A Star Traveler

From the moment when Taku laid down on the bed, his body started in a motion of something. Barely a few minutes into the relaxing words that I used for him to totally relax and ready to visit a past life, Archangel Metatron announced himself that he is “here to help Taku and I am his Higher Self (HS)!”.

So, I asked Metatron that; can he answer and heal all of Taku’s requests, he said “Yeah sure, carry on”.

Soo        Why he has so many bumps on his lymph nodes?

During the interview time, when he complained of so many painful bumps on his body. I did check ones on his head with my hands, just to find out how it felt like. Indeed, they were hard and quite big enough to feel. Taku had to leave his work because some of those bumps really got big; it even interfered to his walk for work as well; too young only in 20’s to have so severe disease. With his diet, he reduced them to the manageable size recently he said.

HS         Why lymph nodes? All the drainage for toxins, if we place where he could notice to a degree so severe, he knew he could have died if he did not fix them. Pain was necessary, he wanted to know what it is like.
Soo       He asked for it?
HS         It is his first time on the Earth. He wanted to feel what is like being a human. Human body and mind are foreign to his soul. He asked to feel what is like to know to be a victim and a perpetrator. What it feels like to be compassionate and have empathy. He lacked the human feeling.

Then Taku started crying.
Soo        So you feel like crying?
Taku      Yes, I need to purge with tears!
Soo        Sure, let it all out.

He howled, cried to his heart’s content. It was short, intense and loud! Then Taku said it was “good for now”. I did encourage to purge more but he sure said it was “OK now”.

Soo        Metatron, please continue explaining.
HS          Him being first time here, he kept feeling pain, but could not feel grounded.
Soo        How can he ground himself?
HS          He needs to eat meat for grounding.
Soo       What kind of meat, do you suggest him to take?
HS          Venison, elk, the sweet meat. About 20% of his diet should be meat and the rest, vegetables.
Soo       Why he needs to be grounded. Are we not all grounded?
HS          His energy is too light, too high for the pain.
Soo        You said it is his first time being on the Earth, where has he been?
HS          He is from stars.
Soo       Stars? Which one?
HS         All of them. He is a traveler. He doesn’t have a home. He is a star man.
Soo       What has he been doing while roaming around?
HS         All sorts of trouble shooting, singing and dancing.
Soo       What kind of trouble shooting?
HS         Technology trouble shooting; and doing healing and teaching.
Soo       So then why is he here?

I was thinking to ask to the HS if he was a “volunteer”, before I even mentioned, Metatron uttered.

HS         He is not a volunteer. He did not want to come. He got asked and reluctantly came.
Soo       What is his purpose?
HS         He only came in last year. We had many troubles for him to enter.
Soo       Please elaborate.
HS         He is a walk-in. The energy of the host body was way too dysfunctional for the coming energy, after several attempts we only made it last year.
Soo      So the experience of being bullied when he was in teen was really an imprint.
HS        That’s right, that is a memory of a memory. Imprints connected to other people’s lives, so that he can identity other problems.
Soo       Now that he’s got all memories of memory, what is he going to accomplish in this life?
HS        To heal the Earth from inside out, down to deep, deep to ancient civilizations.
Soo      Which one?
HS        So many of civilizations there are. It is very subtle. Beings don’t want them to be known. He will harness the energy from all stars, heal the Earth.
Soo      Wow that sounds so huge! A whole lot of work is ahead of him.
HS        Oh it won’t be a huge work for him. He is a trouble shooter and with this sacred healing done now, within a few weeks, he be ready to fly on a surfboard!

Mind you, the movements and sounds of healing done by Metatron only ceased with one big long exhale when I thanked and said good bye to Metatron. It was a non-stop wild healing ride!

With Taku’s endeavor, we who live on the Earth are truly blessed being able to enjoy beauty and bounty! Thank you Taku!


The way I understand of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is, it is an autoimmune disease that our body’s immune system attacks our thyroid. This is a friendly fire!

Connie has experienced all those common symptoms of underactive thyroid gland: fatigue, feeling cold, regularity has been compromised, losing hair, gaining weight, piercing high pitch ear noises (different from frequency rising so many people are experiencing nowadays), and because all that she has been depressed for a long while as well.

She also has compromised immune system from birth and has been susceptible to virus. Chronic tonsils, and chronic headaches are her common companion to deal with from early on.

Her understanding of having Hashimoto’s is that she’s having Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) which affects her thyroid, and recently she found eating raw vegetables helping her condition.

