortable to them.

The Higher Self (HS) of one client said that the dimension of the planet Jupiter is extremely evolved, and they are in the 9th and the 10th dimension, while we, on the Earth are in the 3rd, 4th, and the 5th.

Beings on the Jupiter do not have humanoid form, but have forms in brown sandy substance, their heads are very large like satellite dish with antennas. Each being has colorful energy of rainbow waves around its form. They are extremely intuitive, highly developed, but secluded beings. They have receptors to universal consciousness, pick up on telepathy from other places. They are encouraging our planet, but they prefer not to be involved. And yet they like to know what is going on.

Beings on the Jupiter feel so much for the Earth, watching and praying for us. When the Earth has destruction, they cry, because they feel the vibration of destruction. When that happens, they send light back to the Earth. Each one is trying to extend their energy onto the Earth, so more people on the Earth can shift to the higher dimension.

They are so saddened that the Earth has been stuck in low density for so long, they are cheering for the Earth to evolve. They are so peaceful beings and highly psychic. There are healers in the Jupiter. And they see everything more with the 3rd eyes. Their arms are like sonars. All of them are standing up, sending healing light to help heal the Earth. Indeed, they are healers of our solar system.

I asked why they pay so much interest to the Earth. And the HS said they consider this solar system as one, therefore, they try to heal every planet. It is like when one finger gets hurt, it is hard to function as a hand. Every planet tries to sustain to balance, and this effort moves further out to other solar systems of the universe.

Our one tiny action creates ripple effect to the other planets, to our solar system, to other stars in our Milky Way galaxy, onto another galaxy, and so on. This shows how we are truly intertwined and influence on each other.

Further the HS elaborated the entire creation as one huge tapestry woven by billions of tiny threads to form a colorful living, breathing being.

Cleanse Your Chakras

There are more chakras than the seven (7) we normally are aware of. According to the Higherself (HS) of a client, there are 12 chakras. And the following information is from that session. Five more chakras are going down further from the root chakra to the bottom of the feet, grounding to the Earthly realms. The spirits roam around the Earth, they are still living on the Earthly realm, we can see them when our chakras below the root chakra are open.

image courtesy of

Some other literatures show, there are more chakras going upward from the crown. However, this discussion deals with 12 starting/ending from the crown to the feet.

1st chakra it is the 2nd dimensional chakra, it is underneath of the feet in dark color, almost black.

2nd chakra near the ankles, where we start to walk, in more see-through black color.

3rd chakra at knee, carries burden in mixed color of brown and black.

4th chakra at thighs, and color is brown slowly turning red. This chakra opens dreams and sights. And clairvoyance starts opening up from this chakra.

5th chakra it is between genital and thighs, between the legs. It is karmic chakra where remembering karma starts opening up. Color is turning more red.

6th chakra it is root chakra. The color is red, darker than red if influenced by the 5th chakra. Usually people feel back pain, comes from emotional carry over the karma which we are not willing to let go of it yet.

7th chakra it is sacral chakra. The color is orange and stomach is the organ influenced by this chakra.

8th chakra it is solar plexus, and the color is yellow. Diaphragm is the organ influenced by it. This chakra deals with karma, past life, emotions such as feeling of hurt, pain, anger etc.

9th chakra it is heart chakra and color is green, where love resides.

10th chakra throat chakra, color is blue and deals with speaking truth with love.

11th chakra the third eye, and is indigo color.

12th chakra the crown chakra and color is purple. This chakra opens messages from Higherself and guides, and the Source.

The HS continued.

