Love to Fulfill

She is tall, beautiful and her long brown hair is flowing with the wind, so lovely…  We laugh, and laugh.  I feel like I am in the pool of happiness.   I am 18 and have soldier crew-cut and I am about to leave for the army.  This is our last evening together.  We go for a walk near a ferry, eating street foods.  You know what those deep-fried foods taste like.  They taste really good.  I love how she is so fun and positive.  I want it never ends, and I am feeling so happy.

Now I know it is the time to say goodbye.  I hold her hands and tell her I love her.  She says “I will wait for you”.   It is so nice to hear and I know she is so genuine for saying so.  And yet I cannot make any promise.  Deep down I know I will never come back.  It is such a memorable and fun evening, also sad because we are not going to see again.  This only I know. 

Now I am in 30s, and I make myself an ace military man.  My commander trusts me and I trust him.  My commander calls me alone in his office, and gives me an order: a special task to accomplish with my guys.  I am in charge. 

He knows that I am the guy who gets things done.  Task has to be done, has to be done.  After the meeting, I go to a bar, drink alone, feeling numb, and go to bed.  It is just another day.  I am just like a robot, that is me.  I do not feel.  I do not make myself to feel. 

I am down somewhere.  I find myself alone in darkness.  I have light in my hand, and looking at something.  I am walking around in a big empty container.  This container feels metallic, gigantic in size, I am still inside looking around, looking for a door to get out.  Now I find an opening and out, seeing a vast desert, just sand and nothing around.  Air smells fresh, and it must be near sunset, because the surroundings all seem reddish.

I feel disappointment, don’t know why yet but I have no fear.  But feeling not safe, I hide myself behind a big rock.  This rock is huge, feels warm and I can totally hide. It is good for now.  I sip some water from a bottle taken from my military backpack, but feel no hunger.

When the day break, I see a car coming with soldiers.  I am still behind the rock.  They are not my ally.  They have some very sophisticated weapons, and wear masks.  I notice there is bleeding on my right leg, I am wounded.  I cannot move anymore.  I take a belt out, buckled it around my leg to stop the bleeding.  Now I feel scared.  Now I know, all my guys got killed and the mission failed.

Looking down from the rock, I see so many enemy soldiers there are! I want to cry, and I know I’m going to die.  I feel that I never got to love and wasted my life.  All of sudden I remember the girl I loved.  I see her face, her laugh, her love (at this point, tears streaming down and sniffling).  I should have been with her!  What have I done all these times?  The life of fulfilling missions only, nothing else!  I did not find anyone to love in my life!  What a waste!

I gunned to my head, killed myself.  What’s the point!  I thought about maybe I should not, but eventually they will catch me, interrogate, torture and kill me anyway.  Why go through it when the end looks so evident!

The life that has been viewed shows the client what is the purpose of this life:  to love.

In this current life, the ace military man is an attractive successful woman and the beautiful girl in the past life is a handsome successful businessman.  As in the past life being a highly skilled task master, in this life also, she has been the key person and highly respected in the organization where she works as well.   In one business function, they met and as they say “don’t know why, something pulls” to each other, since then they have never been apart.

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She came for a session why a baby is not coming to them though they have gone through many artificial insemination efforts.  “She will have a baby within two years”, her Higher Self informed her.  Now her worries have been lifted, for she will have a baby who is the fruit of their love.  Finally, the love that should have been enjoyed in the past life is going to be fulfilled in this life.

Three Hours in the Birth Canal

This session makes me wonder whether it is good to remember past lives or better to forget and have a clean slate to try again.

Mom had gone through 33 hours of labor.  The last three hours, the baby stayed in the birth canal, simply refused to come out.  So finally, doctors had to use epidural and forceps to take him out.

Mom told me the son has been riddled with all sorts of inflammation and issues such as OCD, ADHD, Lyme disease, unwarranted fear and many more.  Now being a 9-year old, he thinks he knows all and does not need to go to school.  Voluntarily he decided to quit the school.  He has extreme fear of going out, or anyone visiting them.  Mostly he stays in his room to be away from people.

I asked his Higher Self (HS) let us know why he behaves this way and how to correct it.  They said in the past life he was a powerful emperor but a tyrant.  He did not treat people nicely. He used the power against people, hurt many. He was drunken high with his power.

He came to this life to help many to correct his past wrong doings. He asked for this experience how to feel to be weakened with so many discomforts, because in that tyrant king life, he had too much power. 

He will be helping thousands and thousands of people by first learning overcoming himself by going through the experiencing of healing, and he will be helping people who have similar suffering.

His resistance to come out of the birth canal was that he recognized all these souls of doctors and nurses whom he killed in previous life, and was afraid of being killed by them when he was out.   

His behavior of running to his room and hiding was also coming from fear of being killed by these visitors coming to his place, also because he recognized these people he killed and mistreated them in that life of the tyrant king.