When I saw her, her hands were all red, swollen; skins were brittle, ready to be peeled off or looking raw as if it has just been healed. Itching drove her scratching so much so even during the night, she does not remember when she ever had any good sleep. As a result, she has been always feeling tired and sleepy.

According to what information available nowadays, the EBV stays in the body and dormant for a long while. Then it may develop later in life. Which made perfect sense for Connie; because it occurred in her 30s when she had the first child; then she noticed her body went like a wild fire with this virus eruption all over her body.

It is always best to find out the core reason of the disease and obtain healing from the Higher Self (HS) of a client.

Soo        How in the beginning, Connie acquired this Epstein-Barr virus?
HS          Virus came from her mom. Those days of her mom’s time, people used DDT regularly for insecticide, even children played with the mist of the chemicals. They did not know what it did to their bodies. It has damaged water, soil, air and all the nature. These evil toxins passed on to the baby. Connie was born with toxic liver.
Soo        So mom carried this toxin in her body and transferred to her baby without her knowing?
HS          Yes. This virus cannot survive if she is not fed by family and society dysfunction.
Soo        Please explain.
HS          As we have shown in her past life, it is the same energy what society has been observed: oppressive, mass consciousness of just taking in what there is, seemingly unchangeable and repeated pattern of negative forces. Same energy and pattern are in this case happening inside of her. We showed how relevant the society was with her past life experience. Once she recognizes the dysfunction; correct it, detach from its vibration; she can eliminate this virus.
Soo        How to rise above the society?
HS          Just realizing how to, as in the past life shown; she was given a blue print already how to. The virus cannot survive if she does not feed it anymore. Even though she has been trying to heal herself physically but energetically she was still feeding it.
Soo        Why this virus all erupted at the time of pregnancy and her baby’s birth?
HS          Her body carried extra burden from growing a baby. Therefore, her liver got overloaded with too much toxin and it only had to excrete as much as it can in order to keep the balance.
Soo        Now that she understands, could you eliminate this evil virus from her system?
HS          Yes, we are working on it.
Soo        Could you explain what you are doing while you are healing her?
HS          With pulsation of energy, we are erasing burden: the burden of chain of society; a long line of life experience. We have just erased. No more virus!
Soo        What would she experience after your healing work?
HS          She will experience a huge increase of spiritual and mental clarity; physical strength and stamina. She will be able to breathe much deeper. She will have youthing experience. All her cells are becoming younger.
Soo        Wow! That is so wonderful! So, all her hands and arms are also looked after?
HS          Itchy skin eruption, all toxins were eliminated. We opened and closed all black holes throughout her body; allowed toxins to escape. These black holes are on each energy points. We have to keep the timing correct in order to efficiently operate.
Soo        Why, may I ask these red swollen itches concentrated on hands and arms?
HS          Safe way is through arms and hands. If these toxins pass through colon and urethra; they will burn the organs. Hands can regenerate faster.
Soo        So now that you healed that issue, what would be the effects she would notice or feel?
HS          Itching, and burning will disappear; skin will heal. Inflammation will diminish. It will take 2-3 days, and gradually will improve. Not only liver clears; through her many layers of dermas will also clear.
Soo        In order to eliminate toxins faster, what would you suggest her to take?
HS          Drink more water to hydrate.

When she was brought up to full conscious state, she explained how it felt like when her HS was healing: “Just like laying on a big copy machine, being copied”. When pulsating energy passed through her body from top to bottom, she felt it was likened as a copy machine copied through; a good analogy using our modern-day office tool.

I went over what were the answers for her questions and healings done while we drank tea and had some snack to anchor her down to current life, because she just had a time travel to the past and back.

She had a few bites into it and she looked at me with wide eyes as if she just realized something big and said: “You know what Soo, all itching is gone and there is no more piercing ear noise!”.



Thank you, the Higher Self!

An Unbearable Loss

Ellen was diagnosed having fibromyalgia about a year ago from her doctor. Since then she had been searching for alternative ways of healing instead of taking pills, which caused her some side effects that she did not enjoy.

She came in with puffed face, all swollen joints, stiff neck and shoulder, and experiencing pain all over her body. At the peak of her career and in a deep loving relationship with a man she dearly loves, this pain really did not serve her well. She noticed several years ago, her body started aching from one part, then another, then all over and the pain finally got her full attention. While she talked about her life, I could not help but noticed that she kept shedding tears and was blowing nose for all that hours. Feeling of sadness was overpowering her, which she did not know why, but she said she “just feel sad”.