HS         Human vessel has to be aligned and centred. For spine to do that job, but the energy within also has to be balanced. If the current in a battery is not going straight through the battery, it could not be charging properly. If the current is erratic, then battery would be erratic and would not be functional. Hence the chakra stabilizes energy within the vessel; it aligns so that it is centred. Whenever it is clogged much like clogged pipe, it has to be cleaned so that current is freely flowing. It must be cleared so that the light from the Source comes down through the chakras. Often solar plexus and stomach area are having problem because people have difficulty to let go of their emotions. So these areas are cold, not warm due to the chakras are being stagnant. The light must go through without blockage, as we are moving from the 3rd dimension to the 4th to the 5th, chakra under feet are in the 2nd dimension must be in light to be in the 3rd, so we can be elevated.
Soo        Are all chakras in different dimension?
HS          Chakras are all in different dimension, when it goes up to the crown and beyond, it opens up to another dimension, and to other portals. If you open up from the crown, the Earth energy flows above, opening each chakra to enable to sense. If that has held in one of the chakras, blocked chakra is preventing light flowing to all other chakras. When opened, light will move through, we can live life in love, which opens different dimension.
Soo        Which chakra is the fastest way to open all the others? Is there such a thing designed?
HS          Opening the 9th chakra is the easiest and fastest. When heart opens up, we speak with love, we know that we are all one, and are the part of the Source. We can see through third eye with compassion, we will evolve on.
Soo       Why chakras are all in different colors?
HS         Chakra has different color. Chakras are relationship of communication, are vibrational thing, which means of association. Each vibration emits different message. For example, like rainbow, due to different vibration we can distinguish between other.
Soo       What about chakra stone cleansing on the market? Are they working?
HS         If handled with good intention they will work. The most effective way of cleansing chakras are: Visualize the light from the crown flowing to your feet down all the way to the deep core of the Mother Earth and bring the flow of the light from the Earth to the crown and make it become one, then you see the alignment. Repeat as many times as you can. This exercise will help your spine and chakras become aligned and in light.
Soo       Doing chakra cleansing, do we get our karmas cleaned as well?
HS         It is quiet not that simple. Karma cleansing is to face to face owning up to your responsibility of your action and accepting with love and compassion.

A Crocodile from a Far, Far Away Galaxy

David was disoriented for a while because he could not identify himself readily. He smelled something musty, dirt, and felt wet in a dark place. Then I noticed he stretched two arms out like a person rowing oars pushing backward. I was concerned for him, wondering what was happening. Then he said he did not feel like a human, but felt like a weird crocodile. Finally, he realized himself as an old male crocodile.

S         What are you doing in that musty wet place?
D         I am just lying in the cool place, just resting.
S         What are you seeing and feeling around?
D         Watching. Just watching what is going on around. There is nothing to do, but just rest and watch.
S         What are you watching now?
D         Watching the water. .. There are two (2) kids on the shore playing. Just watching them play.
S         How is the water?
D         It is clear, very shimmery water.
S         What do you do other than watching?
D         Just swim around and find something to eat.
S         What do you eat?
D         Eat fish. What I can find. Turtle.
S         How does the turtle taste like?

As soon as I asked that question, he had a turtle in his mouth. I saw his mouth wide open, caught it in his jaw, chewed twice, gulped.

S         You only chewed twice!
D         Well…

As if well that was enough to gulp it down.

S         How is the taste?
D         It tastes raw, meat, wet, crunchy some.
S         Do you often get turtle?
D         Not often, it depends when I get a good meal.
S         Where is your wife?
D         I don’t know. I used to have many. When I was younger, in different places.
S         What happened to them?
D         Not too many of us are here. They choose places to go.
S         Any friends?
D         No, I am ooooold. I like being alone. I don’t want to be bothered with any. I just want to rest.
S         What do you learn by observing?
D         Learning to slow down, need to slow down. It gives you time to think; think to understand, just this life, just the experiences.
S         What kind of experiences have you had?
D         To fight what I want. If I want female, I have to fight. If I want food, I have to fight. You have to be strong to get what you want.
S         Have you been a leader of your pack?
D         Yes, I was a leader sometime. Sometimes you walk away. It is better for you.
S         When did you walk away?
D         You know you won’t win, you move away. You have to learn. Have to know when to fight, when to leave.
S         Where are your babies? Do you see them sometimes?
D         I don’t know. I don’t care.
S         Have you been crocodile before?
D         No, Just this one time, I wanted to experience how I feel.
S         So has this experience worthwhile to repeat?
D         No. It is boring. I don’t want to repeat this again.

image credit to Quora

He said, “Humans think crocodiles are just dumb animal. They are very, very, old beings. They are from different places of different galaxies”. I wanted to know the names of galaxies where they were from. I sensed he was debating to tell it or not, and mumbled for a while, then he curtly replied, “Not important”.