Another of his controlling behavior for the certain way he likes doing things, also due to the fear of being killed, this loop of fear-based thinking also removed by his HS.

It was an eye opening for Mom to recognize this past life information of her son, now totally understanding of his behavior. 

Her relationship with this boy was very loving one.  In one life time, he was her dear husband who they deeply loved through their entire life.  When her husband passed away by accident, she lost all desire to continue, so in that life she died in sorrow and depression.  Now in this current life, they came back as Mom and son.

His memory of the past life of hurting people in that life was deleted, for His Higher Self (HS) decided it served the purpose, and no longer requires to keep it in his memory.  Of course, his physical issues were also healed, and repaired along with trauma being stuck in the birth canal for three hours as well.

Mom is to watch him wanting to go out more is a good sign of recovery and entire healing will take about one year to complete.

Mental Issues

Mental issues commonly come in the name of depression, bipolar, anxiety, fear, suicidal, PTSD, eating disorder, schizophrenia, intense resentment and more.  I have had clients with these issues and had opportunity helping them on all of the above except schizophrenia.  For, my teacher Dolores Cannon taught us not to work with people who have schizophrenia, because of the inability to distinguish between “fantasy” and “reality”. 

Presently in society, usual methods of dealing with them are by prescription drugs and counselling, and most often they really don’t seem to be much of help.  Thus, I was pursuing more understanding and solution on the issues so I addressed questions to one of the client’s HS.

HS      Modern medicine, the way that the mind is viewed is very different.  Mind did always these things.  Different cultures handle mental issues differently from western world, as some cultures see them as blessing and see that there are hidden treasures.  But some of them have spurn out of the control because the western world in the ways of dealing with them.

HS      For example, schizophrenia.  This is well known in your world, and this is well known in spiritual world as well.  This is the person who sees many realities at once.  Do you not see many realities at once?  If you are spiritual, you feel many realities at once.  However, you have provided yourself for the training in a way to hold this capacity.  For many who live in these realities, where this training was not possible, so the spirals continue down and down to take over their life until they finally witness the world in which they were meant to.

HS      These mental health issues, you have found the ways to hold them better.  Some will need drug intervention, none of these things can be cured that if they are far gone.  They are not meant to be cured; they are meant to be lived with.  However, that can be debilitating if they are not harnessed and seen for the truth of what they are.

Soo     But, the world is having trouble to understand these people.

HS      Yes, because they are seeing them as a problem, instead opening the world up to allow them to be who they are and where they are.

Soo     How can we help them?

HS      Witnessing the people’s truth for what they are.  If you meet these people and you feel fear, are you really meeting them?  Or are you able to witness them in love as you should with all people.

Soo     It is very difficult to deal with them.

HS      Yes, your society has trained that to be so.  It is trained that the difference is seen as bad thing.

Soo     How do we better care for them?

HS      The simple answer is be with them.  Being with means you are not trying to fix them. Being with means holding space for them to be who they are.  They have not had much of this in their life.  They are meeting the next person who is trying to fix them again and again.  Even they themselves are trying to become normal.  They are trying to fix themselves.

Soo     Yeah, because we don’t know much.

HS      And in this reality of the world, there must be some fixing to some degree which why you see them taking medication.  It is not a bad thing.  To live in this world as it is now, that is possible.  Maybe in the future of this world, they will not need that.  Because many people will not be fearful of them.

Soo     So when you say hold a space, what do you really mean for us to do?

HS      Be curious about their experience, and validate their experience.

Soo     But, when we don’t know much of this kind of thing, how can we validate their experience?  Because what they say, things sound weird.

HS      Yes.  You may ask them what do they believe them to be true.  For them living in this world, they feel anxiety.  In this anxiety is up here because they are torn between what they believe is true and what is reality.  But they cannot fix themselves from this anxious place.  They must feel grounded.

Soo     How to be grounded?

HS      You must be grounded first.  Then you may ask, witness them what they experience.  They don’t want to feel crazy, and they do not want to feel judged as crazy.  They know this well for themselves.  They need us to hold ground for them, and say whatever their feeling at this moment is OK, that we are there with them for what they are going through.

Soo     It takes tremendous maturity to hold them in that space, and validate them.

HS      Yes, also they may not have enough time.  You may not fix all of their problem.  They have life time of hurt to heal.  You may not heal it in a moment. But by giving them love and hope in one moment, they may give them love and hope for themselves to go to the next.  You may only do so much now.

Soo     Nowadays, so many mental issues and viruses are present, I wonder if Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) has any relationship with mental issue?

HS      No, many people who have mental issues have the virus, but they are not partners exclusively together hand in hand.  Some adversely got affected by it. Some are born to have mental issues.  Some are born to be spiritual healers.  However, for example, some person grew up in a family that is very catholic who does not want them to be the spiritual healers, when you are turned away from the truth from the very young age and you know that truth at very young age, you will feel crazy.  Because your reality has been ripped away again and again by people who should love you.