The first scene where she landed in a past life, she found herself as a healthy young woman standing on green grass wearing an apron, holding a bucket of water in her hand, wearing dark shoes, farmer’s clothes, and a cap on her head. She raised chicken, pigs and growing vegetables. The house was a small hut where she lived alone, cooked with fire, and ate simple foods such as bread, eggs, chicken and vegetables.

After dinner, she enjoyed knitting her blankets and the feeling of peace while knitting gave her tranquility. It was the best time of the day. People from town came to her to trade their wool for her eggs. Wool was the only item she traded. Her outing to town was not often, not only she was busy tending her farm, but also, she felt all her needs were met through her farm products, what she called it, self-sufficient.

Not because she did not want any male partner, simply in that life no man came into her life. The only male visit to her farm was a repairman for her farm equipment. With him, she felt safe like a good brother. No further relationship developed with that man.

Then an occasion occurred when she had to leave the farm, leaving everything behind which she had ever loved. With such a sorrow in her heart, tears flowing down her cheeks, she had to find another place to live. After many days of walking for a long distance and crying, finally she found a place near a lake and settled. She had to build a hut with stones and woods all by herself. It was very hard work, but she did it. There was no one near the lake, and she ate fish that she caught from the lake.

Settled all right at a new place, but the sorrow of losing that farm etched in her heart, there was not a day when she did not shed tears of sadness. Her last day of that life, she felt alone, very lonely, and worn out of living, but not from sickness, readily left. Her purpose and goal of that life were to learn independence, and you can do it yourself attitude, which she learned it very well.

And the time came to meet her Higher Self (HS) to address her physical discomfort of fibromyalgia. I asked the HS why she was having that symptom

HS         Fibromyalgia is created for fear of losing her present partner. The strong emotion came from losing important thing in the past life which we showed it to her, and she is afraid to repeat that loss again.
Soo       I’ve noticed she cried a whole lot during our interview.
HS         Her crying spell is also stemmed from sadness of the past life hurt of losing that farm. She cried a lot in that life and her crying is continuing to this current life.
Soo       But I remember she started feeling pain after some years after meeting her present partner, but not experienced while with another partner.
HS         Her love to this present partner is special.
Soo       Have they had any past life relationship before?
HS         No, this is their first.
Soo       What is their assignment of relationship? Why is it so special?
HS         They are here to help and love each other.
Soo       Then are you saying they planned that way before they came to this life?
HS         Correct.
Soo       Now we know the reason why she got this discomfort, what would you suggest best for her?
HS         It is about time to stop feeling that sadness. She suffered needlessly.
Soo       And?
HS         We are going to heal her.
Soo       Oh, thank you! Please do!

During the time of healing, the HS explained they were healing her with blue, white, and orange light through her entire body from top of the head to down to the toes. They took all sadness, tears, worries, and negative memories from every cell of her body, and threw them to the Sun to burn them to ashes for good. And they replaced all cells with hope, health, love, happiness with beautiful bright orange light.

Several times while I addressed her other questions to her HS, she had to visit toilet to vomit. I offered a bucket nearby to her, but she felt more comfortable to use the toilet. Though there was nothing came out, the healing done by her HS made her feel oozy, nauseated and wanted to vomit. It was all good, a huge healing was occurring that she understood well and accepted gratefully.

The following morning, she informed me that her fibromyalgia gone 90-95% and the second morning after the session, she shouted with joy, “Fibromyalgia is gone!”, then she shared some other good news with me.

Ellen is now moving forward her life with joy and confidence in her heart, and is pouring her gratitude to her Higher Self!

Michael’s Training Ground

Mercury-image courtesy of NASA

Michael, the most favored Archangel, I don’t think he minds me calling him just, Michael.

He has been most called for Archangel to many of my clients. Out of all the Archangels being created for us, why Michael? My clients describe him; he is gorgeous, loving, powerful, has beautiful huge white wings, handsome, muscular, has attractive physique having six packs, tall, understanding, and so on.

Definitely, he is known to us as powerful as well loving Archangel. Some client’s Higherself (HS) calls him the most powerful being other than the Source. And Michael and all other Archangels have never incarnated, and never changed, thus their memory is impeccable, therefore never forget even a tiniest thing. They have always been what they are. Also, they don’t need to do any meditation, or any spiritual practice, since they have always been with the Source. Their whole life is spiritual practice, therefore it comes naturally.