Small Ego

image courtesy of ERBzine

Some tens of thousands years ago, when the planet Earth was just beginning to populate with humans, Manty was enjoying the lush forest with plenty of animals to hunt for his family.

He was proud of muscular, fit body and had healthy, long black hair. He only had to cover his genital area, and his body was thoroughly enjoying strong youthful body, feeling soft blowing breeze, jungle sun, and his feet were touching the ground moisture when he made each steps. Feeling of contentment coursed through his entire being.

Suddenly he saw a lioness with a few cubs. He threw his sharp knife at her jugular vein and the lioness fell to the ground. He knew he was very skillful, no doubt today also made a nice kill. He performed his duty to supply food for his many women and children. His today’s job also done marvelously. Scared of animal? No such thing for him! He was never scared of anything!

With ease, he carried the prize on his shoulder, headed to the cave where his women and children were waiting. He dropped the animal on the ground, and women in the family did the rest: skinned, washed, and cooked. In his time, they knew how to use fire, he used spear, knife and arrow. Women also knew how to roast the animal on the fire. They ate with hands, no such thing as fork, or knife yet. They also ate plants. Manty said lion meat was very tough, and he preferred snake meat which was much tender and juicy.

S         So after dinner, what do you do?
M        I choose one woman to embrace. I am very rough.
S         Why? do you enjoy that way?
M        Yes, I like it that way. Because I am the power. I like feeling the power.
S         What about the woman? Does she enjoy that way?
M         No, she does not.
S         Then, what do you do to make her feel happy?
M         I don’t do anything. They are powerless. They just have to accept.

On the following night, he was sobbing. I asked him why.

M         I am all alone, feeling very lonely.
S          What happened? Why do you feel lonely? You have a big family and many women to embrace.
M         No one understands me, they don’t know how my heart feels.
S          Did you tell anyone how your heart feels?
M         No, I don’t talk these things to any. Because I am a man, I keep it to myself.
S         So what really is bothering you now?
M        The woman I wanted, she did not want me.
S         Oh! What happened?
M        She left me for another man.
S         Are you kidding?! Why did she leave you? Do you know why?
M        She liked the other man more, so she left.
S         Really? Can she do that? I mean she was your wife, right?
M         I guess they meant to be together.

So days had gone by, he never embraced another woman, not even once after that. Weeks and months had gone by, he kept brooding, stayed alone, away from the family, but he supplied foods for his family.

He started not liking himself, felt something about him not so desirable as a man. He felt like he was nothing. He did not and could not show his family how he felt. He used to feel very confident, but that woman who left him took away something from him. She took away his pride, he said.

S         What was so special about that woman?
M         I liked her. She was beautiful, feminine and she had something about her eyes that I liked much.
S         Did she like you in the beginning?
M        Yes, she liked me in the beginning.

He started thinking there was no value of continuing his life that way, and without manhood he felt there was no use. He was nothing, he felt. “Manhood was so important, nothing can insult it”. One day, he decided. He grabbed his spear, headed to the forest. He speared himself through his stomach to a tree, ended his life.

A few days later, his family found his body. They carried the body to the cave, and an elder of the family tore open his belly, took out all organs out, cut his body into pieces, they roasted them, and ate them. Manty said it was the custom, his body was their food. He felt nothing strange about them eating the body.

S         So looking at your family, what do you see now?
M        They are all scurrying around, begging for help for other community to accept them.
S         How do you feel looking at them in that way?
M        I feel very, very, sorry.
S         So if that happens again, what could you have done differently?
M        I could have chosen any other woman. I had so many. But it was so insulting, I could not stand being insulted that way.
S         Ending your life that way, now looking back the life you just had, what did you learn?
M        It was very unwise decision. I acted from a small ego. Keeping manhood was not that important at all.

What is Higher Self?