Soo     Most of us are gone through many dysfunctions in every culture.  Because that, damage has been done already early on, so this child goes through life of anxiety, sadness, anger, fear, resentment and helplessness and so on.

HS      Yes.  Much of this hurt is passed on as culture, and became history.  We must rise above the culture that hurts us and our loved ones.  Culture is important.  Culture gives spiritual practices.  Culture gives us grounding, and gives us history from where we come from.  It is a beautiful thing.  Art and beauty spring forth from it.  However, you see in many families, they say we yell each other to show their love.  This is culture being passed on.  But it is hate, and hurtful, and it needs to be stopped.  Even some cultures love their family only so close, loving anyone outsider is seen as bad.  This is also bad.

Soo     Is mental issue more now than before, or is it because due to social media we get to hear more, or we have better understanding of it now?

HS      Yes, there are many factors in it.  Mental health issues can be seen as spiritual teachers coming here and failing.  There are more of you on this planet as well.  The more of you, the more spiritual teachers need to be.  The Universe will keep on sending more spiritual teachers until some of you take a hold and live in your truth. Sometimes it does not work out in one life time, which is why we are seeing so many more mental health issues.

HS      World is in the form of decay, there are many more waking up, but there are just as many and even more so that are remaining in sleeping.  However, there is a group in between these two.  These people who wanted to come to this world to wake up.  However, for life circumstances or for the world, they have been forced not waking up, so we live in this reality where they cannot be true.  Which is why we are seeing this more and more.

Soo     So in fact it is more and more.

HS      It is more and more because there are more of you, and there is more need of spiritual teachers and leaders.

Too Greedy

“Too lonely” she wrote to me.  She wanted to know why she’s been feeling so alone in this world.  With that one simple question, she booked a session. 

A tall, beautiful woman walked into my place on high heels.  It was noticeable her being on high heels, because it was right in the middle of cold winter. Usually people wear winter boots with heel or not. A strong sense of exquisite femininity permeated from her entire being.  She gave me a big hug; a loving gentle feeling was there in her hug. 

While Monique was talking about her experience with her family, friends and relationship with guys, the main theme throughout has been a lack of love.  She gave much love to others, yet nothing she received.  Very early on she knew she was a female though born as a male.  Her family sensed the difference in her, her religion regarded that as a sin which made her feel shameful so she profusely prayed to God to forgive her sin and heal her.

In the trance, her Higher Self (HS) showed no past life of human, but only some experience as energy being.  We found out later through her HS that she had no human life therefore there was no human life to review; and this current life is the first time on the Earth, probably will be the last one for her.

She was an energy being on Sirius A worked as an energy healer and still she goes there every night as her true self.  She volunteered this life to help and to have human experience.  One of the extremes was to go through operation of removing the male organ out of her body, and create the female organ.  Because that, there was much trauma she experienced.  Obviously, our human technology is not here yet really making that transition as smooth as would like it to be.

Soo       She was too greedy.

HS         (Big smile).  Yes, this life she wanted to learn human life as hard as possible, two lives together, man and woman.  She will be very busy, learn lot of things in this life.  It will help her consciousness to evolve quickly to come back to Me, the Source. 

Usually people take one gender, go through life but in her case, in one life she wants to experience what is like being as a male and female.  In spirit side, all things appear so easy; it looks only a blink of an eye for a huge lesson we can learn; naturally easy to add assignments piling up on the plate.  All in one-shot kind of plan.  Sometimes we get too ambitious, it is so easy to get carried away.

Soo       She feels so much anger, frustration, depression, lack of confidence and fear.  Could you tell her why?

HS         It is all because she doesn’t know what the human conditions are, no knowledge to cope with them.  Nothing wrong with her.  Simply that; lack of human experience.  We ask her do lot of detox.  Be it water fast, fruit fast, do more cleansing.  Right now, she has too much toxins in her body.  Eat more uncooked vegetables and fruits; avoid meat; chicken is fine if she wants. 

Soo       She wants to do astral projection, could you show her how to?

HS         Pineal gland relates to astral projections.  There are toxins in and around her pineal gland, she does astral projection but she cannot retain memory.  Once it is all cleaned from toxins, she will be able to retain memory of astral projections.  So detoxing is priority for her.

Soo       You talk about her being energy healer at the Sirius, so what could you suggest for her to do here?

HS         She is wise, good person, and has lot of knowledge.  She is a healer.  She will heal human, anyone.  Soon her superpower will be activated.  Do healing as she desires.

Soo       So when do you see her power being activated?

HS         Soon, as soon as toxins in her body be removed, she will feel the energy.  She is like modem, connecting her with Us and bring the energy to the Earth. 

Soo       Wow!  That is so cool!

A Reluctant Higher Self

Chang is in his 50s and has a successful career and happy marriage.  Life is generally fine he feels, but some of his body parts are not fine with him.  Responsible position at work and long hours of dedication certainly contributed him with stress, no doubt.  No matter how insignificant of any job it may seem, stress is prevalent in today’s world.  Such fast-paced change of technology and life style, everyone is in a rush to go ahead, or just to keep up with it give ample adrenaline rush.