Apparently, there are 268 Archangels according to one of the Higher Self (HS) I have spoken with. I asked the HS to elaborate all 268 in detail: their names, duties assigned by the Source and their beings’ attributes. The HS said this will be the violation of their will and they wish to be remained anonymous. Some of them gave permission to be known, such as Archangel Michael.

About wings shown from the pictures available in the world, the HS said they can be whatever human perceives them to be, depending on which reality person may see. Their true nature is energy which has no shape.

I did ask what their work in broad categories are, since they wish to be remained hidden. The HS said some specialize in protection, love, healing, or creating feelings and emotions. These Archangels dedicate themselves looking after beings from the first to the seventh dimensions on the planet Earth and be seen everywhere at once.

HS         Also he is a frequent visitor to Mercury.
Soo       Mercury?
HS         Yes, the planet Mercury. He trains, and sustains the vibration equilibrium that they have.
Soo       He trains?
HS         Yes, the Mercury is a warrior planet and it is a beautiful planet. It is strong, predominantly has male energy and extremely forceful.
Soo       What else is happening there?
HS         He sets creating the mathematical and precision of the structure. He creates and maintains order of some sort of government level.
Soo       What dimension is this planet Mercury?
HS         It is in the eight to ninth dimension.
Soo       That high?
HS         Yes, they are in the very high vibration.

Now I am looking at the sky with renewed understanding. It is the nearest planet to the Sun, and the smallest planet of our solar system. Who knew that much activities are going on there!

The Dimensions

For my curiosity on dimensions, the Higher Self (HS) of one client lovingly and patiently answered my questions. These are the conversations that took place on that day.

Soo        What is dimension?
HS          Space and time are too constricted on the Earth dimension. There is a limit. Where there is no space, there is no time and no limit. What is happening now here is layered in different places and different times.
Soo        Please explain.
HS          So, mirrors are the best visual we can give you. Imagine, these mirrors lined up one after the other like a domino, you are standing in front of one mirror, you can see through into all of the other mirrors. That is what the dimension we see. There are layers of fabric created by the Source, so that it is less overwhelming.
HS          Everything is created in sacred geometry. They are created as triangles and circles. This is how we understand language, mathematics, and dimensions. Everything is created as simple as triangles and circles. That is the way dimension works. It is not coincidence that circles are continually moving. For example, marbles are round circles which are continually moving. That is dimension continually moving in circles. Each are created in circles and triangles.
Soo        Please give me some concrete example so that this human brain can grasp the concept.
HS          Our good friend Einstein, who is now a guide had once tried to teach this way. If you take a piece of paper, fold it many times, and poke a hole through it. That is the time in how many layers in it.
HS          When you unfold it, there are already holes in every layer of it. Both sides felt the effects of being poked, although holes seem to be in at different places, they happened together at the same time, and you see it in different points. That is what dimensions are.
Soo        So all dimensions are created all at once, but we see it all separate.
HS          That’s right.
Soo        So then what do they contain in dimensions?
HS          All different dimension has particular sounds and colors. Each dimension has each beauty, vibration, language, and tone. That is what reality is if you want to call it that way. If vibration changes, so the color changes.
HS          If you have a glass of water, you see it as one color, and you squeeze lemon in it, color changes. Vibration of lemon changes the color of the water. As dimension changes, so the color changes. Wave of vibration is constantly changing.
Soo        So what are the colors of the Earth you see?
HS          Grey. When the Source is sending wave of colors of white and gold, the Source tries to lift that grey out and replace it with gold and white. That is cleansing. What color changes into is what the Source to decide.
Soo        Please give me some more examples of dimension.
HS          For example, rocks or stones. They are in the second dimension where they feel to be dense, a state of being to just experience and observe. So many molecules are vibrating against, so they are dense. That is not suffocation. It is just the state of being. They know they exist. They have consciousness.