Image courtesy of

During when a client is under trance, I as a facilitator of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), have an honor to address questions, and healing requests to the client’s Higher Self (HS). They (HS) are ever wise and loving, have answers for everything that client asks, and heals body, mind and spirit of the client.

They (HS) receive respect and love from their respective clients as well as I, the facilitator.  However something odd thing I have noticed: Every Higherself has different degrees of knowledge and understanding of matters. Some are coming from a very high spiritual place, imparting information more like from the Source Itself, and some, more earthy from earthly being’s perspective.

Soo       What is Higher Self?
HS          It is the essence of what makes up of your soul. The Source has given one or several energies of higher entities as one, the soul embodies in everyone’s body. All their energies are part of a person.
Soo        Does that imply Higher Selves have different character or personality of the being, so to speak?
HS          Yes, since they are all created from the Source, they are one and different.
Soo       For example, we are all human, yet different, and have varying degrees of ability.
HS         Yes, Higherselves are also experiencing as being Higherselves.
Soo       Are you saying  Higherselves are also evolving?
HS         Yes, they are also learning, experiencing, and evolving with you.
Soo       Is that right?! I thought they are beings equal to the Source: infallible, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.
HS          The Source created them for specific reason.
Soo        Specific reason like Archangels?
HS          Yes, Archangels were created for specific reason, so was Higherself.
Soo        So in this whole creation of the Source, Higherself is working as a Higherself.
HS          Correct.
Soo        Then what is spiritual guide?
HS          A guide or guides who help your soul open up. Until your soul opens up it stays with you. All their energies are a part of who you are. They are different from the Source. Sometimes they incarnate as Earth human, one birth after, and they became wiser on everything on earth. When we see renowned scientist, or brilliant actors, or wise sages, they are the ones who were HS, or spiritual guides incarnated as human.
Soo       Could you give us some example, so we can better understand.
HS         Moses is one who walked the Earth 3 (three) times and taught people that the Source is the only one and all else is illusion. Sanat Kumar is another, who walked the Earth once. Many symbols were given by the Source to Sanat Kumar. Those symbols were too powerful for humans to sustain in human vessel, so only a portion of the symbols given.

Now the conversation with the Higherself of one client on this subject is one information, but as you know by now, with another Higherself, the same subject might enlighten another side of “The Diamond”.

Parallel Lives

Sean was born in 1980 that makes his age 38 this year. In viewing one of his past lives, he was a man of 70s sitting on a park bench, reading The Toronto Star dated June 20, 1997.

When people come for a session, I ask their birth year. The reason is simply for this purpose to recognize where about the past life viewing is: current, past, or parallel life.

Why the parallel life was viewed? The Higherself (HS) of Sean answered that life was very applicable to what his current life assignment. HS knows which life is most applicable for the purpose.

image courtesy of The Mighty

Soo      Why people have parallel lives?
HS        To gain more experience. The fragment of who you are in no time, and no space. So parallel life somewhere now what is in it of you now.
Soo      How many parallel lives can we have, any number of that?
HS        No limit.
Soo      You mean another of me somewhere in other dimension, in other time?
HS        That’s right.
Soo      Sometimes, while I am doing something I feel all of a sudden, that I have done this before. Is that what people call déjà vu?
HS        That’s right. At that moment, you have a glimpse of another you.
Soo      Another word, déjà vu is experience of parallel lives?
HS        Correct.

Apparently more of us are doing and living somewhere, and sometime at the same moment. The concept is really difficult to wrap the brain around.

As the HS mentioned, we want more experience, so we create more of us in different setting.  I know of some people who set their life task so difficult, so much to overcome, they are having tough time to deal with: family issues, health issues, emotional issues and more.

Come to think of it, life is eternal, so much time to experience and learn all of them, why are we in such a hurry? Why not take time to evolve! Perhaps easy life once in a while would be nice. Such a life to enjoy of the perfect health, financial abundance, good looks, surrounding you with perfect friends and a spouse in love, and never experience of any difficulties to achieve anything. You ask for, you get it. Easy, breezy.

What would guides and counsellors in the spirit world advise us when we want to design such a smooth sailing life? Probably we would hear wise counsel of; we might waste a good chance to improve, to work out the bad karmas, or to create better space for other living creatures.