His main physical discomforts are prostate enlargement and gall bladder inflammation.  His prostate has become enlarged, which makes his walking quite uncomfortable and awkward.  Also gall bladder issue has become such; his medical doctor told him that it has to be removed, otherwise his liver will get affected as well.  His desire is to obtain healing, of course not losing his organ at all if possible.  He hopes contacting his Higher Self (HS) and asks for healing would be greatly appreciated: his main reason came to see me.

This session shows how all Higher Selves are different in their healing approaches and their views in human bodies.  Usually we expect them rush to help us, and get rid of any difficulties that we have, not so as you will find soon.

Finding the “why” is the most important first step to achieve any healing.  Once we understand the “why”, then we can find the “how” and “what” to solve the issues.  So, I asked his HS the “why”, which is the origin of this prostate enlargement.

HS      He works too much and too fast.

Soo     I know he has been working a lot, but what are you trying to tell him?

HS      We‘ve been trying to tell him to slow down.

Soo     Slow down? How?

HS      He plans to do too many projects to build, modify, improve in such fast pace, his body is having difficulty to keep up with.  He has to learn to rest and slow down.  Life is not all about doing so many projects.

Soo     You wanted to give him message to slow down in that way?

HS      Yes, because his walking is uncomfortable, he will have to slow down in his walk that eventually will make him slow things.

Soo     Good plan!  Now that he received your message and understood, could you repair his prostate to normal size?

HS      He can live with it as it is.

Soo     What do you mean?  You mean, is it OK for him to suffer like that?

HS      We can reduce a little.

Soo     When you reduce a little, why not reduce it all the way to the normal size now?

HS      We are working on it.

While the HS was working on it, I asked if it was OK to explain to him how the HS was healing, and the HS explained.

HS      We are normalizing the hormone, now it is shrinking to the normal size.

Soo     Are they now all to the normal size and functioning correctly?

HS      Yes.

Soo     Thank you so much for helping him, he will really appreciate your help.

Once his prostate has been healed, I asked the gall bladder inflammation to the HS.

Soo     What were you trying to tell him with the inflammation?

HS      Eat slow and don’t eat when he is in stress.

Soo    I remember him telling me that he ate fast and left the table in a hurry at many stressful situations.

HS      In stress, he just gulped down the food and got angry for the situation.  Gall bladder got all angry at him doing that and it is showing him by inflammation.

Soo     Then, could you relieve the inflammation for him?

HS      It is too far gone.  It has to be removed, no other way.

Soo     I beg your pardon?!  He has to lose the organ?

HS      Yes.

Soo     You are his Higher Self.  You can eliminate the inflammation and make the organ normal.

HS      It is too late, we cannot do it.

Soo     There is no such thing like you can’t do it!  Higher Self can do anything.  Nothing is impossible!

HS      We are working on it.

So, they eliminated all inflammation, and his gall bladder also got saved and that will result no more stomach cramping since bile from gall bladder flow normalize helping digesting fat.

I asked the HS how they healed it.  They explained; they healed it with bright white light to eliminate the inflammation.

When I informed the client that his gall bladder was saved, he was elated! 

Wing Scouts

Dwayne found himself walking on a dirty gravel road wearing baggy brown pants with green shirt.  When looking down he wore brown boots with growing wings which enabled him flying out anywhere on his command.  In his black backpack, he had a few birds that he protected them from.  Of course, sea captain hat on his head was necessary part of his outfit as well.  When he touched his face, noticeably he wore some facial hair and felt somewhat old, maybe he was a wise old man.

He was just coming back from one mission in the tropical land to teach people how to make furniture, use tools, to cultivate crops.  He has been traveling all over the world and galaxies.  Boot wings when not in traveling, they fold back into boots like a magic.  It takes him anywhere he needs to travel.  He got it from his mentor, another wise man, when he passed away, he gave it to Dwayne.  What an honor!

His main assignments are to learn from many wise beings, to connect with other wise beings, to collect information on about the Universe and to teach people with the information of the truth.  Because there are beings try to control other beings, he needs to go in and protect them, let them know they are not powerless, teach them how to embrace their own power so that they are in control of their lives. 

I asked Dwayne to give me some examples of his work.

D           For example, there is a family of woman, man and their daughter working very hard for a leader of the village, in fact whole town people are working for the leader.  This leader makes the town people believe to work so hard and otherwise they would perish.  So, I teach town people they can also become abundant.  I tell everyone in the village, they can be abundant as well.  They don’t have to be the way they are.  The way to become abundant, simply ask the light when they plant the seed, look to the sky, ask for blessing of light to grow their food abundantly.  So that children and parents have plenty of time to play, and laugh.  I go around all different places, where I see people get cheated their income, and things, or over taxed for protecting something they need not protect.  I see there are lots of dishonesty everywhere.