The Dimensions, painting credit to artist Nebulardee

HS          Humans for example, they are in the third dimension where they know they exist and know what to do with that existence.
Soo        Thank you! Wonder how many dimensions are there in the creation.
HS          There are countless dimensions, unlimited.
Soo        How to access other dimensions?
HS          Fastest to access all dimensions is having no vessel, only in spirit. You can access via astral travel, or in dreamtime. Accessible only when spirit shed any shape of vessel. Everything is like water that you can go through, and it is breaking the mind, breaking the matrix that has been created by the darkness. Understand that you can jump from one to another dimension, and able to access all dimensions.
Soo        When people want to access other dimensions spiritually or astrally, what is the prerequisite condition of the vessel?
HS          The vessel’s chakras must be aligned. The Source created chakras, so it can open up to the other dimensions. Like mirrors explained before, all chakras must be aligned. For mathematical reason to the universe to create harmony in the physical body. When not aligned, you cannot walk through. If one mirror is this way, the other, that way, you cannot walk through.
Soo        Chakra colors, are they related with dimensional colors?
HS          No, they are not related with the dimensions.
Soo        There are so many dimensions, you said. Could you give me one concrete example of effect of one dimension to another to solidify my understanding?
HS          For example of purple dimension. Everything is purple, sky is purple, dark purple cloud, breath the air and it is so light. Nobody is there. Looking down, the ground is purple. There are gate keepers sitting in a circle almost like a camp fire and they are of each dimension in globe of energy. I see them in energy of purple, blue, white, gold, silver, and yellow. Council of dimension meets in purple energy. It is like when crown chakra opens completely, that is the base of dimensional chakras where dimensional keepers are on this dimension and they have keys of each dimension to open up each dimension.
HS          Imagine surgeon opens up your friend’s brain and her brain is giving off this purple energy. Inside that purple light is being reflected into those marbles, all these gate keepers sitting in a circle, those marbles are feeding off of that energy.
HS          They take that energy of that light and they project that light into each dimension, their own light is like a mirror, so that their light goes through them and reflects them into their dimension.
HS          When that light is reflected into each dimension, that light is also sent back to the Source through the cosmos into the universe and to other universes. The Source is being fed with that purple dimension with these energies. The Source gets report. It gets fed by the energy we send and reporting. That is why it is so important this dimensional council sends energy to galactic council, to all universes, and all send to the Source.
HS          So, the Source gets information, the Source sends us all out so that we can get information so when the Source feeds, and the Source gets expanded and light expands. And more light is giving off, more energy.
HS          That is why the shift is happening. Because the Source is giving off more energy, all councils are all getting together and witnessing the shift. It is almost like a door is being opened, allow the light to come through, when the light comes through, there is no more darkness. The energy is so much, that is why the shift is happening. The Earth has no choice, but to expand into shift.
Soo        Thank you, it is very neat system. Then, is that the purpose of having dimensions?
HS          Going back to the Source is being part of everything, no more learning, no more questioning, no more doubting, no more of anything. And no more reporting back. You know that you exist and all existing everything is one. It is vibration that you know all, it is an experience. When you look at something, you don’t feel any difference than you, you know that it is you.
Soo        So at the moment of shifting on the Earth, what is the short-term goal? I know you explained the long-term goal which is to go back to the Source.
HS          People have doubt, they don’t believe. But this expansion is opening up their hearts, minds, souls and third eyes. We are always walking in heaven. It helps people being in love. Then we no longer get angry, unhappy, since they understand .
HS          Our lungs are being expanded in love. The shift causes people live in heaven here and now, instead of them believing they can go to heaven only after they die. We breathe love, and this pushes any darkness that we create, and it gets completely evaporated and gone.
HS          By realizing who you are and why you are here, in regular day, being a regular worker as secretary, doctor, mother, or sitting at home trying to figure out what to do, by them giving off positive energy, they realize they live in happiness.
HS          By opening crown chakra, they realize their life purpose, which is love.

Thank you, the Higher Self!


Like Sunrays

We hugged when Celena walked into the door. I felt her back was all soaked. I was thinking maybe she carried her backpack in this weather made her sweat. May be the weather was too hot for her…

Celena was exuding love and soft, beautiful, caring feminine quality. Her quite demeanor, ever attentive to other people’s needs and soft-spoken voice made me pay more attention to her expression while she talked about her life. Definitely, she could make an excellent partner and mother, if she decides to be.

Some female has this tom boy style character. Yes, they are very gentle inside. But outwardly, they behave with wild, tough kind of demeanor. But Celena, she was a symbol of femininity to me.

She expressed sweating problem as well as feeling cold whether it be winter or summer. She did not know why but she said, she’s had these symptoms as far as she remembered.

In the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session, this is the interview time, where client talks about his/her life for the first time in this life perhaps. Think about it. When have you ever talked about your life in detail to anyone, and you have compassionate and skillful listener in front of you? Rarely. This is the time you do that.