And also it is very easy to surmise to stack up piles on our plate for the next life to tackle while designing in spirit world. Even in this life on Earth, in the moment of high spirit, we often say “Yes! Bring it on”.

Fine balance seems to be the key to success.

A Beauty from Andromeda

Andromeda Galaxy credit to Ivan Bok

Her white pale skin sparkling with light, she has straight long voluminous golden hair, pale blue eyes, thin figure of six (6) feet tall in humanoid form of the 7th dimension, where there is no time, Caya is working in a galaxy of Andromeda, which is something like 2.5 million light years away from us.

Soo       The color of the eyes, are you all blue?
Caya      Everyone is all different, blue is popular color for clarity and focus, serious but peaceful.
Soo       Do you wear any attire in your world?
Caya     Yes, we wear blue robe while at work, and white bodysuit in front of congregation.
Soo       Why white?
Caya      The color signifies to show the highest respect for everyone.
Soo       Then what blue means?
Caya      Blue robe is for focus while at work.

On my curiosity about her office, she describes of it that has a desk and a 3D screen, which is made out of the light. It is not an actual screen, but a hologram. On the screen she has a light picture of her work.

Also her office has a big window, through it she can see the light outside and a blue sky.

Soo       Where is your office? I mean where is it located?
Caya     Oh, it is in the mothership.
Soo        Please tell me all about the mothership.
Caya      We live in the spaceship. It is white, smooth, made out of sand stone, not heavy, lots of light inside of the ship. The inside of the ship is very comfortable. It has a space like lounge with pods where you can rest in to relax to repair you. It is a huge ship, like a big city that has everything you need. The ship contains more than hundreds of office, and everyone moves slowly, they don’t have to rush, and they can get where they go quickly without rushing.
Soo       Who runs this ship?
Caya      The mothership is run by a custodian, male, and he is the only one working on this.
Soo       Tell me more about him and the control panel.
Caya      There is no control panel. He sits on a chair, moves the ship with his mind. He is big, bigger than me, VERY big. He is a different being, very white, wearing blue robe, does not speak. He is from the 9th dimension.
Soo       Why is he on the job?
Caya      He knows how to do it with his mind. He has very powerful mind, so he can move us all at once.

On my inquiry of her work at the ship: She works with energy of a planet in the Andromeda galaxy smoothing out the atmosphere of it.

The work requires very fine skill with extreme care. The final result that she is looking for is to make a smooth energetic coating for an outer layer of the planet, like healing the layer of the planet. It is likened to an energetic surgery on the planet.

She is environmentally keen, and is busy everyday to do this.

Soo       If you need help or have a question, what do you do?
Caya      I go to an assembly, talk about the issue and ask for help.
Soo       Oh, do you report to your superior?
Caya      No one above. We are all equal on a same level, and we all have responsibility for a certain planet.
Soo       What do you do when you are not working?
Caya      I go flying in and around the ship, and outside of the ship. I see blue sky and green trees below me of the planet that I am working on. I fly around looking at what I have worked on. Also I meet my friend. She is small about 3-4 feet tall, does the same work as I. She is very funny, makes a lot of joke. We laugh a lot, and we talk about things to explore also.
Soo       By the way, what do you take for sustenance?
Caya      Sun gives all sustenance. We never get hungry. Just absorb light, and rest 10 minutes a day. Just close my eyes.
Soo       Will that be equivalent to 7 to 8 hours of a human sleep a day?
Caya      Yes.
Soo       Do you have a family or a marriage, something like that?
Caya      Yes, I have a partner through marriage, and have a daughter.
Soo       Tell me more about your family.
Caya      Marriage was decided, put together by the custodian. I met my partner and he was chosen because he is not interfering my work. It is just all about the work. He is a pilot of a shuttle of this mothership, and he is in the 7th dimension as well.
Soo       You said you have a daughter. How did you produce the child?
Caya      My partner and I created her by thoughts.
Soo       Do you enjoy your work?
Caya      Oh yes! I am totally happy doing the job, which will be never ending. It is not a typical work. It is more like a vocation.
Soo       Very good. I just remembered what you said about you wear white bodysuit to respect others. What occasion did you wear the suit?
Caya      When standing in front of a crowd of people, I talked about how to create harmony in the galaxy. It was a huge, concert hall like circular auditorium, gathered by all different races from other galaxies as well. I emphasized the role of mothers to bring peace and how we all can move forward. I reported how things were going, how we could get this place to be good enough for children and asked for help.
Soo       You said all different races, what do they wear?
Caya      All white body suit to show respect.
Soo       Oh I see, were there only mothers present?
Caya      Fathers were in the assembly too. We have responsibility, a need to serve everyone, and we are all keeping the world together peacefully.