S            You have been doing that all these times?

D           Yes, I have done this so long, I feel it is time to pass my wing boots to somebody else. I am looking for a strong young man in late 20s to early 30s, who has pure heart.  I keep an eye open to that person. 

S            Have you had any luck in finding one?

D           Yes, I found one young man in my vision, and went to meet him in person.  He is tall, has wavy brown hair, and wearing Greek clothing.  We recognized instantly.  He is curious, runs to me and I know he is wise.  I tell him lots of truth, and he is very excited to be mentored by me.  I teach him how to spot the dishonest ones who take advantage of people.  He is very excited to move forward.  He is sad because he lost family and alone.  But I let him know that this actually works for his favor for a reason where there is no attachment to one family and one place.  Since he likes nomadic life, that’s even better quality to be suitable for this type of work.  I gave him my boots to try.  In the beginning it was not going very well.  He needed to trust his mind, since boots being operated by his mind.  He understood and eventually he got a hang of it.

S            So what do you teach him?

D           I teach how to spot the patterns.  When we go in the village, spot the patterns, see auras in abused people.  what to ask of being taken advantage of.  People will explain what the truth is, we find it otherwise.  Look for muddy lime green auras, they are the ones of being taken advantage of.  Taupe, the muddy gray color is the bully, the ones taking advantage.  We have to be careful not get caught by these taupe ones in order for our mission to accomplish.

D           Bad guys don’t go willingly, actually they need to be vanished, vanish with loving compassion with firmness.  With love, not with resentment, nor retaliation.  Once we inform the taupe ones to the bounty hunters, they come bound these taupe ones in light. We are not the one to do the physical with taupe ones.  Bounty hunters come in blinding light on vehicles much like motor cycles and they bound the bad guys with light which is almost like poison to immobilize them.  Bounty hunters bring the taupe ones to rehab centre to incarcerate and to get them rehabilitated in villages where old wise cultures that will inform in light and train them in ways of powers of Universe, using loving energy.

D           Eventually, all get rehab, and they all become 100% successfully rehabbed and they get sent to different villages.  They have different jobs, some have manual labor, they mentor young men how to do manual labor, plant the seed the power of doing good things.  They are just mentoring how to grow crops, work with metals with the power of the Universe. That makes everything powerful.  It does not matter what you do, you do that with the power of light.  Even taupe ones were also mentored by their family, they were learning from their elders, they were innocent. 

D           The light multiplies, gets bigger, food tastes better, crop grows bigger, this wave is beautiful.  This wave of energy that goes with the light, they cannot see, but they feel.  It makes them laugh and happy, almost childlike euphoria.  It becomes just fun, not work.  Wave of light, where everything is perfect.

S            Beautiful!  Now what else is happening?

D           My student, George comes with me while I am wearing the boots.  We just appear at a new village.  Testing him.  He has been great, keen learner, slow with the wing boots though.  Interviewing people, assessing auras, go to midwestern town, walking along, the student says what he sees. People who are not being taken advantage of, they have vivid, intense, strong aura of red, blue, yellow, oranges, forest green.  Easy to pick lime greens.  He is checking everyone’s aura.  We do not necessary to talk with vibrant auras, but sometimes talk to them to get some information.  George sees somebody with lime greens, he interviews this guy, really far gone, his farther, and many generations before him got taken advantage in business.  We tell him the truth, and they tell us what’s going on, where those taupe ones come from.  His family been milking the other one.  One family against another.  I have to review the rules with my student.  I let him know that our job is to identify them and call the bounty hunters. 

D           Three or four bounty hunters come for one taupe person, if more than one, more bounty hunters come.  We cannot see them.  They have bony face, almost like Martian in blinding white light.  We can hear the revving sound of motor cycles and they come very quickly, swooping down, take them in bondage and take them to rehab centre to be taught by evolved elders.  Our job is to find taupe ones, either retrain the whole village, or the lime green ones. Keeping stability in the Universe, it is a full-time job.

D           These evolved beings are in the very specific place all over this planets, or other planets.  They come together group of evolved beings of light.  It is in their best interest to evolve them, so that they invigorate others.  Victims don’t have the power.  This reinvigoration brings their vibrant aura, and sometimes they stand for change to recreating the pattern of victimhood. 

D           They used to be bitten down, learned helplessness, used to be taken advantages of, put down, crops being stolen by, and theirs were very little left.  As part of reinvigoration, they need to retaught or taught, stand in their own power and in the light.  They reach to the stage to forget what is like being a victim, and completely release from that.

D           It has been an honor, real honor.  Will carry on, this work is too important. I gathered so much truth and information.  I will have to mentor my student more so that he gets his own boots.

S            Please tell me what happened when George got his boots.