After she viewed some of her past lives, and it was the time to address her physical discomforts to her Higher Self (HS).

image courtesy of mariafresa.net

Soo        Celena has been sweating in winter or summer. May I ask why?
HS          She is being sensitive,  she takes other people’s energy in. Sweating represents in to her physical.
Soo         You mean to say, her taking other people’s energy makes her sweating?
HS           Correct.
Soo         What about her feeling cold?
HS          That’s the same thing.
Soo         Meaning?
HS           Either sweating or feeling cold is the same physical symptom of other people’s energy trying to penetrate her energy.
Soo        Why is she taking them in?
HS          Her energy protection is not strong. Her energy needs some protection.
Soo        How?
HS          We need to draw a shield to protect her energy from others’ trying to seep in.
Soo        Could you do that for her?
HS          Yes, we are doing it.
Soo        Could you tell us how you are doing it?
HS          We are drawing a big circle large enough to wrap around her body.
Soo        And then?
HS          We draw rays going outward like bright sunrays radiating out.
Soo       So any specific color is involved?
HS         Yes, we draw everything in yellow, bright, bright yellow.
Soo       Like a sun?
HS         Yes, just like a sun.
Soo       Why radiating out?
HS         So nothing can penetrate in. It will keep her safe, like the Source keeps all safe.

Departed the Red Sea

The following information came from one of my client’s session of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT).

Moses walked the Earth three times: once as master Ling, the other as a disciple Ananda of Buddha, and as Moses. Each time he came to teach about the Source. That, this life on the Earth is all illusion. Our object is to learn about the Source and we go back to the Source.

image courtesy of Stand Still Designs

The movie “Ten Commandments” portrayed Moses with a rod; the long rod appeared very special. With it, all supernatural phenomena occurred. One of them was departing the Red Sea.

Soo         What was the rod? Did he really carry the rod? Any special rod?
HS          Yes, it has special power in it, the special power given by the Source and it has connection with the Source.
Soo         He departed the Red Sea with his rod, was there any specific meaning of departing the sea?
HS          Yes, the special power in the rod was used to unite Oneness. The water thrown up into the air, and everyone walked through to get to the other side. It was all illusion. Everything was illusion, and that was what Moses tried to show.
HS          Bondage was illusion, you are from the Source. If you truly believe in the creation of that Source, then anything can be manipulated. Moses became alchemist at that point, although he was in human vessel, he had to show them his reality, and what they wanted to see. So that the Sea parted to every single one’s eyes. And they walked through.
HS          They have the ability and knowledge to destroy the illusion. They have the sight of the light of the Source. It was the light they saw, it was not actual sea; the physical sea coming apart. Everything here is illusion. At that time illusion was broken.
Soo        Those Israelites as said in the Bible, were they special people?
HS          No, they were not special people. A group of volunteers to be who they were and would spread the word that there was one Source. Those people agreed to be in bondage, and they volunteered to be tortured, sacrificed in order to send the message.
HS          Yes, the cruelty of human was beyond imagination. However, the learning was to embrace the one Source. Although, the message was misconstrued.
HS           Tablets were, again, not symbols for them of what not to do.  For example, thou shall not covet thy neighbour’s wife etc, and there were more than 2 (two) tablets. Those tablets were the codes of how to live in the essence, how to bring close to the Source. Again, that was completely misunderstood.
Soo         I think I read somewhere they said Moses went up to heaven in a chariot of fire.
HS          (Big laughter for a long while). There was no flying chariot of fire! If the soul is fire, yes, that was who he was.
Soo         Sometimes I read some highly advanced yogis, they ascended heaven in chariot of fire. Was it something like that?
HS          The vessel of Moses became consumed by his essence, after while he had to go to the Source, as he thought that he had accomplished what he set out to, when the Source said it was time to go back to, then yes!. All of him was consumed by the Source.

Back in those days, the means of transportation were chariots, soul became one with the Source, the intensity and size of the Essence were so bright and huge, eyes of spectators of that time could have thought it was a chariot of fire.

The Antenna Beings

Antenna being of the Jupiter drawn by the client

The planet Jupiter is huge from where we look at it, and very noticeable with that distinctive Red spot. Violent storms and activity of gases are wild and furious, it is easy to gather living in that environment is impossible and unthinkable.