Pablo Picasso

When Jason was in the spirit world, learned the lesson and purpose of the life which he viewed, he was chuckling.

Soo          Why are you laughing?
Jason      My guide is here.
Soo          Oh? Can I speak to your guide?
Jason      Yes.
Guide      You can talk to me.
Soo          Thank you! So you be able to answer questions that Jason has?
Guide      Yes.
Soo          By the way, do you have name?
Guide      Pablo.
Soo          Thank you. How did you meet Jason?
Guide       I was drawn to him.
Soo           What was the thing that drew you to him?
Guide       Creativity.
Soo           Have you been always his guide?
Guide       Only this life.
Soo           The Pablo who I know is Pablo Picasso.
Guide       That is I.
Soo           Oh, pleasure to meet you! I appreciate your painting. When I was little, I used to paint your paintings. I read your paintings are selling at very high price.
Pablo       No consequential.
Soo           Meaning?
Pablo       It does not matter. Painting gave me a joy, so I did it.
Soo           Do you have a whole lot of people guiding in spirit world?
Pablo       A lot.
Soo           Are they all humans who you guide?
Pablo       No, other beings too. Whoever calls for my help.
Soo           So, you are very busy?
Pablo       No.
Soo           Can I address you as Pablo, will that be OK?
Pablo       Yes.

image courtesy of

The conversation style of Pablo was brief to the point. He helped heal all Jason’s physical discomforts, answered all Jason’s questions, and he introduced Alpha Centauri.

Soo           Why Alpha Centauri?
Pablo       That is his primary home planet.
Soo           What is Alpha Centauri?
Pablo       It is a nearest galaxy from your galaxy.
Soo           I believe he was born in some planet of Alpha Centauri then?
Pablo       Yes.
Soo           Could you tell me more about the planet?

Then, he explained what the planet is, the name of the planet is beyond what human tongue can pronounce (though Alpha Centaurian use symbols to recognized the individuality and I even asked him to murmur the name, but he couldn’t pronounce), and what Jason worked at the galaxy. And he added the galaxy is in the same universe as our milky galaxy, has millions of planet, some planet has life, some, not.

The features of being in the Alpha Centauri have humanoid form. They are taller, much taller than human, have greyish brown skin, and eyes are slightly bigger than ours. Eyes have different colors of green, blue and violet. They have no hair, and have 4 (four) digits.

They are in the 5th and the 6th dimension and they are highly evolved. Obviously beings are populated, so my interest moved into their reproduction system.

Soo           How do they produce children?
Pablo       By thoughts they manifest and they create more readily than humans. They require female and male, both parties collectively manifest, then ask for a spark. It is spiritual reproduction. Require no gestation period. It is an instant birth. It starts from a child, so soul can learn.
Soo           What is the 5th and 6th dimension like?
Pablo       Thoughts manifest reality instantly. It takes no time, no space. You just focus and manifest more. You cannot manifest anything harmful. Fear & hatred will never manifest. Only love transcends all dimensions.
Soo           Pablo, I am just curious, how do you know when someone asks your help?
Pablo       When they call, I sense it.
Soo           Recall your human experience, could you tell me what it feels like you sense the need?
Pablo       It is like when someone is looking over you, you feel the sensation they are watching you.
Soo           Oh, so it is a vibration you are drawn into?
Pablo       Yes.

Thank you so much Pablo for your wonderful work!