D           Finally George got his boots!  He got introduced to elders in the rehab place.  They initiated him, so that he gets his own boots.  They get it from elders who are one of rehab centre where it brings wisdom and light.  Elders know most of the secrets of the Universe.  Feeling proud, George is beaming ear to ear.  Now I am relieved knowing one more being is doing the scouting out the bad ones, and the victims.  So many planets, Universes, there needs to be more scouts.

S            So what was it like your last day of that life as wing scout?

D           Job well done, time to leave and I am surrounded by the all the other wing scouts whom I mentored, and others are saluting me. It truly is an honor.  Nobody is crying, they are displaying honor to work with me, being mentored by me.  I see somebody is running to the front wanting my boots, beaming and excited.  He is a real keener.  He will do well.

This was Dwayne’s past life he had some 3000 years ago.  Now fully knowing what kind of power and understanding he has through reexperiencing the wing scout life, he will no more be under anxiety, depression and doubt that he has been.  He understands clearly what is his life purpose.  Dwayne is charged with enthusiasm and confidence moving forward in this current life.

Soul Branches

The Higher Self (HS) of one client said the client and I came from the same soul branch.  I was very intrigued, so asked questions.

Soo     What do you mean from the same branch?

HS      You two came from the one of the four branches.

Soo     How many branches are there?  Do they have 4, or 5, or any number of it?

HS      There is the one singular trunk, one soul of the Universe.  That soul of the Universe is the Universe.  Knowing yourself, there is aloneness that comes up.  You ask “am I alone”, out of that question, there comes more questions.  So, each of these four branches, new question that singular soul asked out, thus creating many realities that we have across the Universe.  We are all from one big Source, out of that Source, four main branches of the Source, each asked different question at the beginning of the time.

Soo     What are they?

HS      Who am I, am I me, who are you, and who are we?

Soo     So, every soul belongs to one of these branches?

HS      Yes.

Soo     So you are saying the client and I came from the same branch?

HS      Yes.

Soo     Which one is that?

HS      Who are we.

Soo     I wonder why did we ask that question?

Then we had a good laughter together.

Soo     OK, so I imagine there is a huge trunk as the Source.

HS      I am that I am, is that main branch.  That is the Source, the true Source where we are all from.

Soo     So, metaphorically that is a big trunk.

HS      Yes.

Soo     Out of that, four branches came out.  From there more branches out, that’s why the whole world is so interesting?  Isn’t it?

HS      Yes, we are all different manifestation of that question.

Soo     Wow, those simple four questions brought out so many branches!

HS      Because the Source wants to know Itself.  To know more of Itself is to ask more questions to find the truth.

Soo     Just like what we are doing?

HS      Yes.  There is an infinite amount of questions, and infinite amount of truths.

Soo     Wow, the Source is genius!  Infinite questions, infinite truths…  So, questioning of what is the truth is not really a correct question, isn’t it?

HS      No.

Soo     I really have to understand this.  Could you explain that again?

HS      “I am that I am” is the main branch, the true Source, we all are from.  Out of that came four branches.  We are different manifestations of that question.

HS      Originally there were two branches asking “who am I” and “am I me?”  Then branched off two more questions.

Soo     Who am I question branched out to what though?

HS      “Who am I” branched out “who are you” and “am I me” branched out “who are we”.  Those questions split off to infinite questions.  Those original two questions still need to be answered.  These questions happened instantly, all exploded at the same time.  The concept of us, the idea of light beings and light bodies were all created instantly.

Soo     So, you are saying we belong in the “what are we” branch, how did we end up to that branch?

HS      (Big smile…).  This is the part of the branch is most curious about questions about the universe.   We are the pioneers, always asking questions about what are we in the universe.

Soo     Instead of singular, we always have concept of plural questions. We always ask what are we questions.  So, when we ask about Soul family what does it really mean?

HS      That means those four branches, for some it means even deeper than that.  There are many branches, you can go deeper and deeper, some soul family connected on the same little twig, each asking different questions budding a new leaf, expressing itself.

Soo     I noticed some client came from the same soul family.  Their lives are repeating with the same member of the family life after life.  Just changing the role of it.

HS      Yes, they are asking the same initial question.

Soo     So, there is some organization in there.

HS      Yes.

We had a good hearty laugh while satisfying more curiosities with many more questions.

Black Knight Beings

Out of many questions, Andy mentioned a curiosity on the Black Night beings at the last minute before he was lying down on the bed for the trance.  He saw this spacecraft when he was a child, and a few years ago again.  His Higher Self (HS) said the first time was to invoke his memory of his past life.  The second time was to remind him again for his mission.

His HS said they are from Epsilon Böotes, also known as double star Izra.  I noticed from the star map, it is in the same constellation of Arcturus.  Also, we can see it with naked eyes in the night.

According to his HS, this spaceship has been there from ancient times to watch over the Earth and help earthlings to evolve.  The HS kindly told me, in-spite of my repeated requests to impart more information on the Epsilon Böotes, “not this time”.  For the reason apparent to them, I had to respect their wish.