These speculations are from the perspective of the third dimensional being, having dense body which feels cold, and heat to a minute change. Further speculation goes to that it is impossible even to imagine living in the planet where temperature goes up thousands of degrees in the day and plunges down to minus several hundred degrees in the night.

Each planet has its level of vibration, where there is vibration, there is life, and there is existence. Energy has multi-dimensional existences. Therefore, when the planet has beings in very high vibratory level, living in that environment of the Jupiter can be very comfortable to them.

The Higher Self (HS) of one client said that the dimension of the planet Jupiter is extremely evolved, and they are in the 9th and the 10th dimension, while we, on the Earth are in the 3rd, 4th, and the 5th.

Beings on the Jupiter do not have humanoid form, but have forms in brown sandy substance, their heads are very large like satellite dish with antennas. Each being has colorful energy of rainbow waves around its form. They are extremely intuitive, highly developed, but secluded beings. They have receptors to universal consciousness, pick up on telepathy from other places. They are encouraging our planet, but they prefer not to be involved. And yet they like to know what is going on.

Beings on the Jupiter feel so much for the Earth, watching and praying for us. When the Earth has destruction, they cry, because they feel the vibration of destruction. When that happens, they send light back to the Earth. Each one is trying to extend their energy onto the Earth, so more people on the Earth can shift to the higher dimension.

They are so saddened that the Earth has been stuck in low density for so long, they are cheering for the Earth to evolve. They are so peaceful beings and highly psychic. There are healers in the Jupiter. And they see everything more with the 3rd eyes. Their arms are like sonars. All of them are standing up, sending healing light to help heal the Earth. Indeed, they are healers of our solar system.

I asked why they pay so much interest to the Earth. And the HS said they consider this solar system as one, therefore, they try to heal every planet. It is like when one finger gets hurt, it is hard to function as a hand. Every planet tries to sustain to balance, and this effort moves further out to other solar systems of the universe.

Our one tiny action creates ripple effect to the other planets, to our solar system, to other stars in our Milky Way galaxy, onto another galaxy, and so on. This shows how we are truly intertwined and influence on each other.

Further the HS elaborated the entire creation as one huge tapestry woven by billions of tiny threads to form a colorful living, breathing being.

Cleanse Your Chakras

There are more chakras than the seven (7) we normally are aware of. According to the Higherself (HS) of a client, there are 12 chakras. And the following information is from that session. Five more chakras are going down further from the root chakra to the bottom of the feet, grounding to the Earthly realms. The spirits roam around the Earth, they are still living on the Earthly realm, we can see them when our chakras below the root chakra are open.

image courtesy of thesecretofreiki.com

Some other literatures show, there are more chakras going upward from the crown. However, this discussion deals with 12 starting/ending from the crown to the feet.

1st chakra it is the 2nd dimensional chakra, it is underneath of the feet in dark color, almost black.

2nd chakra near the ankles, where we start to walk, in more see-through black color.

3rd chakra at knee, carries burden in mixed color of brown and black.

4th chakra at thighs, and color is brown slowly turning red. This chakra opens dreams and sights. And clairvoyance starts opening up from this chakra.

5th chakra it is between genital and thighs, between the legs. It is karmic chakra where remembering karma starts opening up. Color is turning more red.

6th chakra it is root chakra. The color is red, darker than red if influenced by the 5th chakra. Usually people feel back pain, comes from emotional carry over the karma which we are not willing to let go of it yet.

7th chakra it is sacral chakra. The color is orange and stomach is the organ influenced by this chakra.

8th chakra it is solar plexus, and the color is yellow. Diaphragm is the organ influenced by it. This chakra deals with karma, past life, emotions such as feeling of hurt, pain, anger etc.

9th chakra it is heart chakra and color is green, where love resides.

10th chakra throat chakra, color is blue and deals with speaking truth with love.

11th chakra the third eye, and is indigo color.

12th chakra the crown chakra and color is purple. This chakra opens messages from Higherself and guides, and the Source.

The HS continued.