The HS mentioned, Andy also has the same ability as Tesla, however he did not work on it as Tesla did.  The signals keep coming, appears no one seems to be knowing of it at all.

Great fortune came to me recently, for the HS of another client has more information on the subject, I am truly thankful for it.

Soo     What is it?  Is it shuttle, satellite or spaceship?

HS      It is a shuttle.  They are curious beings across the universe.

Soo     So how many shuttles going around the Earth?

HS      We have 42 shuttles now.

Soo     Why are they shuttling around us?

HS      They are collecting information.  Humanity is going through big transformation of light now.  Their evolution took different path, they live in secrets, while we live in our fullness.  They do not mean us any harm.  However, they respect their privacy.  They don’t wish to be known where or what kind of being they are.

Soo     Have any human contacted them, or went up to their shuttles?

HS      Yes, some of us humans witnessed them. They don’t wish to interact with individuals who are deeply connected with the light.  They wish to examine those who are close to the darkness who have not opened to all the possibilities that universe may offer them.

Soo     Please tell me more about them.

HS      There is a lot of love that they have.  They live in mystery themselves.  The humans who connected with them also live in mystery and they are also not connected with the rest of the universe.  They themselves shroud themselves in mystery and darkness.  This dark shadow connects to the shrouded humans, for they believe these shrouded humans will eventually evolve to be enlightened and to be filled with the light. They are curious to see these humans before that happened.

HS      They do not see us as humanity as separate, we are all connected in linear manner, some are close to the enlightenment, some are farther away, they know light very well.  They choose to protect their secrecy.  It is all part of the same cycle.

HS      So, it is not connected with the universe to use it for harm.  They are benign and enlightened beings.  Some of the human born here is their first cycle.  Some of them have been born but chose to forget.

Soo     What form or features do they have?

HS      Folks on the shuttle do not wish to present themselves at this time.

Soo     What kind of material do they use to build their shuttle?

HS      It is the earth and their powers of minds.  Oh, I see them are slowly revealing themselves to you and me (client’s HS).  They have more trust with your question.

Black Knight Being drawn by the client

HS      They have one big horn coming out of flesh head backward.  They have heads, arms & legs, big heart, and yellow eyes.  They are very curious, and they look like chameleon.

Soo     Oh! are they part of the reptilian race?

HS      They are not aligned with the reptilian race.

Soo     What kind of technology do they use?

HS      They use their heart.  Heart is beautiful piece of technology to connect with their own planet in such a way, they are one and this earth, they can manipulate, travel across universes, and galaxies.  They have been here millennia.  They know how to reach enlightenment.  They have seen cycles many times before, they are more curious helping those who are further away from the light, and help them move more quickly to enlightenment.  They are more interested in those who live in darkness, so their frequencies more match with those who are less enlightened. Their specialty is to help those in darkness, help them come out of it.  They are here to support us.

Soo     What kind of data do they collect?

HS      They are also at many other planets, collecting similar data, sharing them out with universes, collecting data around species like ours who are far away from light to move quickly to reach enlightenment, so that they can be forces of good.

Soo     So are you saying they are enlightened?

HS      Yes, they are enlightened beings.

Soo     Where are they originated from?

HS      They are showing they are coming out of darkness in the universe, very associated with darkness itself.

Soo     Why are they called Black Knight being?

HS      It is from the saying of black night of the soul, you must transform through to become more enlightened.

Soo     Who named it that way?

HS      Us humans named.

Soo     What is their name of the race?

HS      It begins with Tr…, but do not wish to give out the name.

Black Knight beings, I respect you, and your wish to remain in hidden.  My deepest appreciation to you who lifted the veil a little bit more today, so that we can understand a little bit more about you, why you are here, what you do for what reason.

You are curious beings and so are we.  This is mutual quality we both share.  If whenever you decide to reveal more about you to us, you are more than welcome.

Thank you very much Black Knight Beings for your share!


Sara called me asking if I could help her brother, Tim.  Apparently, Tim has been using all kind of drugs and alcohol for the past 25 years.  He went for the rehab many times, failed each time to be free from the influence.  His family was desperate to help him end his addictions.

Due to the experience from some past clients who used to use drugs, which I found out the information did not filter correctly because of the brain got damaged from it, I suggested if Sara could come instead, and have a session to heal Tim’s issue using surrogate healing.

Surrogate healing is a great way of achieving healing done by the Higher Self of a person who can go under trance for another person who are not able to go under.  Many healings have been obtained via this way, a method taught by my teacher, Dolores Cannon.  Sara was excited, for there is a way to help Tim since she has never taken those stuff.

When Sara was under the trance, her Higher Self (HS) saw Tim’s body was covered by sort of thick mesh like net from his head all along down on the back.  It appeared like he wore some sort of cap on his head, thick backpack on his back with heavy cement like block attached on, which made his backache a constant companion. 