HS         Human vessel has to be aligned and centred. For spine to do that job, but the energy within also has to be balanced. If the current in a battery is not going straight through the battery, it could not be charging properly. If the current is erratic, then battery would be erratic and would not be functional. Hence the chakra stabilizes energy within the vessel; it aligns so that it is centred. Whenever it is clogged much like clogged pipe, it has to be cleaned so that current is freely flowing. It must be cleared so that the light from the Source comes down through the chakras. Often solar plexus and stomach area are having problem because people have difficulty to let go of their emotions. So these areas are cold, not warm due to the chakras are being stagnant. The light must go through without blockage, as we are moving from the 3rd dimension to the 4th to the 5th, chakra under feet are in the 2nd dimension must be in light to be in the 3rd, so we can be elevated.
Soo        Are all chakras in different dimension?
HS          Chakras are all in different dimension, when it goes up to the crown and beyond, it opens up to another dimension, and to other portals. If you open up from the crown, the Earth energy flows above, opening each chakra to enable to sense. If that has held in one of the chakras, blocked chakra is preventing light flowing to all other chakras. When opened, light will move through, we can live life in love, which opens different dimension.
Soo        Which chakra is the fastest way to open all the others? Is there such a thing designed?
HS          Opening the 9th chakra is the easiest and fastest. When heart opens up, we speak with love, we know that we are all one, and are the part of the Source. We can see through third eye with compassion, we will evolve on.
Soo       Why chakras are all in different colors?
HS         Chakra has different color. Chakras are relationship of communication, are vibrational thing, which means of association. Each vibration emits different message. For example, like rainbow, due to different vibration we can distinguish between other.
Soo       What about chakra stone cleansing on the market? Are they working?
HS         If handled with good intention they will work. The most effective way of cleansing chakras are: Visualize the light from the crown flowing to your feet down all the way to the deep core of the Mother Earth and bring the flow of the light from the Earth to the crown and make it become one, then you see the alignment. Repeat as many times as you can. This exercise will help your spine and chakras become aligned and in light.
Soo       Doing chakra cleansing, do we get our karmas cleaned as well?
HS         It is quiet not that simple. Karma cleansing is to face to face owning up to your responsibility of your action and accepting with love and compassion.

A Crocodile from a Far, Far Away Galaxy

David was disoriented for a while because he could not identify himself readily. He smelled something musty, dirt, and felt wet in a dark place. Then I noticed he stretched two arms out like a person rowing oars pushing backward. I was concerned for him, wondering what was happening. Then he said he did not feel like a human, but felt like a weird crocodile. Finally, he realized himself as an old male crocodile.

S         What are you doing in that musty wet place?
D         I am just lying in the cool place, just resting.
S         What are you seeing and feeling around?
D         Watching. Just watching what is going on around. There is nothing to do, but just rest and watch.
S         What are you watching now?
D         Watching the water. .. There are two (2) kids on the shore playing. Just watching them play.
S         How is the water?
D         It is clear, very shimmery water.
S         What do you do other than watching?
D         Just swim around and find something to eat.
S         What do you eat?
D         Eat fish. What I can find. Turtle.
S         How does the turtle taste like?

As soon as I asked that question, he had a turtle in his mouth. I saw his mouth wide open, caught it in his jaw, chewed twice, gulped.

S         You only chewed twice!
D         Well…

As if well that was enough to gulp it down.

S         How is the taste?
D         It tastes raw, meat, wet, crunchy some.
S         Do you often get turtle?
D         Not often, it depends when I get a good meal.
S         Where is your wife?
D         I don’t know. I used to have many. When I was younger, in different places.
S         What happened to them?
D         Not too many of us are here. They choose places to go.
S         Any friends?
D         No, I am ooooold. I like being alone. I don’t want to be bothered with any. I just want to rest.
S         What do you learn by observing?
D         Learning to slow down, need to slow down. It gives you time to think; think to understand, just this life, just the experiences.
S         What kind of experiences have you had?
D         To fight what I want. If I want female, I have to fight. If I want food, I have to fight. You have to be strong to get what you want.
S         Have you been a leader of your pack?
D         Yes, I was a leader sometime. Sometimes you walk away. It is better for you.
S         When did you walk away?
D         You know you won’t win, you move away. You have to learn. Have to know when to fight, when to leave.
S         Where are your babies? Do you see them sometimes?
D         I don’t know. I don’t care.
S         Have you been crocodile before?
D         No, Just this one time, I wanted to experience how I feel.
S         So has this experience worthwhile to repeat?
D         No. It is boring. I don’t want to repeat this again.

image credit to Quora

He said, “Humans think crocodiles are just dumb animal. They are very, very, old beings. They are from different places of different galaxies”. I wanted to know the names of galaxies where they were from. I sensed he was debating to tell it or not, and mumbled for a while, then he curtly replied, “Not important”.