This mesh like net was attached, so that reptilian can attach and influence on him.  When Tim was a teenager, he saw some dark energy coming.  That was the time when this reptilian energy came and attached to his body starting to influence Tim’s energy, to a negative way.

look of the mesh on Tim, sketched by Sara

The HS of Sara removed the entity, grabbed and pulled off the mesh like screen over his head, shoulders, and the back that allowed the attachment, removed the square blockage from the back as well.  The screen, which was placed with the consent of Tim helps entity attach on him, so entity can latch.

Many light beings surrounded the table, laid him on light table, pumped him with light.  Now he can stand, be free from this heavy burden, to become himself with full potential.  There was the joy and celebration!  Tim was so happy that it finally got all over!  All light beings patted his back for completing tough job well done saying to him they ”are proud of him!”.  He has done what he needed to do.

It was hard, hard challenge, and was difficult.  He knew he came to the Earth with this challenge, to live that way under the influence.  He needed to experience of all that so that he would know how to free people when souls stuck in thick addiction to offer help.  He would know instinctively what and how to do it because he has been in the trench, so to speak.

He gained the knowledge, has an ability to release human soul from reptilian influence and be able to aid to the Earth ascension.

Now Tim is free from all addictions.  It may take a while the energy immerse into this reality in human body.  He will notice huge improvement within a week starting to feel positive domino effect of the healing.  Never again require to go to the rehab.  Reptilian attachment drove him to all that addictions. There has never been any danger to him, always he was and is protected.

I wondered if he had any reptilian life, to that the HS said “no” and he is a light being, never incarnated as human being as well.  This incarnation is his first here to experience reptilian influence.  He wanted to learn how reptilian influence works so that he can remove them.  He will work on energetic level, getting download, once he has, encoded, understood, instinctively know how to work.  If they are caused by reptilian influence, he has sympathy and empathy. 

In order to complete Tim’s healing, I called His HS to get clean bill of health and his HS said there is no brain damage.  His HS found his feet required healing.  The issue came from heaviness in his feet trying to move away from the reptilian energy.  His feet got healed with blue light and with white light for proper circulation to increase blood flow.  All healing completed.  Now he is ready for light work which is his life purpose: just help.  This means also he can enjoy his normal life basking and working in the beauty of the nature, and love from his family.

Fainting Spell

Ram has had many fainting spells since little boy.  It has been a huge concern for the family when he goes out.  For he fainted many times on the school ground, on the streets, and even on the stadiums.  Many fainting gave frequent visits to the doctors, but not one doctor gave him the explanation of the cause of his spell. 

Life was no fun after that.  On certain point, he decided not even going out altogether, of course that made him reclusive.  He lost his interest in pursuing academic life, rather sought the career in working alone.

His gentle and peace-loving nature with his love of being alone always makes him seeking trails of parks and naturally treed areas.

During the interview, he talked about his Mom was gravely ill when he was very young.  That shook him up greatly he said.

As like epileptic seizure, too much energy usually causes people faint, perhaps Ram’s case was from overloading energies in his brain might be the cause of it as well, but what kind of overloading.

All knowing Higher Self (HS) was waiting for the questions.

Soo     Could you give us some insight what was the cause of his fainting spell?

HS      Imbalance of energies is the cause.  His mind was very open to spirit world as a child.  Absorbing too much for a little body, so he fainted.  Many energies in a sense becoming imbalanced, within him.  Another word, conflicts within him making him imbalanced. 

Soo     What was the conflict you are referring to?

HS      Feelings he felt, such as fears, literally just thought of them, the possibilities of things, some more than others.

Soo     What kind of fears?

HS      Fear of loss.

Soo     What kind of loss, may I ask?

HS      Loss of loved ones, family.  Worrying on a loss daily basis, worried about losing around him. Worried about the future.

Soo     Where did this fear of loss come from?  As far as I know, this life he has every member of the family alive.

HS      It happened before in other lives in the past.  In some life, losing those close to him, it was hard for him to continue living.

Soo     Isn’t it how it is designed that we live together and depart one day?

HS      Yes, he does not want to live without his soul group. It was hard for him.

Soo     So what would you suggest for him then?  As his Higher Self, you know what is best for him.  How can he be free from feeling that and live life fully?

HS      We will rewire his brain to eliminate all that from his brain. 

Soo     Thank you for doing that!  What would he feel after rewiring done on him?

HS      He will realize he doesn’t really lose them.  And just feel happy what is, rather than what maybe.  It used to be that everything in this life he related has no values, rubs his happiness and pleasures. He lives in the past, and in the future. That weighs him down.

Soo     If there is any lesson for him after rewired, what could it be?

HS      He needs to wake up every morning, be grateful everything he has NOW.  Not to stress about what will happen in the future.  Find happiness in NOW.

His Higher Self said now that his brain got tune up, his mind is like a new computer.  He could feel more thoughts and feelings better suit him.  Old computer is gone.  He will feel calmer, and will have feeling of better connection with people around him.